raspet: When I start the game, the game window shows up, stays black for a while and then just crashes. Anyone else having similar issues?
jacksimon111: Hey,
I had exactly the same issue on Mac. Try this:
1) navigate to users/yourusername/.config (it's a hidden folder)
2) create the folder StardewValley (if it's not already created)
3) start Terminal
4) type sudo chown yourusername:staff ~/.config
To be honest, I'm not sure which of these steps is unnecessary (probably 4), but together they solved my issue. The game now starts without problem. Good luck!
OMG I've been struggling with this off and on for months on my son's Mac because the game flat out wouldn't run no matter what I tried. This is what finally did the trick. Thank you!
To simplify a bit, the "chown" isn't necessary since the directory was created by you. You can do the whole thing with just one command in the terminal: "mkdir -p ~/.config/StardewValley"
As a software engineer for over 20 years, I'm so incredibly frustrated to see how trivial this fix was. How does a bug this catastrophic with such a trivial cause continue to exist for multiple months? It's obvious that the developers don't give a flip about non-Windows users (My daughter has had issues with it on her linux machine too, although they were easier to track down and were at least a little more understandable since they were related to library compatibility).