Posted January 02, 2022
Just picked this up 3 days ago and have way too many hours in it for its state of completion. ;)
The best start I've been able to get going without abusing the start-game pause is buy the axe, hammer and pick, talk to Leif, then turn around and buy the scythe and spend the balance on potato seeds.
Go wherever there's a flat spot (outside the store is usually fine, work around bug spawns), clear with scythe, hoe, plant, water. Go back to farm, talk to Farm Fan, clear out crates, all but one barrel, whatever loose wood and trees w/o bugs. Also grab your sink.
Run past the airship stop, go to the basement, clear out crates. Clear out crates near the merchants, sell crates and barrels. Put whatever raw wood you have on table saw. Buy 2 table saws, set them up out front of Building Store chop a tree near building store, split the wood between the two saws, then spend everything else on potato seeds, then plant and water. Go back to clearcutting, focusing on the big trees. Keep the saws full, switching one over to making fine lumber.
As time permits, switch to clearing plants and hoeing the entire flat area outside the building store.
By the afternoon of day 2, you can have a stack of 999 fine lumber. Sell, sell, sell. Almost 16k. Buy as many seeds of whatever type you prefer (other than potatoes, to keep options open; seed maker is no longer available this early?). Roughly 300 cabbage or so.
Remember that sink? Plop it down, because boy are you going to need it.
So, what did I miss? Something jump out at you that I should be doing differently?
The best start I've been able to get going without abusing the start-game pause is buy the axe, hammer and pick, talk to Leif, then turn around and buy the scythe and spend the balance on potato seeds.
Go wherever there's a flat spot (outside the store is usually fine, work around bug spawns), clear with scythe, hoe, plant, water. Go back to farm, talk to Farm Fan, clear out crates, all but one barrel, whatever loose wood and trees w/o bugs. Also grab your sink.
Run past the airship stop, go to the basement, clear out crates. Clear out crates near the merchants, sell crates and barrels. Put whatever raw wood you have on table saw. Buy 2 table saws, set them up out front of Building Store chop a tree near building store, split the wood between the two saws, then spend everything else on potato seeds, then plant and water. Go back to clearcutting, focusing on the big trees. Keep the saws full, switching one over to making fine lumber.
As time permits, switch to clearing plants and hoeing the entire flat area outside the building store.
By the afternoon of day 2, you can have a stack of 999 fine lumber. Sell, sell, sell. Almost 16k. Buy as many seeds of whatever type you prefer (other than potatoes, to keep options open; seed maker is no longer available this early?). Roughly 300 cabbage or so.
Remember that sink? Plop it down, because boy are you going to need it.
So, what did I miss? Something jump out at you that I should be doing differently?