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Hi there!

Inspired by Door Kickers' random mission generation, I've decided to utilize the quick mission system offered by SWAT 4 to accomplish something similar. While the maps, of course, can't be randomly generated (only randomly selected), it still provides a large variety of missions to play with no need of creating them yourself (and thus knowing what to expect most of the time).

Enter the SWAT 4 Random Missions Mod!!PlVlBaaK!3ZeUCIeyBSD-OjGxmMZZYtmejvN83U6GSDP6Lve_HAE

Its premise is simple. Whenever you launch The Stechkov Syndicate expansion pack (via an included launcher), a package of 10 randomly generated missions of varying difficulty will be created (and replace any previous such package) and random mission scores will be reset (don't worry though, all other missions, both campaigns and quick missions, are safe). You can then play them by choosing the "Play quick missions" option and selecting the "Random" mission pack. They should also work just fine on multiplayer.

As a side feature, launching the game via the included launcher will skip the intro, just like the -nointro command line argument.

I don't feel like uploading the mod to ModDB and I haven't found any dedicated SWAT 4 modding sites, so I am just uploading it to my MEGA drive for now.

The file has no viruses whatsoever (though this is EXACTLY what I'd say if it had a virus) and it should be impossible for it to do any harm to your game or computer, but just to be on the safe side, I don't take any responsibility for anything at all.

The mod includes a readme file with details, a Galaxy INFO file for those who want the option to launch the game with the Random Missions Mod added to their Galaxy game menu, as well as a backup Galaxy INFO file in case you want to uninstall the mod or something.

Hope you enjoy!
Post edited October 17, 2017 by Taro94
How difficult would it be to make a mod for an in game mission timer for the OG game and expansion? Game might have some more solid speedrun potential if it can be integrated into the end game screen.

Like one that starts when the first frame of the mission is rendered? And shows up on the end screen?
The MEGA link is dead, could you possibly re-upload the mod? This sounds really cool but I can't find it anywhere else.
W3ZZ: The MEGA link is dead, could you possibly re-upload the mod? This sounds really cool but I can't find it anywhere else.
The bad news is, I don't think I have the mod in its original form anywhere on my PC.

The good news is, I expanded it to create a bigger mod, which I called SWAT 4 Infinite, as unoriginal as that name is.

Even if you're not interested in any of its other features, you can simply generate the mission pack by launching the game with the mod, then copy it to your unmodded game directory.!DpElXaaY!CzBeDbZTI6PAV_esnSidn6z9HHsZjXzUOCLqc6sqKWM

Here is the link and I'll post the contents of the readme file in another post.

Place the "ContentExpansion" folder and the "SW4 Infinite.exe" file in your main SWAT 4 directory (NOT Content/System or ContentExpansion/System!).

Note that the mod requires The Stetchkov Syndicate installed, but everyone probably has it at this point.

OPTIONAL: If you play SWAT 4 via GOG Galaxy, you can also paste the included "" file
to your main SWAT 4 directory along with the SW4 Infinite.exe. Restart Galaxy and the option to launch
The Stetchkov Syndicate expansion pack with the Infinite mod will be added to your game's "Other" menu.

Don't do this if you've modified the info file, or your modifications will be lost, but if you modified it,
you probably know this yourself.

How to launch:

You simply need to launch the SWAT4 Infinite.exe file! This mod uses its own files in all cases where modifications to original game content was required.

If you want to, you can launch the game in the usual fashion. If you previously launched it via SW4.exe,
you will have the same random missions as generated earlier and their scores will not be reset.


The features of this mod include:

-built-in support for more resolutions: including 1600x900, 1920x1080, 2048x1152, 2560x1440

-random missions generated on each game launch (accessible as quick missions in a "Random" mission pack)

-campaign consisting of all original SWAT4 and The Stetchkov Syndicate missions

-five weapons and equipment pieces from multiplayer available as unlockables in singleplayer:
AK-47, UZI, TEC9SMG, Python Revolver and SAWMG - play through the original SWAT 4 missions via the connected campaign to unlock them one by one

-small balance adjustments: reduced non-lethal primary weapons' effectiveness and increased (slightly) the Accurized Colt Rifle's muzzle velocity

-separation from original game files: aside from the random mission pack which will be accessible in unmodded TSS, everything - including campaign progress and mission scores - is kept in separate files loaded only when the mod is launched

-all weapons available to both teams in barricaded suspects: it's necessity more than a feature, because otherwise players wouldn't be able to use the new weapons in multiplayer co-op, but you can still play barricaded suspects without this mod, so it shouldn't be a big deal

-removal of the game intro: just like the "-nointro" command line argument

-new command line arguments: introduced to give players better control over the mod


The mod is more of an addon than a mod, so it's compatible with any mod that doesn't use its own launcher (like this one) in the sense that it does not break it. Other mods can, however, affect SWAT4 Infinite (but don't have to).

Even if you have such a mod with a custom launcher installed, you can make use of random missions by launching the game
via SW4 Infinite.exe, quitting and copying the "Random.pak" file from "ContentInfinite/Scenarios" into your original "ContentExpansion/Scenarios" folder. Random missions are compatible with the unmodded expansion pack.

When playing the mod, you can only play multiplayer with other players with this mod. To play with people without it,
simply launch the game normally instead of via the "SW4 Infinite.exe" file.

Random mission overview:

Mission details are available for each mission in the "Notes" section in the game.
These are the following:

Mission rank - the overall difficulty of the mission, which can be from the highest to the lowest: S, A, B, C, D, E. Which parameter values increase difficulty is rather intuitive, for example a mission in which you are a lone wolf will be more difficult than the same mission in which you'd have a full team. This mission detail is always known to you.

Entry point - one of two entry points, specific to the map in which the mission takes place, where you will begin the mission. It can also be "Any", meaning you can choose the entry point yourself. This mission detail is always known to you.

Number of officers - the number including both you and your subordinates, so it will be at least 1 and at most 5. Determines how many officers will participate in this mission. If the number is 2, the team will consist of you and Reynolds. The next member to join is Fields, followed by Girard and then Jackson. This mission detail is always known to you.

Time limit - most missions have no time limit at all, but those that do will have it anywhere from 12 to 17 minutes. Missions with time limit tend to be ranked S or A. This mission detail is always known to you.

Civilian numbers - the approximation of civilian numbers. Can be "Few", "Many" or "Very numerous". This mission detail can be unknown.

Civilian resistance - the approximation of the average resistance civilians will make. Can be "Low", "Average" or "High". This mission detail can be unknown.

Suspect numbers - as per civilian numbers

Suspect skill - enemy difficulty. Can be low, average, high or can vary. This mission detail can be unknown.

Suspect resistance - as per civilian resistance

Suspect primary weapons - can be handgun, shotgun, machinegun or submachinegun. This mission detail can be unknown.

Suspect secondary weapons - can be whatever primary weapons are, but can also be "None". This mission detail can be unknown.

Aside from these parameters, mission variables include the map, which can be any of the 20 original SWAT 4 and The Stetchkov Syndicate maps, and mission objectives. Objectives will always include "Bring order to chaos" and "Rescue all of the civilians". All other objectives ("Avoid civilian injuries", "Avoid officer injuries", "Avoid officer casualties", "Avoid suspect casualties", "Avoid injuries to yourself") can apply, but don't have to.

Saving random missions:

If you want to save a pack of random missions generated, you need to make a copy of "Random.pak" found in "ContentExpansion/Scenarios". Name it whatever you want and place it beside the "Random.pak" file. Make sure to do this before you launch the game via SW4 Infinite.exe again, or new missions will be generated.

Command line arguments:

SWAT4 Infinite supports the original command line arguments and introduces a few more:

"-intro" - restores the intro (which by default SWAT 4 Infinite removes)
"-noreset" - prevents generation of new random missions on launch, which can be used to keep the current set of missions for multiple sessions
"-onlyX" - replace X with any valid mission rank (E, D, C, B, A or S) to make the game generate exclusively missions of desired rank (WARNING: enforcing S-rank mission generation only will prolong the game's launching time significantly)

Important note:

The mod keeps the original files by including copies of some of the files it would normally need to modify. On launch, the original files are renamed to *.bak and the mod files are renamed to take their place.

This is reverted when the game is shut down, BUT in the unlikely event of the system crash, it can be possible that the files would not revert back to original. In such case, launching the unmodded expansion pack would result in the mod's campaign, score and weapon files to load instead. This could potentially cause some bugs.

There's no reason to worry, however, because all you need to do is launch the game via the SWAT4 Infinite.exe file once again and quit it normally for everything to go back to normal.


This mod doesn't really require uninstallation, because it takes very little space and doesn't break any original files.
As such, you can simply stop launching the game via the SWAT4 Infinite.exe.

If you want to uninstall it, delete the "SWAT4 Infinite.exe" and the "ContentInfinite" folder, but make sure that the "Original" folder inside of it is empty first. If it's not, try launching the mod and quitting and then checking again.

If you also copied the attached INFO file, you can restore the original one
by replacing the file with the version from the "infoBackup" folder. You can delete that folder afterwards.
Post edited August 19, 2018 by Taro94
Sorry for bumping this old thread, but holy fug I've been looking for a mod like this for an eternity and now I have stumbled upon it by pure accident.
I'm not even talking about the random generator (although that's nice too), but that it merges the campaigns and gives you the ability to use the improvements of TSS in the base campaign missions but keeps the core gameplay as is.
I know there is the Elite Force mod, but that changes too many things that I don't like.
Wonderful work Taro.
I am equally sorry for bumping an old thread, but I love this mod, and I'd I love to use it with custom maps if possible. Does anyone know what would need to be done to allow the mod to select custom maps as well as vanilla? I've poked around in the mod files a bit but I can't figure out how it selects the maps it uses.
Sorry to bump again, but the other mega link also doesnt work anymore :( does anyone still have it?
buzzybees: Sorry to bump again, but the other mega link also doesnt work anymore :( does anyone still have it?
SWAT 4 Infinity backup, courtesy of clancymcfancy from Discord:
buzzybees: Sorry to bump again, but the other mega link also doesnt work anymore :( does anyone still have it?
SmashManiac: SWAT 4 Infinity backup, courtesy of clancymcfancy from Discord:
thank you so much!!!