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Has anyone run into a really bad Sound delay issue? Its at least 5 seconds off.
Shock720: Has anyone run into a really bad Sound delay issue? Its at least 5 seconds off.
I've run into a minor sound issue where the laser sounds are heard a half a second after firing, making the laser sounds out of sync. All other sounds seem fine.

Edit: After another play through, I can confirm that all my sounds are half a second out of sync.
Post edited January 23, 2015 by jr135659
Shock720: Has anyone run into a really bad Sound delay issue? Its at least 5 seconds off.
That used to happen when the game was actually running faster than intended. Only happened to me on XP, and I needed to throttle the CPU to bring video and sound together, and play the game at manageable speed. I thought GOG had resolved that, though.
I never had issues with the game but I used 3d sound which I "think" required creative alchemy? it was that or a3d... either way you could try using universal alchemy if you don't have a creative sound card and see if that helps.
I've tried turning off Windows XP compatibility mode for the executable file that the game installs with
(Rogue Squadron.exe) and that seems to have fixed my sound issue without any other problems.

I'm running the game on Windows 8.1.
No fix yet? This delay is super annoying. Turning off / on compatibility mode didn't fix it on my side.