janek1999: 0 gravity zones are hell (like one on Vengeance (Oovo IV)). I can't "strafe", only roll/rotate. Limiting fps works, but I would like to play with high framerate. Is there a patch somewhere? Is it a common problem? Is limiting fps the only solution?
The higher your traction, the stronger the pod will be drawn towards the center of the tube. (Traction is affected by upgrades and framerate.) If you're running at 60fps, then downgrade your traction all the way. You can reduce your traction further by holding slide. If you're running above 60fps...don't. The physics in this game become pretty unplayable above 60fps.
Keep in mind that the Dreamcast version ran at 30fps and the N64 at 24. That's more or less the framerate range the game was designed to run at, but doing 60fps is no problem if your traction is low.