Alright then.
Things I used:
Notepad++ downloaded from [url=][/url] - it makes viewing the safefiles easier. (I have CZ enviroment, will try to guess what the English equivavelnts are.)
Plugins from notepad - JSTool - for viewing JSON files in better format
You could do it with any other text editor, even notepad or something like that. It is just what I used so
1) Download and install (or just unzip the no-install version) of Notepad++
2) Run the Plugin manager from Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager
3) Install the JSTool plugin. It will ask you to restart the Notepad++. As one famous captain says: "Make it so."
(untill the point 4) this will be explanation of what I did)
Now when you run the Notepad++ you can open the json files of Sunless Sea. On Windows they are located usually on your
system_drive\users\"your_user_name"\AppData\LocalLow\Failbetter Games\Sunless Sea\..
First I used the file entities\qualitis.json so when you load it in the Notepad++ it is just a single long line.
Use the menu
Plugins -> JSTool -> Json Viewer
to turn on the side panel to view the JSON tree and then run the
Plugins -> JSTool -> JSFormat
That should format the file from single file to nicely structured. Then in the Json Viewer I looked for "deck" which should give you just one result, If you look for deck, without the " around, it will give you several results. The thing is that most of them are either some event or something (eg node 132) or a weapon (eg node ), You can tell by looking athe value at image and tag. The image will say eg caimpainger2 or the weapon image value will say gun_purple. And the tag is either null or Equipment - Deck. So best bet is to go for "Deck"
The thing I looked for was the node 172, which told me I found Ship Equipment Slot. I made a note of ID for the Deck which was 102966 and then went to look more, this time for the Aft slot. You can find either by looking for Tag called "Ship Equipment Slot" and then cycle through or look right aways for name value "Aft" It pointed me to node 93 and told me that the ID for the Aft slot is 102965 yaaay
4) Run your game, load your safe file, unequip all your weapons (for some reason the game went bonkers with something equipped), save and exit
5) MAKE A COPY OF YOUR SAVE FILE from the folder saves
8) Open the save file in the Notepad++ and run viewer side panel Plugins -> JSTool -> Json Viewer
9) Try to format the code of your save file with Plugins -> JSTool -> JSFormat
(if you switch between files or so, be sure to use Refresh function from the json tool side panel)
10) Expand the node QualitiesPossessedList : [Array] near the bottom in the side panel, It will give you a number of options, search for 102966, that will make it look for the deck, It will be probably the node 8, the ID value should read 102966. Node 9 should have ID 102964, thats Deck slot. If you stripped both Deck and Bridge of equipment, it should look like on the Picture in the attachments. In the main window you should be around line 22458. Both nodes should be virtually the same, except for the AssociatedQualityID value.
11) Copy the text of one of the nodes so eg. the deck slot (simply, duplicate one of the slots)
, {
"Name" : null,
"EquippedPossession" : null,
"Relationships" : [],
"XP" : 0,
"EffectiveLevelModifier" : 0,
"TargetQuality" : null,
"TargetLevel" : null,
"CompletionMessage" : null,
"Level" : 1,
"AssociatedQuality" : null,
"AssociatedQualityId" : 102966,
"QualityName" : null,
"QualityDescription" : null,
"QualityImage" : null,
"QualityNature" : null,
"QualityCategory" : null,
"QualityAllowedOn" : null,
"Id" : 0
in between those two and change the ID from 102966 to 102965 which is changing it from Deck Slot to Aft Slot.
12) Save the file (don't worry, the game should handle the slight formatting change, if not, well you have backup right?)
note: The Forward slot should ID 102968
Let me know if it worked and you managed to add the slots you needed. The second screenshot in attachement is my Steam Yacht from curator with an aft weapon... Now I only have to decide what to do... play vanilla or be an ass and use modded ship... because I like the yacht... but the lack of slots... maybe I will earn some echoes, and then delete them to "pay"
for the upgrade...As a side note under this nodes
QualitiesPossessedList : [Array] -> [0] : [Object] -> EquippedPossession : [Object] -> AssociatedQuality : [Object] -> Enhancements : [Array] you will find numbered nodes, those relate to stats of your ship, Crew, Cargo Hold, Weight, then stat adjustments and Hull, you can usually tell from Associated Quality detail what they are for
Post edited June 29, 2015 by Noir_CZ