kominikx: On Steam forums, someone has found a workaround for "Salt the Fries"
1 - They have save right before defeating Shodan (probobly entering cyberspace)
2 - Quit game, start new game (probably same diff settings) play few mins (5-10) then reload a save right before entering last cyberspace (defeating Shodan) and both achievements should pop.
https://steamcommunity.com/app/482400/discussions/0/3833171785701833345/?ctp=60#c5514142341093975268 s1drano: I can confirm that this method works. However, there is no need to play for 5-10 minutes. Just start a new game (with maximum difficulty), skip the intro video, and load your save while you're still in your appartment. There is no need to reach the Citadel.
Now I have Don't Forget To Salt The Fries, but I'm still missing It's Over.
I don't have a save from my 3-3-3-3 runs, so I decided to give this a try with my 2-2-2-2 Bridge save.
Can confirm it works. The important bit seems to be that the new game has to be 3-3-3-3.
I started a 3-3-3-3 game, skipped the intro like you said, loaded my 2-2-2-2 Bridge save from the apartment, beat SHODAN, and Fries unlocked.
So you can theoretically unlock this regardless of what the difficulty of your Bridge save is.