Snickersnack: Thanks to spammer abuse, GOG forums have been set such that you need a little rep to post a link. :/
LukA_YJK: What I need again? What does "little rep@ mean?
"rep" is short for your reputation score. You gain rep by making posts (1 point a day I think), having posts upvoted, and answering questions. I think you need 5 or 10 rep to post links.
You can see your "rep" under your avatar.
It looks like you were able to post a link in a reply to your "Good old utilities" thread somehow. Seeing as you can't edit a link into your original post, I think that might have been a bug. :(
For the time being, you could probably ask an interested forum user to post a link for you in a PM (private message).
BTW, thanks for letting us know about your "Secrets of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron" site. That looks quite interesting. I'm going to have try some of those utilities after I make a little more progress in the game. :)