Duskwood0585: My only complaint, and its only my only complaint because I refuse to play the game until I can actually read things, is that the text is TINY in 1920x1080.
This is my problem as well, the game is nearly unplayable with the size of the text and to a lesser extent some of the icons on the UI.
I normally game at 2560x1440 these days, so I am used to changing to lower resolutions for older games, however this seems to not help much with Startopia. The game looks great at higher resolution and seems to work fine but the text which is important to the game is simply unreadable. Oddly, changing to lower resolutions, even below 1080 seems to not help much, text stays tiny.
I wonder if this is a bug, as the text boxes seem huge for the tiny letters in them. I have searched for a solution without much luck, and have been unable to change anything in the fonts by messing with the very limited .ini file.
Great game but I can't play without wearing 4x reading glasses... would love to find a fix for this.