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In my experience, dust storms that last for several days are a death sentence to the colony. If I see a dust storm with severals days of duration, might as well just quit the game.

A few things to help the situation, that would be realistic:

Allow electric and water to be placed underground, away from dust storms.
Allow a setting so that a dome can be "utility" only - let me put power and moisture vapes, and it should not consume power or water or oxygen, since nobody would live there.
Self-repairing pipes and storage. In the real world, we have technology to self-repair. The A-10 aircraft's fuel tanks, for example, will self-repair from bullets.
Large oxygen tank.
Gardens produce oxygen
Emergency shelters - these would be durable, and people can go in there when everything else has no power, no water, no oxygen.
Post edited October 12, 2018 by mpeele
mpeele: In my experience, dust storms that last for several days are a death sentence to the colony. If I see a dust storm with severals days of duration, might as well just quit the game.

A few things to help the situation, that would be realistic:

Allow electric and water to be placed underground, away from dust storms.
Allow a setting so that a dome can be "utility" only - let me put power and moisture vapes, and it should not consume power or water or oxygen, since nobody would live there.
Self-repairing pipes and storage. In the real world, we have technology to self-repair. The A-10 aircraft's fuel tanks, for example, will self-repair from bullets.
Large oxygen tank.
Gardens produce oxygen
Emergency shelters - these would be durable, and people can go in there when everything else has no power, no water, no oxygen.
Re utility domes:
You currently CAN put some types of power generation (solar or Sterling) inside a dedicated dome, and it does not require a water or oxy hook-up. Works like a charm, elaborate to set up, but about the second best form of mass power generation. And yes, it does minimize maintenance. Doesn't work for wind turbines (duh!), or fusion gens.

Be careful to turn off / refuse colonists, however, because they will stupidly try to go there and hang out, and die with adverse rep for the whole colony. Dumb kids! best if you don't even hook them up with passages, just cables.

Also, there ARE breakthroughs that give immune & instant cables and/or pipes.

Finally, site selection for manageable disaster potential is a part of the game.

I agree that garden/park green spaces should have a minor oxy production impact.
I also agree that there should be a larger Oxy tank option. Note however that there is a tech (breackthrough?) that does increase the capacity of oxy and water tanks by 50%.

I agree it would be nice, and appropriate to have some undergound building/placement options, but I believe that they should be incorporated via 2-3 new breakthroughs.
Survival / storm shelters could be one of those. I would expect that they would still have a survival time limit (limited supplies are limited supplies, after all), but would prolong the time for the disaster to pass and the work crews/bots to restore life support functions before the death spiral began.
You can simulate most of this now by getting to more than one dome ASAP, and giving each dome its own oxy installation, and redundant power/water routing.

Re self-repair: If you do not have the immune pipe & cable breakthroughs, get in the habit of placing drone control hubs in chains, where each maint zone overlaps the preceding drone control hub and its associated universal depot. Edit the depots so only the repair essential resources get replinished there. Then the handful of drones associated with each hub will take care of the pipes and cables in their hub zone without micro-management. About 6 drones at most "line" hubs is enough. Yes, it's a little involved to set up as you expand your mining reach, but then this whole game is about detailed planning.