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finally installed this game and played for about 2 hours and it looked fine. however, now when i turn the game on it looks like its from the 90s. all the characters and objects are very jagged now. i checked the graphics options and tried turning things up but nothing changes. ive also noticed that when i close the game and open it again all the graphics options have reverted back to the lowest settings and they dont save what i set before. so i think what happened was the game opened with the settings higher and now its stuck on the lowest settings for some reason.

running an intel i7 with an nvidia 3060
This question / problem has been solved by StellarTacticsimage
Try adjusting your settings from the main menu. On some systems, adjusting the settings when a save is loaded is not saving those settings correctly.

Regarding the resolution (characters and objects are very jagged now), make sure to set the resolution at the main menu options screen. Match the "Screen resolution" on the graphics option screen to your monitors resolution and then select "update screen resolution". Exit the options menu, and restart the game.

One last thing, make sure to run the game as an administrator. You may not have admin privileges' to read/write the options save file.

Let me know if any of that helps. If not, I'll need more info.
Post edited June 10, 2023 by StellarTactics
StellarTactics: Match the "Screen resolution" on the graphics option screen to your monitors resolution and then select "update screen resolution". Exit the options menu, and restart the game.
thanks for the troubleshooting, this worked. turning it on to change the option and then closing it made it remember the changes.

about the "run as administrator" advice though - i am playing with GOG Galaxy and im not sure how to enable that option since im launching the game from the Galaxy client. however it seems to be fine now.