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I've got all silver so far (from Mos Eisley to Death Star) and I started hunting down gold medal.

Let's share screenshot of our best run!
mission2.jpg (377 Kb)
mission3.jpg (337 Kb)
mission4.jpg (367 Kb)
mission5.jpg (360 Kb)
mission6.jpg (339 Kb)
darthcloud64: I've got all silver so far (from Mos Eisley to Death Star) and I started hunting down gold medal.
Bit tipsy to try for a good run atm, but let me remind you: Taloraan requires 90 kills @ 70% accuracy for gold O.O

Got my gold on Fest the other day, though ^_^
Taloraan was probably my first hard gold I got back in the N64 days.

I hate Fest so much not looking forward that one. :)

Biggest issue with Taloraan is that is seems to always crash at the end of the level if I get the bonus. However setting 640x480 and disabling quality sound solved the problem for one run. Will need to check if its reliable. Otherwise it's gonna be frustrating to do.
Post edited February 02, 2015 by darthcloud64
Got it!

I was afraid there was indeed a memory leak when medalling on Taloraan, since I got a crash on my first try, but then it worked out just fine!

Taken from nGlide window, 1152x864. This was in my clipboard, while the shots produced by the game were still 640x480. Curious.
taloraan.jpg (226 Kb)
Nice run!

Did Construction Yard and Kyle II tonight

Both very easy, got lost (like always) on Kyle II but still managed to finish by 6sec from the limit haha
mission7.jpg (388 Kb)
mission8.jpg (351 Kb)
All Chapter 2 golds complete, now on the harder golds of chapter 3 :O
mission9.jpg (411 Kb)
mission10.jpg (319 Kb)
OMG All the hardest one done!!! only 4 to go!
mission12.jpg (361 Kb)
mission13.jpg (343 Kb)
mission14.jpg (334 Kb)
mission11.jpg (418 Kb)
Post edited February 07, 2015 by darthcloud64
100% done :D

Calamari was super annoying to do, got only 86 friend save so many times!
This one need a bit of luck even if you do a perfect run.

Thank to GOG and Disney for bringing this game back, a lot of fun and good memory!

Hopefully Battle for Naboo is next!
mission15.jpg (343 Kb)
mission16.jpg (337 Kb)
mission18.jpg (390 Kb)
mission19.jpg (413 Kb)