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Posted this in the other X-Wing/TIE subforum on this site, but figured it wouldn't hurt to post it here too.

I really want to play TIE Fighter with a joystick/controller that's as accurate to what's depicted in other Star Wars media as possible. A recent episode of Rebels had a lot of good looks inside the TIE cockpit, including the controls. Please look at the attached images and help me find something similar to play TIE Fighter with!
Post edited October 18, 2016 by Deianera
Deianera: Posted this in the other X-Wing/TIE subforum on this site, but figured it wouldn't hurt to post it here too.

I really want to play TIE Fighter with a joystick/controller that's as accurate to what's depicted in other Star Wars media as possible. A recent episode of Rebels had a lot of good looks inside the TIE cockpit, including the controls. Please look at the attached images and help me find something similar to play TIE Fighter with!
Nope, it doesn't, that weird yoke-like thingy doesn't exist in real life for what I know and flight controllers are usually based on real life stuff like yokes or sticks.
Sincerely it's pretty much nonsensical (well, a lot of the tech stuff in Star Wars is being it mostly fantasy rather than science fiction) so I wouldn't worry too much hell I don't even know how that thing is supposed to work, does it work like a yoke only in two separate pieces (which would be mightly impractical as it would let you turn simutaneously to the left and to the right, perhaps it's some sort of indipendent thrust control?) for some reason or is it like some sort of weird dual stick setup?

I might also stress that X-wings in ANH seem to use a classic figher craft stick and throttle (or HOTAS) control setup, I'd suggest getting one of those and then see about specific controls for a Tie Fighter.
Thanks for responding to both threads that I posted this in. I've continued the conversation on the other thread.