I don't believe so. There is a fair number of modules to be found throughout the game, but you have only four trait slots. I recommend using the traits for abilities that serve you throughout the game - things like Cybernetically Enhanced, Lethal Weapon, Smasher, Pharmo-Friendly, Speedy, Replicator Expert, or Sharpshooter. If you take Lethal Weapon or Smasher, then acquiring the other melee ability is highly recommended. Pharmo and Replicator have good synergy, as Pharmo optomizes your hypo usage while Replicator makes it cheap to acquire more.
Cybernetic is recommended if you rely on implants, as having two means double the fun. Speedy and Sharpshooter are a good combo in my opinion, as speedy allows you to move more quickly to dodge attacks, while sharpshooter allows you to dole out more damage. Speedy is also good for hiding, moving quickly while crouched, and synergizes with melee as it shortens the amount of time to reach an enemy to make an attack.
I recommend the following builds:
Lethal Weapon
Cybernetically Enhanced (use one slot for Agility)
Once you have both a Agility implant and Speedy, then you could crouch and still have a good bit of speed. Great for keeping your profile small and staying hidden.
Replicator Expert
Lethal Weapon, Speedy, or Cybernetically Enhanced
Keep in mind that Pharmo-Friendly and Replicator Expert are especially important if you go the PSI route, as you need Psi Hypos to replenish the energy needed for your powers.
Post edited February 14, 2013 by Sabin_Stargem