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I just got the game on GOG and installed it on my XUbuntu 18.04.03 LTS machine. No DLC installed yet. Tried manual installation and Lutris installation methods.

When starting the game, both screens go black for a moment and then back to normal. No game screen appears, but audio is playing in the background. I can't find a game window in the taskbar, application switcher or any other way.
The only message that appears on screen is:
org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
That makes sense as I'm running XFCE, not Gnome.

glxinfo: sprunge dot us slash YrRwir
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Finally found the issue: I have two monitors. Surviving Mars's graphics part crashes when in fullscreen and dual screen enabled. Turning off one monitor allowed it to start and I then switched to windowed mode.