dyezek: I see there's a new patch out 38753 but I don't have GOG galaxy (opted out when I installed last Christmas). I'm not on Steam either. How/where do I download the latest stable build to run in place of the current 38647?
ashdar_games_inc: I believe if you go to
https://www.gog.com/account, you should see an option to "view downloads" for Stars in Shadow. Then you can click "download offline backup game installers".
These installers usually get updated a few days after we post a patch to Galaxy/Steam. Sometimes there will be a "Patch" file that you can download that will upgrade your current build to the latest build. But, sometimes you just need to download all the game files again from scratch.
That said, I'm looking at the offline installers now, and it looks like they haven't been updated to include the latest patches. I'll ask my contacts at GoG.com about that...
Edit: I talked to the GoG people, and they fixed it. The offline installers should now be up to date.
Thanks! You guys rock. If you need some test support hit me up, I've been doing software QA for about 5 years professionally.