Bou85: I'm new to SWAT 4 and can't find out how you are able to program a plan and execute it. To be more specific I'm looking for go codes. How do I perform such thing?
This is not possible in the base game.
If you launch the the expansion, Stechkov Syndicate, it is one of the features added by he expansion. The expansion's main menu has a menu item called New Feature that explains how to use it.
It very simple and only allows you to plan a simple entrence like a simultanous breach of a room
The default key, is ctrl which will have the command wait in the queue before you order initiate. It works with any command. Back to the simultanous breach example, while holding control, issue the order to red to open and clear, then walk with blue team to the other door and while holding control order the blue to open and clear. Finally to get both teams to act in unison, order gold to initiate.