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Here's part II of the answers.

Part II
Difficulty of Space Combat
There are many users expressing views that the Space Combat is too difficult and there are too many waves. At the same time at least that many users say, the Space Combat is very easy, it is not challenging enough. We realise, we are unable to make this game module in a way that suits everyone. To solve this issue, we are looking into introducing difficulty levels. This will be a configuration value that users can adjust and define. The implementation is in early R & D, but surely will be included in the final 1.0 version, most likely a lot earlier. It’s being worked on.

Replayable missions
As I confirmed earlier this will be implemented soon. Currently we are working on the final touches and testing it. Once it is included in the next patch, we will gather users’ feedback and keep improving this much requested functionality.

Interaction with the galaxy and navigation
Many users suggested improving the travel and navigation via the various nebulas of Subverse by introducing mouse over control to highlight the objects that have been already explored. That makes sense, and I can confirm we are going to implement this.

UI usability and Look & Feel improvements
We hear your criticism about the UI. We will gradually be improving it. The good news is, a talented graphic designer colleague has just joined the team. Now we have a better chance to implement a stunning UI (no pressure then to our new colleague(no pressure then to our new colleague). :)

As I mentioned, there are many questions that we need to evaluate a bit further, and we will address those in future Q & A sessions. We are discussing internally the exact scheduling but expect something like this (hopefully not as long!) in between each content block.

Thank you very much in advance for your continued support. Thanks for the upvotes and positive comments! Each upvote and positive comment means a lot to the team. Receiving the upvotes also helps the project overall. If you feel the development team deserves the upvote and positive comments, we humbly ask please continue to leave those comments and give Subverse your upvote.

All of you please take care. Please try to stay safe, look after each other and see you all again by the 17th November when we publish a detailed DEV Diary, with our first Behind the Scenes content.

Post edited November 09, 2021 by Waahnubis