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Has anyone else had this problem?

The Camera will not rotate. In space, ground combat, or simple ground travel.

I have tried Fullscreen/Windowed, BUFFER="FALSE" && "TRUE", Run as Administrator, rebinding the controls.

Win 10 x64 Home, AMD RX 6800XT ( and, yes, tried the updated driver. )

Using v.716

This is frustrating. Help would be appreciated.
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At the main menu before loading a save, open the options menu. On the gameplay tab - try adjusting the camera rotation sliders. Slide all the way to the right, then back to center. Exit the options menu and load your save.

Let me know if that sorts it out.
StellarTactics: At the main menu before loading a save, open the options menu. On the gameplay tab - try adjusting the camera rotation sliders. Slide all the way to the right, then back to center. Exit the options menu and load your save.

Let me know if that sorts it out.
Okay, that did help. Thanks.

New problem .... keyboard input is no longer working.

Error report from the log : ( lots of repeats for this error )
[07/04 21:15:34] !!! KEYS.XML FILE NOT FOUND!!!!! - SettingsManager.saveXMLKeys
[07/04 21:15:34] !!! HOME DIRECTORY = c:/gog games/StellarTactics
[07/04 21:15:34] !!! KEYS.XML not found in SettingsManager.loadXMLKey

Any ideas?
The keys file your looking for should be in /Save/bkeys3.xml

If it's not there, then I suggest using Galaxy to verify your saves. If it is there, then you may not have write privilege's to the save folder? Not sure. I just tested the latest GOG build here and everything seems to be working.

Apologies for the late response. I've been mostly offline the last few days.
StellarTactics: The keys file your looking for should be in /Save/bkeys3.xml

If it's not there, then I suggest using Galaxy to verify your saves. If it is there, then you may not have write privilege's to the save folder? Not sure. I just tested the latest GOG build here and everything seems to be working.

Apologies for the late response. I've been mostly offline the last few days.
Found the problem. Was loading and old save game ... v.5?? from an archive.
And copied them over the current files.
The Fix :
delete the bkeys*.xml files from the archive and DON'T copy them over the current files.
StellarTactics: At the main menu before loading a save, open the options menu. On the gameplay tab - try adjusting the camera rotation sliders. Slide all the way to the right, then back to center. Exit the options menu and load your save.

Let me know if that sorts it out.
I also had this problem on a new install + new game.

I found this thread and moving the sliders to the middle fixed it.

Turns out they were ALL the way to the left by default.
Might be a good idea to make them be in the middle by default, instead.