VER 0.728
I'm posting a few bug fixes and updates today. Here are the notes:
UPDATED - INT EXP bonuses for the following skills: HACKING, FIRST AID, CRAFTING, REPAIR and SALVAGING.
UPDATED - Descriptions are now displayed when rolling over icons on the minimap/radar.
UPDATED - A visual reminder for players to re-center the camera is now placed on screen in cases where the camera has been scrolled away from the active crew leader.
UPDATED - In the CREW MANAGER, you can now drop portraits to the right side of the screen on both the portrait and name fields.
UPDATED - The next weapon special attack skill tier level is now displayed when rolling over special attacks on the action bar.
UPDATED - Stat descriptions updated. Added information displaying various STAT influences. I'll be doing a bit of UI work to break these influences out so present better in the future.
UPDATED - When new players first start the game - game FPS is set to 60fps instead of uncapped. This does not affect current settings for existing players - only new installs. A warning is displayed when uncapping frame rate to let players know that uncapping the frame rate could cause stability issues on some systems.
UPDATED - Various UI fixes/tweaks
FIXED - Fabricant player portrait genders were swapped and did not match voice.
FIXED - Random crew members being stuck when entering a new area. Previously required crouch->stand to fix as a workaround.
FIXED - Occasionally, crew members were be left behind when moving after entering a new area and require a second click.
FIXED - Occasionally, when entering a new area, the incorrect weapon was displayed for the selected crew member.
FIXED - Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons on map were inverted.
FIXED - The psionics selection bar remained hidden if you swapped to a weapon and then back to the amplifier while not in combat.
FIXED - Default psionic effect descriptions are now translated.
FIXED - Grenade status effects from assigned perks were not being applied. Perk +DMG bonuses were working as expected (+DMG)
FIXED - In space, approaching a target and selecting other orbital bodies via the system object list while approaching would reset the approach target. This would cause odd issues like arriving at a jump point and circling it etc.