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Noir_CZ: I just tried to do javelin toss in the summer games, but nothing seems to work. From way back when I still played this game on DOS it was to hold spacebar and let it go when you reached desired throwing angle. Now whatever I do the angle always goes to the max.
Anyone encountered this?
Any solutions?

I would recommend you to test your spacebar key first at Spacebar Test the online tool!
ChristopherQuinlan: Can you please tell me what kind of system are you using?
Uuuh tried it on 4 separate machines... my PC tower that is WIn 10 64 bit - czech language version, gaming laptop from ASUS witn 64 Bit win 10 - eng, old Fujitsu laptop, also win 10 64bit - eng and then on (don't tell anyone) my work laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.
Is this topic closed already? I face the same issue and almost 3 months have passed since last reply
I just bought it and I have same issue, spacebarr is not working as it should. On my win7 machine game didn't even start, only green screen shows in dosbox. I've grown already from times when I'd want to fix this by my own "no matter what", I'm not willing to trying to solve this for 3 months like others. I'll return game.
Spacebar isn't problem. When I press button Enter quickly and let it go for a longer time and then press the spacebar, the problem does not occur. But when I hit the Spacebar immediately after letting go of the Enter button, there is an input problem. Something with registration buttons.

I tried to slowly click the Enter button and click Spacebar and the problem does not occur. So the problem is with registering a large number of clicks in Enter.
Post edited November 06, 2022 by Refty
I have the same problem.
Fun thing is, the problem does not occur when i run the same game via the Dosbox installation on my pc. It only occurs with the version I actually paid for.
Very disappointed.
BUMP for justice. I don't see why anyone has to accept GOG releases that still contain DRM residue that was not fully fixed.
I don't think GOG really cares about this issue.
I came across same issue and probably found a solution. Bottom line - You need to crack your own game. First download and install GOG version of Summer Challenge. Then download DOS version of the game - for example from Abandonia. Unpack DOS version to any folder You like. After You have done that just copy three files from DOS version folder to GOG version folder:
1/runme. bat

Now go to the GOG version folder and pick any non-executive file like for example SGDEF.BIN and open it with DOSBOX. That will turn on DOSBOX console. Type RUNME to start a game. Enter setup menu and return to main game menu without any changes. Now You are ready to toss that javelin properly. Spacebar also affect High Jump, Pole Vault, Cycyling and Kayaking so now You can also have fun with those events.

It was testet on Windows 11 but I'm pretty sure it will work on any system. Now You can enjoy Summer Challenge without frustration. My record in javelin is 98.76 - try to beat it!
Post edited June 04, 2024 by CMPol
CMPol: I came across same issue and probably found a solution. Bottom line - You need to crack your own game. First download and install GOG version of Summer Challenge. Then download DOS version of the game - for example from Abandonia. Unpack DOS version to any folder You like. After You have done that just copy three files from DOS version folder to GOG version folder:
1/runme. bat

Now go to the GOG version folder and pick any non-executive file like for example SGDEF.BIN and open it with DOSBOX. That will turn on DOSBOX console. Type RUNME to start a game. Enter setup menu and return to main game menu without any changes. Now You are ready to toss that javelin properly. Spacebar also affect High Jump, Pole Vault, Cycyling and Kayaking so now You can also have fun with those events.

It was testet on Windows 11 but I'm pretty sure it will work on any system. Now You can enjoy Summer Challenge without frustration. My record in javelin is 98.76 - try to beat it!
Thanks, I will have to see if I can get around to trying this out.

I'm very disappointed in GOG though, we should not be required to find workarounds to fully play a game without game breaking issues.
it's working for me. I use version. Copy everythink from dos game folder to ./Olympic Challenge/SUMMER in gog galaxy games folder and change ./Olympic Challenge/dosbox_games_single.conf file with notepad line from

cd summer
goto exit


cd summer
goto exit

Game start from shortcut or from gog galaxy but when you start game first enter the setup and back without changes.
I am Polish and I was talk with support workers about this. They are gives me stupid advices non helping with anything. I am shame the gog is related with cd project red from my country. GOG support sucks. Zwykłe tumany, które przy każdym problemie zostawiają Mnie samego z poszukiwaniem rozwiązania problemu. Żeby was skarbówka i Uokik zgnębiły.