JMayer70: Anyone know a reliable way of blowing all four Star Hammer portals at the exact same time? Other than relying on pure luck?
tofranil: Just finished the game (on easy diffculty, though) and came here to brag. :)
Synchronous destruction of the 4 Star Hammer locks was obtained by arming Ace and Viper´s ships with 2 Precursor cannons. Ace and Viper was then assigned 1 lock each. Mothership aimed for the third lock, and the remaining fourth portal was targeted by the rest of the squad (armed with alien guns).The orientation of space ships versus the 4 locks took a bit of tinkering given that Ace and Viper required a larger distance to their assigned locks whereas the remaining squad and the mothership should be placed closer to their targets.
Powerful torpedoes are strongly recommended for the aftermath.
Well I never expected a reply now, not after five months anyway. I'd better mark your post as "solving" this question!
For me though, a bit too late..... long since has SW1 been dumped, savegames and all..... even SW2 came and went the same way since July! SW3 has yet to see it's time!