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I dunno... it sounds like the right idea. I like me some turn-based strat games, but Stargate really is an action series, so RTS makes a lot of sense. It's gotta nail the writing though - campy humour but not quippy humour, characters who sound like they know what they're talking about, proper arrogant and smug villians. Sound design will be a huge aspect for setting the mood, it's gotta sound like Stargate SG-1. And graphics are the least of my worries cos Starcraft II still slaps.
RTS is definitely not action. It takes forever to do anything. The two don't go together. Tactical is a big part of Stargate and RTS is that. Either way RTS works here depending on how one views it.

There's a demo on Steam to see if its your cup of tea :)

(Sadly, a lot of devs don't like to put demos on GOG lol.)
Post edited December 12, 2023 by spivant