ussnorway: Avast free does not have sandbox and CCleaner should not be blocking access... a Vpn can be setup wrong but I would look elsewhere first before getting into full geek mode
we know your old games will play so the files are there and we know the game can access your saves which are in your documents folder but it can't start a new game so that says to me its not allowed to enter new files into your documents area
step 1 open your explorer and right click the documents to see properites [see image]
step 2 goto location and take a note of the path [see image
the path should say something like C:\Users\Ussnorway\Documents where your username will be different to mine [Ussnorway] but I want to know if yours is inside a dropbox like onedrive, skydrive etc?
p.s, have you got more than one copy of the game installed for example Steam + Gog?
Uzial: Hi all,
Thanks for the help... still having problems.
The game files are located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Stellaris
but apparently, my computer is defaulting to the documents folder stored on OneDrive:
How do I change that?
Oddly though, I have another game through GoG which is the same location, well to the Games folder, and that plays just fine. The only difference is Stellaris has the Paradox launcher.
I'm not surprised you are having problems with that set up and you must have an old copy of Galaxy to still be pointing at the programs folder because that gets UAC issues as others in this thread have said
all software should
never ever be installed to c\ programs... when you are ready to reinsatall Galaxy next time put it in D: Galaxy or even C GOG Galaxy\Games\Stellaris as long as its not in C:\Program Files then UAC stops being an issue
as for Documents in the Onedrive that was Microsoft trying to get people to use their sync system a few updates back which no body liked... something about it not working ;) and the issue with Paradox is because they already sync their server to the documents are now you are basically syncing to a sync or making a copy of a copy if you want to think of it that way
to fix this you have two basic choices;
1 = piss off Onedrive all together {I do] but maybe you like having some of your documents synced and don't mind Microsoft keeping a copy... you disable Onedrive from settings and can leave a copy of your files with Microsoft or remove them as you see fit
2 = make some of your documents sit outside the onedrive sync [see images] basically the steps for this are, make a new folder to hold you docs [I called this example test but as long as its not in C programs or the root] example C will fail but C: test will work
next open the documents location and press the move , point to the new location and make up your mind if you want all documents or just some of them moved over... as long as the Paradox folder is not in onedrive