jfamiot: Hello,
When I install the base game on my MBP, all is good. Once I install the additional content, I can't start the game anymore.
Any idea?
I had the same issue with the game crashing after installing the DLC (base game was working fine, after DLC installation I always got an error message about not being able to initialize the image).
I think I figured out a workaround to get the DLC running:
1) Go to your "Applications" folder (or where ever you installed the game WITH the DLC)
2) Right click (or "Option/alt"-Click) on the "Tales of May'Eyal" application and select the "Show Content" command from the pop-up menu
3) You should now see a folder called "Contents" in your Finder window. Navigate your way through the folder structure by clicking on the following folders in order: "Content" -> "Resources" -> "game" -> "game" -> "addons". (Yes there is a second folder called "game" in the game folder)
4) Look for the file called "ashes-urhrok.teaac" in the final "addons" folder and copy it somewhere else (e.g. drag it to the Desktop while holding the "option/alt" key).
5) Go back to your "Applications" folder (or where ever your "Tales of Maj'Eyal" application is located.
6) Delete now the "Tales of Maj'Eyal" application (Move to Trash -> Empty Trash"
7) Reinstall the base game from the DMG file (Open DMG file -> drag application icon to your "Applications" folder or where ever you wish)
8) Right click on the new base-game only "Tales of Maj'Eyal" application and choose "Show Content"
9) Navigate again through the folders as in point 3: "Content" -> "Resources" -> "game" -> "game" -> "addons".
10) Copy or move the file called "ashes-urhrok.teaac" into the "addons" folder and go back to your "Applications" folder
11) Start game. You should now be greeted by a different main menu background and a pop-up box that thanks you for buying the DLC and explains how to start the DLC content.
I have started a new character in the DLC and everything seems to be working properly. However, I have not played for very long (ca. 1 h), so there might be some issues that I am not aware of.
This workaround will not work if the base game is already crashing. As this is another issue