janmojzis: I also had problems with JK II under Win 10, unfortunately for me, downgrade to Win 7 or XP was a no option. Therefore, having no functional version for Win 10, I had to made it a hard way. There is a sourcecode released around there. Open Jedi Knight. So I had to download it, set it for Jedi Knight II (default it builds for Jedi Academy) and compile it. Success. If interested, I can provide a binary.
Just note, I had to upgrade JK II to a higher version prior compiled code worked as intended. You just need to download and install a patch for 1.04 and you're set. Let me know if you want this compiled binary. I have played all levels with it as a singleplay. No nasty or horrible bugs all the time. Definitely better that downgrade or any messy patching and workarounding.
Hello, recently got Jedi Outcast for Win 10 but couldn't play it. I would be very appreciative if you could help me with my version.