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The launcher I guess was not designed for 4k monitors, it's broken and unable to read. Not like it's 2024 or anything. I had the impression you could choose who you played, the guy or the gal. No choice there. Sorry, I don't play men. Or, I should say, I WILL NOT.... ever. That is actually the main reason I returned the game. How it is that game devs will not allow you to, at the very least, choose your avatar, is beyond me. Since the beginning of computer gaming, one of the most important facets of any game was to create and customize your avatar. I guess devs these days are all a part of the console gaming age. They probably never once played an actual game of AD&D in their lives. Probably don't have the imagination for it.
Post edited February 06, 2024 by cailic27
You don't have an avatar in this game. You are controlling a team. The Team in the first Level has a male and a female person, the team in the second level has two female persons.
cailic27: The launcher I guess was not designed for 4k monitors, it's broken and unable to read. Not like it's 2024 or anything. I had the impression you could choose who you played, the guy or the gal. No choice there. Sorry, I don't play men. Or, I should say, I WILL NOT.... ever. That is actually the main reason I returned the game. How it is that game devs will not allow you to, at the very least, choose your avatar, is beyond me. Since the beginning of computer gaming, one of the most important facets of any game was to create and customize your avatar. I guess devs these days are all a part of the console gaming age. They probably never once played an actual game of AD&D in their lives. Probably don't have the imagination for it.
Tell everyone you didn't know what kind of game you were playing, why don't you?