Overdose88: I think I know what he means.
I struggle too; and I assume, my english skills aren't that bad. I had the same with the story of Neo Scavenger. Here, it is worse.
Often I can hardly tell if the text in a portsite situation is something one says, an introduction or the result of my last choice.
It's full of slang and old fashioned expressions.
Also the results of your actions are a bit cryptic: I got the mission from an admiral to find informations about a specific port. It took me over 10 minutes to figure out where to look which port is meant. You gain pages and loose hearts, iron and mirrors are required, secrets and veils are dealt... hard for a beginner with not native language skills to come by.
hmmmm.. Topic starter is from UK.. so all these language tricks and cultural references should be familiar to him
i kinda understand what are you talking about (i think)
all these little 'cards' needed for completing (or starting) quests
stories, gossips, news – they are kinda consumable and seem quite random
new (i mean alien-new) concepts of 'whispers', 'bells' wtf.. too much of that
i played for half an hour and i am overwhelmed
more irritated than entertained, frankly speaking
will give it another go, but maybe it's just not for me
which is strange as i really LIKE such games.. Playing Civilization i get the most thrill when exploring the map.. and THIS game seems like it is all about exploring map... But it pisses me off already – even before i died once
also one more thing really bugs me – HALF the text is jus goddam blurry! It's like im in VR with untuned focus... but the OTHER HALF is perfectly crisp. Weird thing