Posted October 29, 2016

The fact that you can only buy it from Krobus (a NPC that can't visit unless you have access to the sewers) on fridays, for 10k, and only one unit, makes buying sprinklers for the whole farm a VERY slow process. Maybe in the past it was easy to get multiple Iridium Sprinklers from NPCs, but it's not anymore.

You're not directly acquiring Iridium Sprinklers in the case you mentioned.
You already had the other parts necessary to craft it, which might not be easy for everyone to get. Or quick.
It's certainly not easy peasy like clicking at the item and getting it directly from Krobus, since you may or may not have luck in getting some of the parts, like having an entire season without raining. Which you need, to get multiple batteries, to create multiple sprinklers, for the whole field.
And you rarely found the option to buy Iridum Bars, so you need luck in that, too. ._.'
Your lucky day with RNG doesn't invalidade my point.
Just checked wiki, every Iridium Bar (chance of appearing: 1.26%) is 3,000-5,000g, so you got lucky with the price too.
You ALSO got lucky of having 5 bars available at that day, and each of them with the lowest price possible. I wonder how easy is to have a lucky day like you had. I'd certainly not call that easy peasy! xD
Post edited October 29, 2016 by almabrds