halcassell: i am completely lost. I installed bridge commander on gog, and want to mod it. i downloaded kobayashi maru and dont have a clue on how to install it. i would like to do all the other mods as well, but......... please help
There are two types of mods - overwrite mods and installer mods. KM is an overwrite mod this means its a zip file that you unpack with your BC install folder as the target - it will then overwrite all your files. This is a one time operation so its better to do a clean install and then copy the install folder and then target that.
The other sorts of mods are for smaller things like ships or planets of bridges these are in modpack format which is a proprietarty binary format. To install these you need a mod installer unpacker the latest is called BCUT the older one was called BCMod. Most of the more recent packs are for BCUT but older stuff uses BCMod. You run the program - select the Mod pack and point it to your target directory of the install. Most mods say what type they are and how to install them. You need to read their README files.