It "just worked" for me. What video hardware/drivers are you using, and which version of wine? Also, what does ">uname -a" output?
osce: I remember having to kill DXSETUP.exe during install because it was hanging at "Installing DirectX 9c" or something. Maybe that was what's causing the problem.I have proprietary nvidia driver 440.64 for GTX-1050TI using kernel 5.5.9 in Fedora 30, using wine-staging 5.5. I have a lot of games working even if I kill DXSETUP.exe during install.
Now that I know it should work in wine, I'll try to troubleshoot on my setup first. Thank you for the helpful response!
PS: it looks like I need to override some native version of d3dx9 and d3dcompiler, since the error messages I get are mostly Error in vertex shader, d3dcompiler:compiler_shader HLSL shader parsing failed, and memory:67:22 error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER.
I'm using Wine 1.8.3 and 3.3.9 and didn't have to override anything. Perhaps you might have better luck compiling an older version of Wine and running the game under a new Wine prefix. You can make a shell script to run the game that makes it easy.
cd /path/to/SYMMETRY
WINEPREFIX=/home/user/oldwinepfx /path/to/older/wine/binary/wine ./Symmetry.exe
Something like that. Save as a text file, mark it executable and try it. Sometimes older Wine versions work better with certain programs. You may have to reinstall the game with the new Wine parameters
Another thing you can try is enabling/disabling GLSL, which can get trouble programs working sometimes in a pinch.
Hope this helps