FekLeyrTarg: Has anyone tried out the "Star Fleet Battles Cadet Training Manual", which comes with Interplay's SFC games?
It can be found inside the "SFB" folder in the root-SFC directory.
What do you think about it?
Akharus: I enjoy Starfleet Battles. You could also give Federation Commander a shot -- it's a streamlined version of SFB that makes for games that you can actually finish in a day instead of a week ^_^.
Both are great games though... the amount of detail and complicated little things you can manage in SFB is unrivaled... hence the 600 page rulebook!
Federation Commander is a lot more accessible though, and still plays very well.
Star Fleet Battles truly is a game that needs a true computer game adaptation of it's own in order to handle all the little details (SFC isn't an exact translation). In fact, all of ADB's Trek games could use Computer Game versions. Or even better, all-in-one!
Imagine: A grand-strategy computer game of "Federation & Empire". However, when combat happens, you can either use F&E's rules or you can play out the combat with "Star Fleet Battles" rules. Then, on top of that, if the combat is over a Planet, you can have planet side combat using "Star Fleet Marines" rules. (ADB also mentioned plans for a Ship-Interior combat game someday. Add that in as well once it ever sees the light of day.)