GeraltOfRivia_PL: Is system shock 1 scary i want to know if i should be careful going into that
There's no jumpscares per se. But shodan will play tricks on you. Deadly tricks sometimes, however if you take precautions like saving and finding the restore bay on every possible level then disabling the cyborg conversion you will have ample room to explore and die with no significant lose of time.
I love SS1 more than 2 so I wholeheartedly recommend you give it a spin again. Just remember to put it fullscreen, use "e" toggle to switch between #D aim and interact mode.
System Shock 2 is more scary. You will learn to hate chimps screaming or the sound of turrets activating. The many are disturbing and their talk while searching for you can get under your skin.
Similar to the treatment of enemies on Bioshock this are but victims of a parasite infestation.
There's also Ghosts apparitions so if you are scared of ghost.. well this are the type reliving their final moments..
Let's not talk of MidWives.. *(
Overall I recommend you try 1 since is less scary..