trusteft: I am considering buy it as it looks like a mix of various games I like. I do not want to buy it though and having to wait months or years till I can play it from beginning to end.
Also, how is replayability in this game?
StellarTactics: Hi trusteft - there is no end to the game. The only part that is linear is the prolog which gets you to space, your space ship and leads you through getting your first FTL drive. From there you can play for thousands of hours if you want.
I am adding new content and features constantly - you can see all of this on my blog at I guess the best way to look at it is the game is being developed iteratively with regular content drops and regular improvements.
If you are the kind of gamer that likes discreet goals, a story, and clear objectives, Stellar Tactics is not that game right now, it is almost entirely a sandbox. There is a beginning, but no end ;)
Hello Mr. Dev,
I have played the game for ~30 hours now and I really like what I see.
However, going by what you just wrote it feels like there wont be a continuation of the prolog story?
I really would like to see how the story plays out and what happens at the end of the prolog kinda sends you out into space to find things if you know what I mean (don't wanna spoil), yet after those 30h played I haven't managed to find anything that would tie in with the story of the prolog.
So, once the prolog is done it's just a grind to imrpove the characters and ships and then thats it or is there more in the pipeline that gives a reason to the grind?
So far the combat environments and enemies are rather "the same" all the time too.
Always the same zombies, humanoids or spiders depending on the samey space station or cave environment you play in.
Will there be more biomes, enemy types and such?
Otherwise, lovely game. :)