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ok here's what happened:

* playing ironman (Linux version 1.03a)
* get into a tough fight with a bunch of corpsec officers + reinforcement drones
* soldier dies with a bouncing betty on the field
* next enemy unit's turn -- the betty was under this particular unit, and so should detonate before they could act
* nothing happens
* wait
* wait
* wait
* swear and click wildly
* xkill the window
* reload, soldier still dead, and apparently I can't hire a new one

anyway my question is, is the fact you can't hire a new character from a certain class intended behaviour, or is it related to the crash? I looked around a little and the patch notes for the ironman mode implies it's deliberate ('Character death is permanent and equipped gear is lost forever.' -- but ofc. this doesn't imply you can't go to the pound and get a cyberninja or whatever), but the statement is kinda ambiguous so I wanted to check