rookieoneqc: If you want my advice, Maverick, remove the thyrian station or make it an optional part of the patch
If you make it optional, at least that way we can put it back or remove it just by running the patch installer again (a bit like what you can do for the options with the DSUCP and the XWAUP pack for X-Wing alliance
Currently looking like a moot point. Unfortunately, with what I've got running at the moment, I've discovered that the changes I merged from the GOG version of the .exe, in combination with the patch, for whatever reason are no longer playing nice on multiplayer with unpatched versions. It causes a "waiting for (player)" desync every 15-30 seconds with mixed versions now, which did not happen on pre-GOG version mixing. Given the kind of limited changes they made, I haven't figured out yet why it's happening. Continuing to toy with it.
But, if it's unresolvable, patch users having a version of that one mission using a different platform isn't exactly going to matter.