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I guess there is some way that I can detect that something is not quite right, before everyone just dies on me. But how?
If I recall correctly, if you have a Laboratory, you can simply drop a corpse on the... research machine thingamabob and your scientists will perform an autopsy, revealing the cause of death.
Nice! I haven't reached that Laboratory yet, but beat the level anyhow. I always have a bit of trouble noticing disasters in sim games. I think everything's fine until everyone starts dying :-P
It's all about keeping your station clean (so there isn't any litter to attract the hungry, disease-ridden pests called Space Vermin & Memaus*) and only hiring competent Greys (skill level 3 and up) with no criminal record for your sick bays.

*I've noticed that some Peeps have a criminal record for Memaus smuggling (though I've yet to catch them in the act) so I can't guarantee cleanliness prevents them from showing up at your station but at least they won't have anything to eat.

It seems to me that a post-mortem often fails to reveal the actual cause of death though that might depend on the skill level of the Turrakken scientists analysing the body.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lemon_Curry