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If you want to amuse yourself you should read the game's forum on Steam:
- Any criticism will either be purged or locked almost immediately
- Their main selling point, H-scenes, are gifs with a few seconds playtime each
- In ~4 months they only managed to release a tiny gallery feature
- If they're asked about any kind of update or communication for that matter they will always point to their monthly dev diary which is more like a PR piece of things that might be released at an unknown date in the future
thats why this game is still early access, everybody who didn t crowfunded it
knows whats up.

For substantial Infos you always can check on Halfpints YT channel
On top of this, it is a bloody porn game, anybody who is interested
in this game, knows what he/she signed up for.
Post edited August 19, 2021 by GHOSTMD
p1881: If you want to amuse yourself you should read the game's forum on Steam:
- Any criticism will either be purged or locked almost immediately
- Their main selling point, H-scenes, are gifs with a few seconds playtime each
- In ~4 months they only managed to release a tiny gallery feature
- If they're asked about any kind of update or communication for that matter they will always point to their monthly dev diary which is more like a PR piece of things that might be released at an unknown date in the future
Yes, if you go see the reviews on f95zone, the game is really poorly rated,but steam's censorship and binary reviewing system make it appear as good.

There is so much better porn games or games with porn than this one.
if they screw it up, then they're only destroying their own reputation as a developer.
I was about to say, isn't this still HELLA early in development?
RawSteelUT: I was about to say, isn't this still HELLA early in development?
No. They launched the kickstarter in May 2019 which already showed gameplay, so they've been working on the game since 2018 at least. The game has had at least 3 years of development at this point.

It's very obvious from the way that the game turned out that these people are rookie developers. The game lacks focus and direction, the script is in a bad need of an editor, the combat sections are bare-bones, and the H scenes are few, short and worst of all lack context and interactivity. They've said that they're aware of these issues so at least it seems that they are willing to make improvements in these areas. Whether or not they actually will is both a question of experience and finances.

IMO they should have skipped the combat altogether and focused on making a VN by hiring a good editor and writer and the rest of the studio to focus on what they are known for the best.
RawSteelUT: I was about to say, isn't this still HELLA early in development?
Based on Kickstarter posts they seemingly started in May 2019 with ~1,9 € million, so after 3 years of development + quite massive funding they only managed to release H-gifs with a few seconds playtime each with a very short space shooter, and then needed another 4 months to release a gallery mode.

So no, it's not "hella early in development".
p1881: If you want to amuse yourself you should read the game's forum on Steam:
- Any criticism will either be purged or locked almost immediately
- Their main selling point, H-scenes, are gifs with a few seconds playtime each
- In ~4 months they only managed to release a tiny gallery feature
- If they're asked about any kind of update or communication for that matter they will always point to their monthly dev diary which is more like a PR piece of things that might be released at an unknown date in the future
Eh I wish they would have stuck with the movies really, too bad.
link to devblog.
New ELA update, will be in october.
matix1256: link to devblog.
New ELA update, will be in october.
The best parts:
> I completely understand the frustration of some players that it took us 6 months to release this update.

Only "some" players were frustrated by barely delivering anything in 6 months.
The audacity if you consider the animosity on the Steam forums of customers not getting anything in months other than PR-slogans of "Just read our dev diary".

> Obviously going forward, this kind of pace is not going to be acceptable for future content update releases. We want to be releasing these at 3-4 month increments not 6 month increments. We have high expectations of ourselves internally, and I know you guys have high expectations as well so I want to make sure everyone understands that we are not getting complacent.

They were just fine by barely releasing anything in 6months.

""We are not getting complacent", but this pre-alpha on release after ~3 years of development and ~1,9€ million funding with a few gifs of a few seconds each + a tiny space shooter really was the extent of our abiliites."

> But mostly I’m happy that our fans who have been region-locked out of buying the game will finally get to experience the Prodigium galaxy!
Their defunct website where they touted just shortly after release to sell the game for those regions in which a purchase via Steam isn't possible.

To this date nothing has happend and that whole topic has been collectively ignored by them.

Following train-wreck games is just enjoyable.
Post edited August 21, 2021 by p1881
Judging by the replies to my earlier post, this seems like a massive dumpster fire. Yeah, it's going to take a LOT of improvement for me to bother.
RawSteelUT: Judging by the replies to my earlier post, this seems like a massive dumpster fire. Yeah, it's going to take a LOT of improvement for me to bother.
I think the main problem is that people are expecting too much from a handful of devs. And now they most likely butthurt. Most Kickstarter can't deliver and most who did Switch from Kickstarter to an external publisher with even more Year development.

People need to realize that not everything will be a Triple-A game or will be their personal pet project it cost a lot more money to make a decent game than 1,9 mil, Not to mention the amount of staff needed. All I see right now is a person crying about why he didn't get his shaker.

Let's be honest, People didn't need to support the Kickstarter and neither are they stuck with a product these days seeing how easy it is to get a refund these days.
Post edited August 22, 2021 by dgnfly
RawSteelUT: Judging by the replies to my earlier post, this seems like a massive dumpster fire. Yeah, it's going to take a LOT of improvement for me to bother.
dgnfly: I think the main problem is that people are expecting too much from a handful of devs. And now they most likely butthurt. Most Kickstarter can't deliver and most who did Switch from Kickstarter to an external publisher with even more Year development.

People need to realize that not everything will be a Triple-A game or will be their personal pet project it cost a lot more money to make a decent game than 1,9 mil, Not to mention the amount of staff needed. All I see right now is a person crying about why he didn't get his shaker.

Let's be honest, People didn't need to support the Kickstarter and neither are they stuck with a product these days seeing how easy it is to get a refund these days.
> I think the main problem is that people are expecting too much from a handful of devs. And now they most likely butthurt. Most Kickstarter can't deliver...

LIke what?
You realize that most Kickstarter campaign are empty promises, and yet you blame peoples' expectations based on those empty promises?

> People need to realize that not everything will be a Triple-A game or will be their personal pet project it cost a lot more money to make a decent game than 1,9 mil,

Where do "people" expect a triple-A game in this case?
The end-user couldn't care less if that funding is sufficient or not at the end of the day: that company promised to deliver a game with a promised feature-set, and they repeatedly fail to deliver.

> Let's be honest, People didn't need to support the Kickstarter and neither are they stuck with a product these days seeing how easy it is to get a refund these days.

True, but I reckon it's rather hard to refund your Kickstarter investment.
If you bought in during early-access the refund threshold is much lower.
dgnfly: I think the main problem is that people are expecting too much from a handful of devs. And now they most likely butthurt. Most Kickstarter can't deliver and most who did Switch from Kickstarter to an external publisher with even more Year development.

People need to realize that not everything will be a Triple-A game or will be their personal pet project it cost a lot more money to make a decent game than 1,9 mil, Not to mention the amount of staff needed. All I see right now is a person crying about why he didn't get his shaker.

Let's be honest, People didn't need to support the Kickstarter and neither are they stuck with a product these days seeing how easy it is to get a refund these days.
p1881: > I think the main problem is that people are expecting too much from a handful of devs. And now they most likely butthurt. Most Kickstarter can't deliver...

LIke what?
You realize that most Kickstarter campaign are empty promises, and yet you blame peoples' expectations based on those empty promises?

> People need to realize that not everything will be a Triple-A game or will be their personal pet project it cost a lot more money to make a decent game than 1,9 mil,

Where do "people" expect a triple-A game in this case?
The end-user couldn't care less if that funding is sufficient or not at the end of the day: that company promised to deliver a game with a promised feature-set, and they repeatedly fail to deliver.

> Let's be honest, People didn't need to support the Kickstarter and neither are they stuck with a product these days seeing how easy it is to get a refund these days.

True, but I reckon it's rather hard to refund your Kickstarter investment.
If you bought in during early-access the refund threshold is much lower.
Your crying here right now makes it seem that way. This is just something the devs wanted to make and fans wanted to see. Laughable thing is that people like you expect fantasy levels of progress. From what I found the developers are about a handful of people.

Like I suspected, You just a butthurt guy who supported their Kickstarter "True, but I reckon it's rather hard to refund your Kickstarter investment. " Moron I supported Kickstarters and didn't get the product I expected it to be, but I don't go around in forums and crying about it. Maybe use your brain next time and don't buy into a product from the start.

Can't believe people are still so retarded into pre-ordering let alone early access. This is why I played the pirated version of this game to check it out instead of being a moron and diving into a Kickstarter. This game has the potential to be a fun game but I just need some more content. I didn't have grand delusions about this game because the guys behind it did Porn videos.

Seeing it on Gog does make me want to support it. Maybe it'll be a dud but I don't care... cause I wanna see more adult games like this instead of the woke garbage the gaming market is oversaturated with. I see plenty of people buying into triple-A games that are nothing more than political tools for diversity and then praising it for its garbage narrative while all the game actually has to go for it is graphics.
Post edited August 22, 2021 by dgnfly
Looking through Steam screens, only 1 girl (cover one) is cute.
So screw this game.