Luned: but I'm debating whether I should accept payment from BB or just tell him to pack sand and not do any more runs for him.
Luned: If I say no, what would be the next best source of Echo flow (besides Admiralty turn-ins)?
Don't say anything at all.
The biggest obstacle to a newbie is those scary success rate indicators. Some actions look like terrible options until you raise your stats to the sky, but the consequences of failure turn out to be minuscule or nonexistent. Other actions look fairly benign ("explore the island") but turn sour really fast (shadowy predator -- very hard Veils or Iron check or your zailors get eaten -- your zailors get eaten, because of course they do -- few crew -- stuck in zee sans fuel -- the end).
HOWEVER: I tried playing the game super fair, but with a lot of knowledge collected over several unsuccessful playthroughs. The playthrough was financially sustainable, in that I wasn't running out of money, but I was running out of things to do: my quests required me to procude rare items by killing extremely tough sea life. I needed a sturdy ship with two headcannons, and it wasn't happening.
THE GOOD NEWS IS: there's a place you can farm for money infinitely given a set of very specific circumstances. I raked in 140k. It took a long time, but I was pretty pissed about the price tag on the NPC I planned to screw.
Don't bother with a will, WILLS ARE DUMB SHIT With a will, you don't inherit the money directly, you inherit the lodgings and discrete deposits of $1000. The easiest powerup for all your future captains right now is the current one raising a kid: you'll have two picks from the legacies table, forever, unless you reset the lineage. But raising a kid locks you out of the cheesy moneymaking option. So it's your choice.
Your current moneymaking options are:
- lucky first-timer boost! if you don't yet have it. This is a one-per-captain event. If you don't yet have it, head to Avid Horizon. If you're
really lucky. you can find two items for a pretty epic quest (one of the first quests your captain gets, do tell if you need a more specific hint) and hand them in in exchange for $2000+. Oh, and the chapel is usually nearby, where you might be able to get a third item, but it's nasty business so I can see why you might not want to mess with it (there's a less nasty aternative but it requires a good ship).
- salt deliveries from the Salt Lions. Find the Salt Lions, go there with enough space in the hold (20) and $200, go to London and
don't forget to hand in the cargo at the London!!! event. Rinse, repeat. There's a limit to how many times you can do it.
- scintillack and related quests. Find Port Cecil in the coral reefs, gather scintillack, and play chess with whoever agrees to play with you until you rack up enough horror so that you have to return to London. Yes, the chance of success looks bad, but there are almost no consequences for failure. Rinse, repeat. Eventually, you'll get a quest there. Do as much of the quest as you can, sell the scintillack.
- supplemental income: Admiralty Commissions (distinct from port reports - these are things when you have to go to a specific far-off place the Admiralty chooses to get Strategic Info). Don't hand in singular Strategic Infos, though -- get two of them, right-click to combine into Vital Intelligence with 40 Mirrors and a ztory/memory, then hand that in to either the Admiral or the Diplomat. The Diplomat pays way better.
- spying. Go to Khan's Heart with a Diplomatic Agent and perhaps some Prisoner's Honey and try to drop off a spy, then grow your spy network via Fulfill your spies' needs. The requirements for growing the network are random: you might need $$ (can fail), Veils check (can fail), Salt's blessing, Visions of the Surface, or the aforementioned Honey (these three can't fail). If they demand crazy shit (Treasures, Vital Intelligence), expend your SAY to reroll. Once the network is good enough, you can farm Vital Intelligence. If your Suspicion is too high, go to Nuncio and farm Drowning-Pearls there (spend SAY to Rescue a dripping parcel) to subsequently bribe the Taimen in Khan's Glory.
- If you're thinking to buy new stuff for your starting ship, buy the best deck cannon (Hellthrasher) for $1500 and the cheapest headlight for a +1 to Mirrors ($100). Everything else is currently a waste of cash. If/when you get a better ship, get either the +10/-10 headlight and equip it whenever you need a Mirrors boost or the +6 projector to equip forever and forget. The stat mods from the headlight apply when it's equipped, they don't depend on your headlight being turned on.
- If you recruit either the Campaigner or the Magician, do their quests asap. These two have expiration dates, and getting them back costs A LOT.
- Don't sell your Burning Enigmas. They can be bought with money and farmed so you're not screwed if you did, but don't just sell them for cash unless you're really struggling. Ztories are also worth more to you than the Scholar pays for them. Snippets are safe to sell, I think, and while a couple of quests requires Relics, Artifacts, and Treasures, those can be procured on demand.
- Don't get Cursed, and try to sail around blessed if you can. The three sisters of Hunter's Isle provide a temporary source of blessings.
- Explore Nuncio. You can't mess up there (except die from high Terror), and it's awesome. There's hardly any money in there, though, except farming SAYs on the beach. But it's awesome, trust me.
- Side with the rats at Saints-Haven. You'll get free supplies and repairs (2 Fuel + 1 Supply OR 20 Hull per SAY). The guinea pigs will give you 5 Supplies instead of repairs, but you can't use repair with Supplies if you're banged up hard enough to want emergency repairs.
Carouse in the docks in London. Hook up and start dating. Don't dump them. Don't screw your officers, you only get one hookup in London per captain. Eventually, a kid appears.
Don't get Salt's Curse. If you do, don't dock in London with a SAY until you go to Whither to remove it. It's relatively easy to remove. Docking in London with the curse and a SAY removes your Scion quality or, if you don't have it, kills your partner and kid.
To start raising the kid, buy a house and feed them zee-ztories/memories until they run off (permit them to run off, obvs). Then you pick two legacy options the next time.
It happens that the two best skills are Veils and Pages. But you can't inherit Pages because it'll screw you over secret-wise, so you should pick Veils and Mirrors instead. And it happens that Mirrors and Veils let your Scion inherit ALL OF YOUR MONEY (each giving 50%, and IT STACKS). See why I said wills are dumb shit?
(Also, high Veils, Mirrors or Pages compared to Hearts or Iron are required to romance most romanceable Officers you can find in the game. The required pair of stats depends on the Officer.)
If your sweetheart dumps you after your kid becomes a Scion, you get to keep the Scion (probably, not sure but the wiki says so).
If your sweetheart dumps you before your kid becomes a Scion, the kid will leave with them (and you still can't sell the house, haha).
If your sweetheart dies or dumps you, you can't get another one.
If you get hit by Salt's Curse with a Scion, it removes the Scion. If you haven't yet raised a kid, you can still do so.
If you get hit by Salt's Curse without a Scion but with a sweetheart and/or kid, they are dead and you won't get the quality with this captain unless your Ambition is Your Father's Bones and your past is a Natural Philosopher.
THE CATCH is that when you have a house and a kid (as in, your current captain has a kid, not you the player have a Scion legacy), you can't sell your house (though you can downgrade from a mansion to a house). Not even when they run off to zee. And that prevents you from using the fastest method of farming income.