Posted March 02, 2017
Has anybody ever killed the giant floating spiker that guards the silver ankh in the last level? I don't know of anybody who has. I have a plan, but it may be considered cheating, thus it will be done as a test only. My plan is to find a way to get way more black slayer arrows than is normally possible. How? By deleting the saved files for the Gate of the Ancients and gather more of these arrows, repeating the process until the number of arrows gets extremely high. When this happens, I will go a few steps from the spiker, use Azreal's orb, and unload the arrows on it until I run out. If it survives even then, it is truly unkillable. If it explodes, I will post here about my success. I only hope its explosion does not kill Drake if it happens. I will not try this on the Ettin.