I remember in the 93 version you could restore your pilot if he died, but you would lose all rank points. So if you wanted to become a commander or a general, you should find the right directory, and make backup files of your pilot. I believe pilot files were the name you gave them .plt. (or somethin similar - please check me on this). So just make a copy with a new extension, like .bak or .bkp, then when you pilot dies in a tour of duty, delete him, and copy the name.bak to name.plt. I do not know if the 1998 version worked the same - I cannot remember, but I think it probably did.
Well I have not gotten to this point yet, and you should be careful with game files - maybe they don't work exactly the same anymore.
But also your wingmen will help you better if they have more experience or mission points. So one suggestion that was out there and make pilot copies: e.g. copy name.plt to clonename.plt, and you can also make clone2.plt , clone3.plt, etc. for those missions with multiple allied fighter pilots. But beware, these clone pilots may need to be backed up also.
I don't know if this is what you were thinking of or not. Hope this helps.