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If the last enemy in a combat is killed by a grenade (I was using frag grenades, and cannot confirm this problem with ALL grenades) the player or NPC that threw the grenade becomes stuck and can no longer move. Changing movement mode group/single doesn't affect this. Only saving the game and reloading allows the character to resume movement. I recently upgraded to v 0.619 to see if the issue persists, and it does.

Possibly a different issue, but I was in an Aznari ruin at the time (this issue occurs in ANY ground-based combat zone), and I haven't begun the main quest - never spoke to the guy in Achmedius about smuggling. Should it even be possible for me to see Aznari ruins before resuming the main story line? I found it while dropping off ore mining drones in a system I had already been in. The planet was previously scanned, and I saw no ruins. This time, when I clicked on the planet to launch mining drones, a green Aznari ruin icon appeared. I was able to orbit the planet and land in the ruin. I saved before I did this in case this would break the main story line... so not only would I like to know if this is something I should have been able to do, but also if this is something I should quickly back out of to avoid contaminating my save.
I'll be looking at both of these today and get a patch out as soon as it's fixed. I have several other reports for both of these issues.

For the grenade bug, one work around is to enter and then leave combat manually which I hear clears the issue - at least until I can get this fixed.

I recommend rolling back to the save before entering the ruins just to be safe. I'm not sure if it could cause problems. I guess the question would be if you had received any messages that the scanner had been updated by any percentage while clearing that Aznari ruin.

I have one other bug I'm looking into today. After some time playing, the rollover info fonts can expand beyond the width of the rollover window background. In cases where you are looking at vendor items, this can extend beyond the border of the screen so you cannot read the details. Not sure if you have seen this. I've had a bit of trouble duplicating the issue.
Post edited August 29, 2022 by StellarTactics
Since characters aren't allowed to move in combat unless it's their combat turn, I was wondering if some flag that indicated the character was still in combat wasn't being correctly reset on combat end. Manually starting and ending combat WOULD be a way of resetting that, making me think that might be worth looking at.
StellarTactics: I recommend rolling back to the save before entering the ruins just to be safe. I'm not sure if it could cause problems. I guess the question would be if you had received any messages that the scanner had been updated by any percentage while clearing that Aznari ruin.
Actually, I did get that message, and the moment I saw it, I was certain it would cause problems later. I've already rolled the game back to before entering the site... but thanks for the information.
StellarTactics: I have one other bug I'm looking into today. After some time playing, the rollover info fonts can expand beyond the width of the rollover window background. In cases where you are looking at vendor items, this can extend beyond the border of the screen so you cannot read the details. Not sure if you have seen this. I've had a bit of trouble duplicating the issue.
I haven't seen that yet, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it. If I can reproduce it, I'll post about it.
Post edited August 29, 2022 by Toccatta
I believe both issues are fixed . I'll get patch out later today.

As far as the rollover info scaling, I think that's fixed, but need to test a bit more. If you do see something, any tips for reproducing it would be helpful.
I don't know if you've already addressed this issue, as I've seen some patch numbers appear without a change-list... but there is another combat related bug that I just remembered.

When using the "delay action" option during combat, there is a chance that one of the characters engaged in combat is replaced by the person doing the delay. The one replaced can be one of the player's characters, but I've also seen an enemy replaced in this way.

When this happens, the replaced character's icon disappears from the action queue and the other character's icon takes its place. When the replacing character's turn shows up, he or she can act, but the moment the action is complete, all icons from that character move to the end of the line. The replaced character doesn't get an action that round.

The worst case that occurred to me was when one npc had accidentally replaced two of my characters, so I had an icon of character 1 and THREE icons of character 2 in the queue. Whenever character 2 acted, all three of his icons were moved to the end of the line and two of my characters didn't get any more actions for the remainder of the combat. I *have* seen an instance where one of my enemies was replaced... because I now had 5 icons in the queue, with one character appearing twice, and one of the enemies was unable to take any action for the remainder of combat (until I eliminate him).

Once I realized that the "delay action" button was the culprit, I switched tactics, so I don't know if this is still a problem. I'll give it a try with v0.619 and see if it still happens. If you've already seen this bug and fixed it, disregard. The last time I know for certain this issue existed was v0.610, but I'll see if I can still reproduce it.
Post edited August 29, 2022 by Toccatta