Alexrd: Many years ago, I made
this simple mod. It basically swaps all "Episode III" clone troopers for" Episode II" ones (which in the vanilla version are only available on one map).
Works for multiplayer too.
Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 So YOU are the one that created it? Thank you very much! The phase I armors are so much cooler than the phase II ones - specially the commander since in the game it is the galactic marine's armor and I don't like it.
I just found a problem with it when playing on three maps from marvel4's B1 Conversion Pack 1.1. The game crashes to desktop when loading Bespin: Platforms, Kashyyyk: Islands and Tatooine: Dune Sea from the conversion pack. Those maps use the clone pilot class instead of the clone enginner so the game probably looks for something related to the clone pilot and crashes.
I may try to create a phase I armor mod similar to your but addressing this issue. I'm new to modding, so did you have to create new models or something? Or did you simply changed some scripts and replaced some files?
Thank you so much. And I recommend both the phase I armor mod and marvel4's B1 Conversion Pack 1.1 (which includes levels from the first Battlefront).
EDIT: I'm trying to hack the rep.lvl file from the Bespin: Platforms maps (and I'm not used to this kind of thing) and I almost got it right, it works with the phase I armor mod now but crashes without the mod. I'll try harder. And I'll try to do the same with the other two maps later and if I get them to work I'll post them somewhere (whether they work with an unmodded game or not, but I hope they will).