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Noob here. After watching Let's Plays, reading FAQs, doing the tutorials... I can't beat Avast Ye Scurvy Targs (2nd mission Klingon) even on _easy_. I must be doing something wrong but I can't figure out what. I'm to the point where I'd like to upload footage of game play and let internet denizens tell me what I'm doing wrong, heh.

Just so I know I'm not going crazy, is there some secret to defeating that pirate freighter? My tactics are as follows. Any help appreciated. I will not be offended by criticism because I suck sooooo bad apparently :D.

These my tactics are on normal difficulty:

1. I spend my prestige after the 1st mission to upgrade to 2x disruptor IIs, best officers available, re-stock shuttles and marines to maximum.
2. When I start Avast, I go to red alert, let my weapons fully charge, reinforce my fore shields.
3. Once in targeting range I target the pirate frigate
4. Once in scanning range I select frigate's disruptors for hit-and-run.
5. I battle run the frigate and when I'm within 20 I blast it with everything I've got all at once. If I'm lucky my marines beam over.
6. I keep out of the frigate's primaries while my weapons recharge. When they're ready I swing around at 1/4 impulse and repeat step 5 or attack from the back or flank if available.
7. This works until the 2nd ship joins the fight - at which point...
8. ... I avoid crossing between the ships, I use cloaking to recharge and re-position myself to battle run the pirates or attack from the side/back if available.

It seems that step 8 never ends and eventually my hull integrity fails and I blow up. I just can't drain the pirate ship fast enough to outlast it. Even on easy mode :(. Am I supposed to do something radically different? The Let's Play I watch beats this mission within 10 easy minutes doing the same tactics.

Thanks you and feel free let the criticism rip :)
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I figured it out. Here's hoping this helps the next sucker:

You don't have to keep your ship below warp max. Meaning, all this time I could have afforded better weapons despite it pushing my warp usage slightly over the default. That plus emphasizing maneuverability (thrusters III) rather than spreading points around was the key.

I guess it's on to mission 3. Perhaps this one will take less than a week.