deja65: It shouldn't be tho.There is absolutely no difference in the game files except for the fact that the Galaxy installer comes with the stub version of GOG Galaxy but that isn't located inside the SWAT 3 folder.Double check that ;).Cheers
Well, I'm not sure what the difference would be between the 'unis000' files either, but removing them worked anyway.
To clarify, I have one install (downloaded through Galaxy) of SWAT 3 on my PC. I wanted to play LAN with my brother, so I installed SWAT on my laptop using the offline installer, just to save downloading it again and again. On my laptop, I used the Galaxy 'import folders' to add the SWAT installation to the list. I hosted a LAN game on my PC, which my laptop could see but could not join (red text, data files do not match). On both machines I did the 'verify game files' action, which did not solve the problem. I tried renaming the 'unis000.dat' files on both machines, which did not solve the problem. On my laptop I uninstalled SWAT and reinstalled using Galaxy only, removed the 'unis000' files from both machines and now my laptop can join my PC hosted LAN games.
I agree that the game files should be identical, but it seems SWAT 3 disagrees ¯\_(ツ)_/¯