Posted November 22, 2014

I've had so many fails that I've almost forgotten what it's like to play a Mana class and suffer between Manasurges. I guess it's all the same, eh?
I might like Stone Warden better after all, just because they have a cheesy resource replenisher and do a lot of damage while doing nothing for free.
Also, I did think about doing Skeleton Brawler when I unlocked Skeleton because of the stat bonuses. The image in my mind seemed far too ridiculous, though. I went with Cursed Skeleton, but it kind of sucks early and seems like a late bloomer to me. (I went full-on Cursed, not Cursed-lite. I'm paying a huge XP penalty for an extra Generic category I won't have enough points to use well for a long time....)
I think a Skeleton who serves Zigur would be the most delicious irony ever. The animated dead fighting in a crusade against magic. Maybe I'll give that a shot if I ever get around to brawling.
You can use the Spellhunt Remnants quite easily though since as a Skeleton Brawler you have no arcane talents or sustains to disrupt :)