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Patch 1.3 - Part 1 (March 19, 2025)
Tech Part


• Made mutants movements during combat smoother.
• Improved the reaction of NPCs to the sound of footsteps.
• Polished ambush behavior for mutants, when Player is hiding behind or on top of props.
• Fixed an issue where mutants didn't attack other NPCs once Player was in the safe zone.
• Fixed an issue where sometimes a Zombie would drop multiple weapons after being killed stealthily.
• Made transitions between different movements for mutants smoother.
• Fixed an issue with NPC spawning during the A Tough Awakening mission at the Sphere location.
• Made mutants movements during combat smoother.
• Improved the reaction of NPCs to the sound of footsteps.
• Improved the VFX of mutant jump attack interruption.
• Fixed an issue where objects possessed by the Poltergeist and Pseudogiant with a collar were picked up in the air too quickly.
• Fixed an issue where the player was unable to perform a stealth kill on friendly NPCs when he was seen.
• Improved recoil animation for NPCs that were too weak.
• Fixed an issue where NPC could be stuck in place during the combat.
• Fixed an issue where NPC in wounded state could not look in specific directions.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could use gestures during a dialogue while wounded.
• Fixed an issue where mutants were twitching during the turning animations.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs legs could be clipping with a grated floor during the movement.
• Fixed an issue where zombies could stop looking for an enemy after reaching the last known threat location.
• Fixed an issue where zombies could not move to the location where a threat was spotted.
• Added additional idle animations for NPCs with weapons drawn.
• Fixed an issue where SFX of dead mutant played every time Player loaded save near mutant's corpse.
• Improved AI behavior for Pseudogiant fight at Abandoned Science Campus location.
• Polished ambush behaviour for mutants, when Player is hiding behind or on top of props.
• Fixed an issue where Granite Sniper NPCs were spawning with enhanced weapons that one shotted Player.
• Fixed generic issue where NPCs could die due to offline combat while being online.
• Added missing facial animation for generic NPC dialogue at Skadovsk.
• Fixed an issue where NPC weapons became invisible if they picked it up after recovering from wounded state.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs played weapon equipping animation twice.
• Fixed an issue where mutants didn't attack other NPCs once Player was in the safe zone.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to knock down objects controlled by Poltergeist or collared Pseudogiant.
• Fixed an issue where Snork mutants were able to get stuck in idle state if Player didn't move during their attacks.
• Fixed an issue where Chimera and Bayun mutants could stop moving after receiving continuous damage from Player during their side jump movement.
• Added missing voiceover for monolithian praying animation sequences.
• Fixed an issue where the Player was unable to loot or interact with Zombie's corpse after stealth killing Zombie.
• Fixed a generic issue with NPCs playing animations appearing levitating when first rendered.
• Fixed an issue where Player stood up from crouch after Controller's psi-attack ability.
• Zombies no longer receive psi-induced damage.
• Fixed generic issue where environmental props could get stuck to NPCs' hands during their animations.
• Fixed an issue where the rat swarm attack sound was too loud.
• Fixed an issue where electric Poltergeist was able to spawn invisible anomalies.
• Fixed animation issues for NPCs with MAC10 weapons.
• Pseudodog's summoned copies no longer leave blood trails on surfaces after being shot.
• Fixed an issue where Zombies' left hand could appear warped when using USP or MAC10 guns.
• Fixed an issue with the weapon magazine appearing detached when Zombie NPC reloaded MAC10 weapon.
• Fixed an issue with the absence of Burer's mumbling while he was moving.
• Adjusted sound events of Bloodsucker invisibility ability when he goes in and out of it.
• Fixed an issue when Pseudogiant with a collar, Poltergeist and Burer couldn't pick up and throw a weapon.
• Fixed Monolith NPCs spawn before "Signal" at location "SKD Assembly Unit".
• Fixed an issue where the NPC footsteps were without any sound.
• Increased cooldown of respawn in A-Life scenarios and lairs.
• Fixed LOD popping issues for pseudodog's corpse.
• Added missing reloading animations for NPCs reloading Grom weapon.
• Fixed an issue where Bloodsucker could get stuck when attacking Player.
• Added missing SFX for poltergeist shield ability activation
• Added missing SFX for Deer mutant jumps.
• Added missing breathing SFX for Boar mutants.
• Added missing SFX for blinddog jump attack.
• Improved post-teleporting ambush behavior for Bayun mutants.
• Added missing facial animation for Scar in dialogue before Duga assault during The Assault On The Duga mission.
• Resolved issues where NPCs got stuck in one place and obstructed player movement.
• Fixed an issue with sliding NPCs during the movement when the player quickly looks away and back on NPCs.


• Weird Water: decreased radiation protection.
• Weird Nut: increased bleeding degeneration speed, further slowed down healing with equipped artifacts.
• Weird Flower: Increased smell masking effect.
• Weird Ball: increased stamina gain, increased maximum weight of the artifact, but slowed down weight gain when being shot.
• Weird Kettle: Debuff received from consuming food is now not random, and corresponds to specific type of food.
• Non-Stop Limited Edition energy drinks now have an additional special effect when used with Weird Kettle.
• Made A-life encounters a bit more rare on average.
• Nerfed base anomaly damage protections for “combat” armors
• Buffed anomaly damage protection for “science” suites
• Slightly reworked anomaly damage for different anomalies
• Increased damage from destructible explosive props.
• Fixed an issue where the Weird Flower artifact was initially in a dried state instead of an active one after being picked up.
• Increased overall durability for unique weapons found during missions.
• Fixed an issue where the blueprint for Saiga D-12 was placed in location available after point of no return.
• Increased overall durability for unique weapons found during missions.
• Added additional gear around the map.
• Rebalanced anomaly damage for various armor types.
• Fixed a loot balance issue where a sniper rifle silencer was present in the same pool with an incompatible assault rifle.
• Fixed description of some mission items in "The Poppy Field" mission.

Optimization and crashes

• Fixed memory leaks issues when navigating inventory/looting menus (e.g. opening Player stash at Rostok)
• For optimization purposes, the hair quality has been changed to high in the Epic preset. The Epic hair quality is still available for manual adjustment.
• A dozen other optimization tweaks were made.
• Almost 100 crashes and EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors were fixed.

Under the Hood

• Fixed generic issues where wrong character name was used in subtitles for walkie-talkie dialogues
• Added some missing animations for walkie-talkie dialogues.
• Increased frequency of idle animations in dialogues.
• Fixed some generic issues with mission logic not progressing after dialogue with NPC is finished (e.g. reward is not given after dialogue)
• Fixed an issue where static noise SFX persisted after Player interrupted dialogue where one of members was talking through walkie-talkie.
• Fixed some generic issues with NPCs inconsistently turning flashlight off during scripted sequences.
• Fixed generic foliage related issues across the map.
• Added missing sound effects for environmental visual anomalies.
• Fixed visible seams between adjacent terrain surfaces.
• Fixed an issue where detecor Veles did not provide haptic feedback on artifact proximity.
• Fixed multiple issues with a marker on player's chest during the Seek, and you shall find mission, including markers on undiscovered locations, maltiple markers at the same time, missing marker on player's compass.
• Removed the warning message about launching with custom parameters, when launching the title from Stalker2.exe from titles Steam directory.
• Fixed an issue when the sound of water particles was missing when Player dropped any items in water.
• Added an error message when players trying to load on a base title version a save from content-updated version of the game.
• Polished Sultan NPC animations during dialogue before accepting The Mysterious Case side mission.
• Fixed an issue where Catching Up achievement was not achieved when shooting at grenade via shotgun weapon type.
• Fixed an issue where the Spend Time displayed on Save files was addding 18 minutes after the Sleep.
• Added error message indicating that the game-save progress cannot be used without a content update from the Xbox network.
• Polished generic rack prop models.
• Polished NPC’s behavior at the VPC Mirror location in Malachite region
Post edited March 19, 2025 by Berzerk2k2
Patch 1.3 - Part 2 (March 19, 2025)

Main Story Line

• Fixed an issue where the player could skip the dialogue with Lt. Boychuk while entering Chemical Plant during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where Lt. Boychuk could leave their post on entrance to Chemical Plant which caused player to skip dialogue.
• Fixed an issue where the objective "Report to Major Dvoryankov of Just Like the Good Old Days mission could start before the dialogue with Lt. Boychuk when the player enters Chemical Plant via the north-west checkpoint.
• Fixed an issue where the player could skip the dialogue with Lt. Boychuk while entering Chemical Plant during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where player could not complete Escape from the Cage mission via the stealth path due to NPCs with high perception level.
• Fixed an issue where the quest marker did not appear on Canning Factory location during the Shock Therapy mission.
• Fixed an issue where Gaffer NPC could stay alive after the player failed On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue that could cause Max Sleepy and Potter NPCs to attack each other failing the additional objective of An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where the Ward NPCs could interfere with cutscenes during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player was able to sell the key to Northern Checkpoint of the Small Zone which prevented him from passing through it.
• Fixed an issue where Varan's feet were clipping with the ground during the Deal with the Devil mission.
• Fixed an issue where Scar stayed at Malachite after the player returned during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where Mykolayich's stash clipped with a wall when opening during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Vitya Croaker was left alone at the Shevchenko hub after the end of the Three Captains mission.
• Fixed an issue where the dialogue with Representative and Scar did not start while Emission is active during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player could destroy the Jammer before the start of the In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed an issue where Gaffer's leg was clipping through the chair during the dialogue in On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where the Escape from the Chemical Plant objective did not complete if the call from the Strelok or Scar was interrupted by a loudspeaker during the Escape from the Cage mission.
• Fixed an issue where the marker about available quest did not appear on Cpt. Senkevych NPC.
• The sound of the weather was lowered while the dome was active during the Dark Times mission.
• Polished localization for journal objectives in Dark Times mission.
• Fixed an issue with levitating Monolith scouts near Zalissya during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue with Lens standing up from bed during emission in On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue with Skipper's mercs squad not aiming at Player during dialog in Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue with Richter playing dialogue topic with generic voice after completing A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where no new journal objective appeared and Dark Times mission was stuck after killing Jarl NPC.
• Fixed an issue where Batalov NPC didn't play walkie-talkie animation during his dialogue in Shock Therapy mission at Icarus.
• Polished animations for MSOP NPCs at the Sphere during Behind Seven Seals mission.
• Added ability to skip dialogue lines with Scherba and Dvupalov when returning suppressor blueprint in In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue with Eye of the Storm mission not progressing after reaching the Generators.
• Fixed an issue when forced dialogue with Icarus guard was able to start after Player had already reached Icarus.
• Fixed an issue where "Discover the whereabouts of the escaped Wardens" journal stage for Shock Therapy mission was not completed if Three Captains mission was completed beforehand.
• Fixed an issue where during Escape from the Cage mission two guards at rooftop were not moving and blocking stealth progression.
• Polished sequence with pseudogiant during teleportation jumps in The Forge Of Progress mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies with prof. Hermann's name during The Forge Of Progress mission
• Fixed an issue where Gaffer didn't give rewards for optional tasks during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where walkie-talkie dialogue with Major Dvoryankov was ended abruptly after leaving Comm center during Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where fight with Zakhar's bandits at the Car Park could start prematurely during A Big Score mission.
• Fixed typos in dialogue between Dvupalov and Scherba during In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed an issue with SFX of passing through psi-dome not playing after completing Dark Times mission.
• Fixed an issue where no active journal objective was present if Player entered Depot before talking to col. Korshunov in Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to choose to negotiate with Chornozem after already alarming bandits at the Depot during Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where objective to find col. Korshunov was still active, after shooting at bandits at Depot during Answers come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to get stuck behind a locked door in the technician room at Forestry during Extreme Simplicity mission.
• Fixed redundant PDA notification sounds playing before Intro cinematic.
• Fixed an issue where Ensign's squad was continuously following Player during or after The Mysterious Case mission.
• Fixed an issue where side activity markers weren't removed from neutral NPCs if Player attacked them during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Hamster didn't become hostile if Player killed his guard via grenade during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Degtyarev's wounded animation was getting disrupted if Player interacted with him after bossfight with Korshunov.
• Fixed an issue where Zalissya hub wasn't locked after killing neutrals during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where the journal objective to get inside the Sphere via sewers was not cancelled if Player already entered the Sphere via main gate during Behind Seven Seals mission.
• Fixed minor localization inconsistencies for Richter's radiocall during Back to the Slag Heap mission.
• Fixed an issue where captive Zhora Mammoth stayed idle and despawned abruptly after his interrogation in Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where a unique Predator weapon was not spawning after completing Dead Frequency mission.
• Fixed an issue where Gaffer's model could overlap with other NPC while sitting on a chair in Zalissya's shelter during first emission.
• Fixed an issue where side mission A Big Score was not progressing if emission happened while Player was at the Car Park.
• Fixed an issue where monolithians squads' didn't spawn after activating Duga substation during Happiness for Everyone mission.
• Adjusted animation pose for zombified Kvashka NPC during A Sign of Hope side mission.
• Fixed some random issues, where Korshunov might have gone missing if Emission started after completing Down Below mission.
• Fixed an issue where journal objective to Talk to Solder appeared during The Hornets’ Nest mission even if Solder was previously killed by Player.
• Minor level design adjustments at Zapillya location, Garbage region.
• Fixed an issue when Player could hear Kolya Plaster`s radio comment about the east checkpoint and he left the Lesser Zone while he was actually standing in Zalyssa.
• Polished shooting sound during sequence with Richter in A Tough Awakening mission.
• Fixed an issue when during the Behind Seven Seals mission IPSF soldiers followed the Player until the Zalissya and started the combat during the emission.
• Fixed an issue when Player was not able to get into the facility during A Light in the End of the Tunnel mission.
• Added a new shelter near Slag Heap.
• Fixed an issue when mission stage Eliminate the Monolithian scouts was failing during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue when Player was able to ask Boroda about Varta after already finding or killing them during the Shock Therapy mission.
• Fixed an issue when hand radio remained interractable after dialogue with Huron at the Slag Heap during the No Honor Among Thieves mission.
• Fixed an issue with non-interactable Lt.Novak during A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Fixed exploit when Player was able to receive an infinite amount of army medkits from Maj.Kryvokhatsky during the Once More unto the Breach mission.
• Fixed an issue when Zakhar was ignoring the combat after escort during the A Big Score mission.
• Fixed an issue when Babay ignoring player who opens and looking in Babay's stash in front of him during the A Big Score mission.
• Fixed an issue when zombie sound was played before the zombie spawn during the Sign of Hope mission.
• Fixed an issue when wounded Monolithians were standing instead of laying down An Act of Mercy mission.
• Changed the reward from Khors for the An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue when Akopan was sending radio messages to the Player when he actually stands nearby during A Big Score mission.
• Fixed an issue when Leva Borzoi stands aiming without a weapon while dialog with bandits at the A Big Score mission.
• Fixed Myshko Noogie idle behavior during the A Big Score mission.
• Fixed an issue when bandits at the parking lot were not going to the shelter during the A Big Score mission.
• Fixed an issue when Edik the Dome's PDA was still present on the body and marked as quest item after completion of Bandit Mayhem mission.
• Adjusted Docent body position in the severs under the Azimuth for Chasing Ghosts mission.
• Fixed an issue when mercenaries were spawning in the front of the player right after accepting In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed an issue with constant shooting sound in Zalissya at certain point during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue when Gaffer has incorrect speech line during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue when Player was instantly spotted by Varta soldiers at the Canning Factory even when he was in stealth during the Shock Therapy mission.
• Fixed an issue when Lens was standing near the bed after final dialogue during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue when Hamster disappeared from the house during On the Edge mission.
• Polished transitions between the stages of In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed an issue when optional audiolog at X-15 lab overlaps mandatory dialogue after killing enemies during Subtile Matter mission.
• Fixed an issue when Player is not able to loot Faust's body after receiving a call from Scar during Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue when a player was unable to complete the "Talk to Solder" objective after killing Monolithians around him during The Hornet`s Nest mission.
Post edited March 19, 2025 by Berzerk2k2
Patch 1.3 - Part 3 (March 19, 2025)
• Minor improvements for dialogue between Gaffer and Richter during A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Minor improvements for dialogue between Gaffer and Richter during A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Adjusted Richter's position during dialogue with Gaffer in A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Fixed an issue where sleepiness effect was playing every time Player loaded a save made during In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue with twitching idle monolithian NPC at Infirmary during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where a masked Ensign NPC was playing spitting SFX during The Mysterious Case mission.
• Added missing Korshunov walkie-talkie message on leaving Depot after eliminating bandits in Answers come at a Price mission.
• Added new teleportation SFX when jumping between space anomalies in The Forge of Progress mission.
• Fixed an issue where wounded monolithian NPC were able to stand up abruptly during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where The Eighth NPC was blocking the doorway to Shelter base during A Sign of Hope mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies in dialogue with Shah during King of the Hill mission.
• Fixed an issue where a marker was missing on Korshunov's body after a bossfight in Down Below mission, Strelok branch.
• Minor polishment of audio environment at Noon base during Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where boars from Wild Island were following Player to Noontide base during Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where wounded animation didn't play for Strider near Dr. Kaymanov's house during the Dark Times mission.
• Fixed an issue where col. Korshunov's voice was playing through walkie-talkie even if Player was right in front of him after completing Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where Sold. Lytvynyuk NPC was playing weapon cleaning animation without weapon itself during Once More unto the Breach mission.
• Fixed an issue where Foma NPC could become invincible during Chasing Ghosts mission.
• Fixed an issue where Monolithians were not reacting to the Player during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where a pack of rodents was idle and did not attack Player near stash in Budmo! side mission.
• Fixed an issue where Ward soldiers were standing idle with weapons drawn after killing all monolithans and mutants in The Mole during the Law and Order mission.
• Fixed an issue where the journal stage 'Get to the Helicopter Pad' was active after Player had already reached the helipad during Law and Order mission.
• Minor adjustments for animation poses of bandits at Varan's camp.
• Fixed minor narrative inconsistencies for On the Edge side mission.
• Fixed an issue where Ward guardian at the Cryptobiology Lab entrance played his phrases in different voices during Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed an issue where Lt. Mateus could use a different voice for his dialogues if Player came back to the Chemical Plant after completing To the Last Drop of Blood mission.
• Adjusted animation poses for wardens patrolling at SIRCAA during Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed an issue where Gaffer could speak in different voice during On the Edge mission.
• Minor adjustments for animation poses of Ward soldiers at Chemical Plant.
• Fixed minor inconsistencies in journal objectives during A Long Overdue Visit mission.
• Disabled ability to trade with generic Ward guardian NPCs at SIRCAA during A Long Overdue Visit mission.
• Fixed an issue where Pvt. Lapyn's corpse from an encounter mission with collared bayun contained armor and artifacts in its inventory.
• Disabled ability to start dialogue with scientist giving first aid to Dr. Dalin at the beginning of Law and Order mission.
• Minor adjustments for corpses' animation poses during Law and Order mission.
• Increased psi field coverage at Mindscrew location.
• Fixed an issue where dr. Dalin's voice didn't had walkie-talkie effect after picking up emitter during Just Like the Good Old Days mission
• Fixed journal description inconsistencies for The Hornets’ Nest mission.
• Fixed chaotic camera movement during dialogue with Sgt. Yeremeyev at Icarus on accepting The Side Hustle mission.
• Added missing dialogue lines when exiting dialogue with Dr. Dalin or Agatha after cutscene before The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to complete an already failed journal objective about putting Vodka into stash during Budmo! mission.
• Fixed an issue where Lens NPC was able to leave Zalissya's hall during the first attack of the Monolith during On the Edge mission.
• Improved narrative sequence with C-Consciousness Representative during Visions of Truth mission.
• Made combat with Chimera at VPC Mirror more difficult during A Minor Incident mission by eliminating abilities to hide on a prop or inside a building.
• Minor animation pose adjustments for Ninth NPC at Noontide base.
• Adjusted animation pose for Ward soldier during cutscene at TCS in Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Adjusted animation pose for Fig NPC during emission in King Of The Hill mission.
• Removed redundant gunshots from SFX near Gaffer's house during On The Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Panas was spawning right in front of Player after taking loot from stash at Poisonous Hole during Budmo! mission.
• Adjusted camera angle during dialogue with bandits and Akopyan at the Car Park during Deceive The Deceiver mission.
• Fixed incorrect icon being displayed in dialogue option when returning Warlock his gun during On The Edge mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies with Panas looting stashes after completing Budmo! mission.
• Fixed an issue when the Dvoryankov NPC was missing a phrase during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed position of NPC Lt. Boychuk during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Added more lightning sources around location during the Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Added shelter near the bridge to Limansk during the The Boundary mission.
• Reworked sound effects during the All that is left mission.
• Reworked sound effects during the No Honor Among Thieves mission.
• Reworked sound effects during the The Road to the Foundation mission.
• Reworked sound effects during the Nightingale’s Hunt mission.
• Reworked sound effects during the A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Fixed an issue where Alife NPCs could spawn near Lviv ship during the The Mysterious Case mission.
• Fixed an issue where Richter's steps were missing on the river after the Emission during the Through the valley of the shadow of death mission.
• Fixed an issue where All That Is Left mission didn't cancel after Mateus death, resulting in redundant marker on artifact location.
• Fixed an issue where Akopyan NPC was non interactable at the car park during A Big Score mission.
• Improved Bloodsucker's behaviour when looting Shah's stash during King Of The Hill mission.
• Fixed an issue where plank bridge leading to Faust cell were collapsed for Players first arriving at Noontide base during Hot On The Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player's weapon was able to get force holstered at Mole Object during To The Last Drop Of Blood mission.
• Fixed an issue where comments from Gray NPC were looped after the Dark Times mission, if Player didn't kill Bayun after looting stash with Gray's PDA.
• Fixed an issue where one Phantom NPC didn't spawn at Mirror VPC during A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where dialogue with prof. Ozersky was able to trigger during fight with chimera at Mirror VPC during A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where loot from the last stash in Budmo! side mission despawned after starting dialogue or combat with Panas NPC.
• Adjusted positions for wardens at the Korshunov's outpost during Answers Come At A Price mission.
• Improved audio environment for The Lost Boys side mission.
• Added missing electricity VFX for water body at the MOLE object during Law And Order mission.
• Fixed an issue with Strelok levitating at the The Palace of Culture "Energetik" after cutscene in Down Below mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies in The Forge Of Progress mission.
• Fixed journal objectives' inconsistencies if Player killed chimera before trying to start Mirror primary installation in A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where water in the Mole location was still conducting electricity after disabling lever during Law And Order mission.
• Fixed an issue where prof. Lodochka reacted on emission, despite being in the shelter of his Bunker during the Hot On The Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where dialogue with Yokel NPC triggered on large distance if Player was hidden from emission during King Of The Hill mission.
• Fixed an issue when Jumper and Bluish sometimes was dead during Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue when mission stage 'Kill Sultan and Beard' for the Three Captains mission becomes active after the Emission when they are already dead.
• Fixed an issue when the door to forestry was locked during the Extreme Simplicity mission if Player encountered the emission while leaving the swamps.
• Fixed an issue when quest NPC was able to be distracted by A-life enemies during the Three Captains mission.
• Fixed an issue when marker to the basement location was missing after receiving coordinates from Pomor or picking up his PDA during The Poppy Field mission.
• Fixed an issue when Richter mentions communications with Scar when Players followed Ward mainline during the A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue when Talking to Dew during the Emission was counted as completed stage in Journal for The Lost Boys mission.
• Fixed the issue where the wrong reward was issued to the player in The Lost Boys mission in case of killing Dew.
• Fixed an issue when Richter phrases get interrupted after teleporting to the Red Fortress during The Last Wish Mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Taking Back What’s Mine mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for encounter near Brain Scorcher during In the Name of Science mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for encounter near Boathouse.
• Polished and improved audio environment for In the Name of Science mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Big Score mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Budmo! mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Three Captains mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Mysterious Case mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Bullseye mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Sign of Hope mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Heavy Burden mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Poppy Field mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Behind Seven Seals mission.
• Fixed an issue when Senkevych`s "Wake Up" dialogue was played too early during The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue where the bayun in collar was at the Detention Center instead of the Boathouse location during the A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player could not progress through the mission if the Heart of Chornobyl artifact was looted directly to the artifact slot from the Strelok's body.
• Fixed an issue where Richter could be non-interactable at the Slag Heap location during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.
• Fixed an issue where Doctorant Shcherba could be dead for some players during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where drunkenness effect persisted for some players after catching the artifact during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where the mission marker could be absent during the Bring the Collar to Richter objective of the A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player could stay in a closed location after a cutscene in the Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Fixed an issue where the dialogue with prof. Ozersky was unavailable if the player killed Spark NPCs during the A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where the doors to underground tunnel and Location D could be closed during the Once More unto the Breach mission.
• Fixed an issue where Dalin could be missing at the infirmary at the Chemical Plant location during the Escape from the Cage mission.
• Fixed an issue where two Sold. Zagorski NPCs were present at the Watchpost during the The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue when Richter stops at the beginning of the path through the river during the Through the valley of the shadow of death mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player's reputation with Ward could be rebooted after the start of The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue where the Spark NPCs were misaligned with the ground surface at the Just Like the Good Old Days mission location.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the In the Shadow of Icarus mission.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the The Side Hustle mission.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the Shock Therapy mission.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the The Last Wish mission.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the Through the valley of the shadow of death mission.
• Improved quality of sound effects in the Eye of the Storm mission.
• Fixed an issue where the Strelok's head could be floating above the ground after the NPCs death during the Let No One Leave Unsatisfied mission.
• Fixed an issue where the fuse from the A Minor Incident mission did not have a quest state if it was picked up while the fuse from the Just Like the Good Old Days was in the inventory.
• Fixed an issue where the Magwort NPC was stuck in the wall at the Dawn of a New Day mission location.
• Fixed an issue with several NPCs colliding with objects at the An Invisible Threat mission location.
• Fixed an issue with missing sound of the disinfection process in scientists bunkers.
• Fixed an issue where interaction prompt for dialogue with Richter could be missing after defending Yaniv during the The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue when the Snork collar was not counted as collected if snork was killed not by a player character during the "In the Name of Science" mission.
• Rebalanced the Faust boss fight.
• Fixed an issue where the fight music would continue playing after loading a save made right after the Korshunov boss fight ended.
• Fixed an issue where Korshunov's head would disappear during the cutscene in the Down Below mission.
• Fixed an issue where NPC Korshunov could disappear at the start of 2nd phase of bossfight during the "Down Below" mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies during emission in A Big Score mission
Post edited March 19, 2025 by Berzerk2k2
Patch 1.3 - Part 4 (March 19, 2025)
Side Missions and Encounters

• Fixed an issue where a basin was stuck in the roof in Zalissya.
• Fixed an issue where encounters with Faust followers didn't start after looting all quest items from Faust body.
• Fixed an issue where Prof. Zaretskyi had two pistols during the encounter at the weather station.
• Fixed an issue with missing sound effects of the visual anomalies at the Prypiat Cafe location.
• Fixed an issue with missing sound effect of the ferrofluid visual anomaly.
• Fixed an issue where Yukhym NPC could use a shotgun without any ammo during the encounter with fleshes at the gas station.
• Fixed an issue where the player could find body armor in the NPC inventory.
• Fixed an issue where Zhenya Hulk's squad did not attack a player after the player killed one of his men during the The Key to Freedom mission.
• Fixed an issue where Stets Leech NPC could appear in Zalissya and talk about Gaffer as if he is still alive after the fall of Zalissya during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Bandits became hostile towards Player if any other NPC damaged car-for-sale in an encounter mission at Buryakivka.
• Fixed an issue where guards at the entrance to Chemical Plant hub were able to leave their post.
• Minor narrative improvements for encounter missions with bandits selling cars at Buryakivka.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies during dialogue with Bartender at Malachite hub.
• Polished dialogue logic for generic NPCs at Malachite Hub.
• Adjusted corpses death poses for an encounter mission at Rostok region.
• Fixed an issue where Boo NPC comment about stealing his gun didn't play fully during the encounter at Slag Heap location.
• Adjusted animation poses for idle Warden NPCs at STC Malachite during Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies during the encounter mission at Destroyed Bridge, Backwater region.
• Fixed an issue where Fantomas NPC didn't attack Player after looting Bubble's corpse during an encounter mission at Lesser Zone.
• Fixed an issue where an encounter mission with Headlight NPC near Bulba Arch anomaly was not starting after completion of Nightingale’s Hunt mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies in car selling encounter at Buryakivka.
• Adjusted animation poses for Kostya Dry NPC during an encounter near Duga.
• Level Design improvements for Shelter Hub at Wild Island region.
• Adjusted animation poses for generic NPCs at Chemical Plant Hub.
• Adjusted animation poses for Stets Leech NPC during encounter mission at Cordon region.
• Fixed an issue where notes were not added to PDA after picking it up from Kostya Dry NPC in an encounter near Duga.
• Fixed an issue where captive NPCs from The Key To Freedom mission could die if Player rescued them but didn't talk to Zhenya Hulk.
• Fixed an issue with generic dialogues at Malachite Hub playing simultaneously.
• Fixed an issue where Fr. Valerian's corpse didn't have PDA in inventory after ignoring the encounter at Cooling Towers region.
• Adjusted animation poses for generic NPCs at Rookie Village location.
• Adjusted animation poses for generic NPCs at Rookie Village location.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies during the encounter mission with Faust followers at the Duga.
• Adjusted animation poses for generic NPCs at Chemical Plant Hub.
• Fixed an issue where Vova Panther NPC looting animation wasn't aligned with corpses during encounters at Industrial Zone.
• Fixed an issue with Vova Panther NPC reentering a lying animation if Player has triggered an encounter with him during Emission.
• Fixed an issue where gas station building doors near Rostok were locked if Player ignored encounters with flesh and Yukhym NPC.
• Fixed typos in Ukrainian localization during the Unhealthy Competition side mission.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies for Yukhym NPC after Player ignored encounters with him at the gas station.
• Fixed an issue where Yukhym NPC could be found dead at Rostok hub after Player gave him the ammo during encounter.
• Improved UI hints and Player input when navigating through stashes.
• Fixed an issue with Borko Tyre and Dymon Tarragon NPCs not attacking Player after choosing to help Fly NPC during encounters at Garbage region.
• Fixed an issue with non-interactable Mytryk Genius NPC after completing Uninvited Guests mission.
• Added a few generic NPCs to Rostok and Concrete Plant hubs.
• Fixed issue where stash on the roof at Pontoon Depot location was floating in the air.
• Fixed blind dogs behaviour after the encounter at Collapsed Bridge location.
• Fixed Ukrainian localization for Stefko Tactician’s PDA.
• Fixed rodent squad behaviour during the For Science! mission.
• Fixed Ukrainian localization in dialog with Haryk Jacket.
• Fixed Alex Frei standing position at Rostok hub.
• Fixed Lyova Fan sitting position at Chemical Plant hub.
• Fixed dialogue issues that could occur under certain conditions during the encounter in Rookie Village where Skif helps Lenchyk Sprat come up with a joke.
• Fixed an issue where Yaryk Mongoose was hostile to the player during the For Science! mission.
• Fixed that quest giver mark not disappearing from the NPC after the player bought the car from the bandits in Buryakivka.
• Fixed Ukrainian localization for note "Freedom members’ chat".
• Fixed issues with NPCs placement at Concrete Plant hub.
• Fixed that Partridge, Cobbler and Rubeus NPCs were floating above the ground in Zalissya.
• Fixed Kostya Dry being still alive after starting the mission Just Like the Good Old Days.
• Fixed formatting in the "Chat with Zulu" note.
• Fixed an issue where an NPC was falling from the tower instead of hanging on the rail in the dead pose during one of the jobs from Business with Owl mission.
• Fixed an issue where important NPCs (trader, technician, guide) could be absent at STC Malachite after starting of Legends of the Zone mission on the Ward branch.
• Fixed that squad of rodents not spawning in the Maze location after Doctorant Zhytnychenko was found dead.
• Fixed that NPC Kyro Zlich skips his line in dialog after the player killed Bloodsucker in the Dire Thicket.
• Fixed that the player being able to see Warlock, Hamster, Linza and Mykolayich spawning at their old locations and then teleporting to the Clubhouse after saving Zalissya in the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed issue where bandit Syava Bardiche attacks player with a delay, during the fight with Lex the Legend on Zaton.
• Fixed an issue where Father Valerian would look at the player when speaking a phrase addressed to a zombie during the fight with zombies at Sunken Train location.
• Fixed Yukhym's position when he was sitting on the barrel after the player helped him and killed the flesh.
• The issue was fixed where, after the player helped Sold. Kostas defeat the zombies, Kostas could die from the emission before the emission even started causing damage.
• Fixed an issue where topics about closing and opening of Yaniv station were played repeatedly.
• Fixed NPC Sgt. Pickman placement in Icarus hub.
• Added a bandits camp to the Swamp Tram location.
• Moved some NPCs in the Shevchenko hub so they wouldn't die if the emission started.
• Slightly moved bread on the ground near Collapsed Bridge.
• Fix an issue when Fedko Maul NPC turned hostile too fast during encounters in the Yantar region.
• Added missing narrative logic for ambush encounter mission near Varan's camp, if Player triggers it with Veteran rank.
• Fixed typo in NPC name Yura Cat in Ukrainian localization.
• Fixed inconsistency between voiceover and subtitles and mistakes in dialogue with Cpt. Hromovyi in Ukrainian localization.
• Improved Sidorovich's dialogue animations.
• Fixed issue where bandits do not react when player jumps on the car during encounter in Buryakivka.
• Fixed Sgt. Yeremeyev sitting position at Icarus hub.
• Fixed an issue where NPC Kostya Dry would be unfriendly to the player during the encounter at the house near Duga if the player had previously chosen the Spark's branch path.
• Fixed rodents squad spawn during For Science! mission.
• Fixed an issue where quest giver marker would not disappear from Zhenya Hulk if the player unlocked the door without speaking to the NPC in The Key to Freedom mission.
• Fixed an issue where the NPC was misplaced, causing them not to lean against the wall properly in the Malachite hub.
• Fixed an issue where Doctorant Zhytnychenko would start a fight with the Poltergeist after taking damage from him, instead of sitting in fear as intended.
• Fixed an issue where the NPC was misplaced during the Emission, causing them to clip through the bench in Yaniv Hub.
• Fixed an issue where the quest from the Barkeep would remain marked as uncompleted in the journal if the player waited 72+ hours before returning to the Barkeep.
• Fixed an issue where the corpse of Pvt. Pavlyuk was floating in the air.
• Fixed an issue where the message about closing the hub due to a threat would not play if the player attacked the Icarus hub guard.
• Fixed an issue where the NPC was clipping through a chair while wearing their backpack in Zalissya shelter.
• Fixed an issue where the Warden NPC in Zalissya was floating in mid-air while leaning on the wall in Zalissya.
• Fixed an issue where the NPC in Zalissya was floating in mid-air while leaning on the pole in Zalissya bear Gaffer's House.
• Fixed an issue where the safe zone was partially located outside the technic building in Rookie Village.
• Fixed an issue where NPC Kostya Dry's dead body was not present when the player returned to the encounter location in the house in the Duga region.
• Fixed an issue where three pieces of Fresh Bread were present in the cafeteria at Malachite Hub.
• Fixed an issue where loudspeaker messages from Gaffer, Warlock, and Mykolayich were still playing after losing the Zalissya.
• Added missing generic dialogues for NPCs at Chemical Plant if Icarus hub was saved.
• Fixed inconsistencies for Icarus camp loudspeaker when visiting hub for the first time.
• Fixed dialogue inconsistencies when interacting with Eugene merchant NPC at Rostok.
• Adjusted animation pose for JRF Kuprienko NPC at Malachite Hub.
• Fixed an issue with "Correspondence between Kuprienko and Bodya Carp" audiolog not playing back in Player's PDA.
• Fixed an issue where Sgt. Bykivnya NPC could talk to other NPC at the other part of Concrete Plant hub, as if they were in front of each other.
• Fixed an issue where Player's weapon was getting holstered inconsistently when navigating through building roofs at Concrete Plant hub.
• Fixed an issue where An Errand for Hera repeatable mission was stuck in the journal after completing it.
• Fixed an issue where Player could get instantly one-shotted in Zalissya after failing On the Edge side mission.
• Level design improvements at Rostok Hub.
• Fixed loudspeaker inconsistencies for Zalissya hub after saving it in On the Edge side mission.
• Fixed dialogue inconsistencies for Mykolayich medic NPC after saving Zalissya in On the Edge mission.
• Fixed PDA animation for Barkeep NPC at 100 Rads Bar when getting reward for repeatable mission.
• Fixed an issue with A Job for the Barkeep repeatable mission being stuck in PDA journal after completing it.
• Fixed inconsistencies for Icarus camp loudspeaker.
• Level design improvements at Chemical plant region.
• Fixed animation pose for Gaffer in Zalissya Bar.
• Increased amount of loot in stash at Pontoon Depot encounter location.
• Adjusted animation poses for generic NPCs at Rookie Village during emission.
• Fixed an issue where high ranked NPCs were able to spawn at Rookie Village location.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies for encounter with Lex the Legend NPC.
• Fixed an issue where wounded Stets Leech NPC was stuck in floorboards during encounter at Cordon.
• Fixed an issue with Kostya Dry NPC beginning to levitate on entering binoculars animation during encounter at the Duga region.
• Fixed an issue with encounter boars mutants twitching when approaching Mill location at Cordon.
• Adjusted animation pose for Bonkers NPC at Slag Heap hub location.
• Minor level art improvements at Factory Building Site location, Rostok region.
• Fixed an issue where reputation with Garry, Guide NPC at Yaniv didn't change.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to open inventory or PDA menu during weapon inspection animations at Arena.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to sell or throw away 'Drowned' unique weapon from encounter near Slag Heap.
• Added missing PDA to Zhenya Hulk's inventory during The Key To Freedom mission.
• Fixed an issue with a gap in Yaniv's basement safezone, which allowed Player to draw weapons inside hub.
• Fixed typos in reputation restoration dialogue with Prof. Ozersky.
• Fixed an issue where Lyonchyk Sprat didn't play his comment after failing his encounter mission at Rookie Village.
• Fixed an issue where Gena Hackman NPC was stuck in combat state after getting to shelter during emission in encounter at Burnt Forest.
• Fixed an issue where the dialogue topic for repeatable missions with Owl was disappearing right when Player was talking with Owl.
• Fixed an issue where after the defeat of Zalissya defence radio announcement to defend Zalissya was still reproducing.
• Added the doors closing at the Chemical Plant location during the combat around.
• Fixed an issue when the Stash marker was appearing on the map before the Stets Leach gave its coordinates.
• Fixed an issue when Zombie NPCs weren't attacking the player at Icarus camp location.
• Fixed an issue when the looted stash was appearing on the map as unlooted after receiving its coordinates from Fr. Valerian.
• Fixed an issue when NPC Yukhym was calling the player to talk after dialog during the Emission.
• Adjusted the placement of some NPCs around the Icarus camp location.
• Fixed an issue when NPC Sashko Partridge could run out of clubhouse during the emission in the "On the Edge" mission.
• Fixed an issue when Sashko Partridge could stay in one place if the player character interrupted dialogue of Sashko Partridge and Warlock around Zalissya location.
• Fixed an issue when NPC could stay in shelter without any emission going at the Icarus camp location.
• Fixed placement of NPC Bolero around the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture location.
• Fixed an encounter with Sol. Sukhovy & Sgt. Batalov at the Icarus camp to start automatically.
• Adjusted inventory items of NPC Leshy.
• Added Meet dialog with Strider after the "Hot on the Trail" mission is completed.
• Fixed an issue where a generic NPC from an encounter mission at Rookie Village was clipping with a wall.
• Adjusted Fast Travel point for Chemical Plant location.
• Fixed an issue where Vadyk Firecracker continued playing the guitar instead of helping Player when a pseudogiant appeared in an encounter mission at Bloodsuckers Village.
• Added new logic for Chemical Plant hub after completing Once More Unto The Breach mission, Spark branch.
• Fixed an issue where Zombies near a school building were despawned right in front of Player during The Sound Of Music mission.
• Fixed an issue where Chemical Plant encounter mission with wardens shooting fleshes was stuck after luring mutants out.
• Adjusted animation poses for NPCs at Rostok Bar.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to interact with Hamster NPC while being outside the shop building in Zalissya.
• Fixed an issue where the door to Sidorovich's Bunker was clipping with Skif model when opening.
• Fixed an issue where Stets Leach NPC needed to be healed twice during encounters at the Mill location, Garbage region.
• Fixed an issue where scientists with masks at Chemical Plant were able to use smoking animation.
• Fixed an issue where marker on Stets Leach stash didn't appear after completing the encounter mission at the Mill location, Cordon region.
• Fixed an issue where incorrect reward was displayed for some repeatable missions for Barkeep NPC at 100 Rad Bar.
• Fixed an issue where generic dialogues between NPCs at Chemical Plant didn't continue if Player interrupted them.
• Fixed an issue where a group of Rodent mutants didn't spawn during one of An Errand For Warlock repeatable missions.
• Fixed an issue where a pack of blind dogs was spawning midair during one of An Errand For Warlock repeatable missions.
• Fixed an issue where incorrect reward was displayed for some repeatable missions for Warlock NPC in Zalissya.
• Fixed an issue where Doctorant Zhytnychenko NPC didn't play specific emission animation during encounters at the Maze, Garbage region.
• Fixed dialogue inconsistencies for encounter mission with Kyro Zlich NPC at Lesser Zone.
• Fixed an issue where a guide NPC was missing at Yaniv hub after unlocking the Prypiat region.
• Fixed an issue where Lex the Legend NPC was unable to become hostile after idling in an encounter at Garbage.
• Fixed an issue with inaccurate "Mission Failed" pop-up for the "Activate the device" objective after Mongoose is killed during the "For Science!" mission.
• Lighting improvements for encounter missions locations in Lesser Zone region
• Changed appearance of Zombie NPCs in encounter at STC Malachite region.
• Reworked stealth approach in one of the encounter missions around Lesser Zone.

The Zone

Interactable Objects and Zone Experience

• Polished sound effects for interaction with movable objects.
• Fixed an issue with inconsistent volume of music from barge radio during There And Back Again mission prologue mission.
• Fixed an issue where a trap grenade was exploding even if Player picked it up before triggering wire.
• Polished ladder climbing animation.
• Fixed an issue where Vortex arch-anomaly sound effect was not obstructed in underground tunnels nearby.
• Fixed an issue where the compass, when disabled in the game settings, would become visible after leaving the Wandering Lights anomaly zone.
• Fixed an issue where the Weird Flower artifact was initially in a dried state instead of an active one after being picked up.
• Fixed an issue where the artifact near the Scientist Helicopter at Rostok Depot could spawn inside a closed container.
• Improved the logic to prevent the intersection of any spawned artifacts inside anomalies.
• Fixed an issue where the player would teleport inside the Poppy Field anomaly immediately after loading a save made after dying in this area.
• Fixed an issue where the player could escape the Carousel anomaly by opening the Item Selector while in the active anomaly.
• Fixed Soap Bubble collision with objects.
• Improved the VFX of the Expulsion anomaly on Xbox Series X.
• Improved the particle effects of the Soap Bubble anomaly after it is broken.
• Adjusted the anomaly sound fading when installing the scanner.
• Fixed an issue where artifacts could spawn under the ground at the Circus location in the Backwater region.
• Added music inside SIRCAA elevator during A Long Overdue Visit mission.
• Decreased amount of weapon received on unloading trap shotgun.
• Level design improvements in Zalissya's clubhouse, Lesser Zone.
• Fixed an issue where ladder climbing sound effects could get looped after getting off the ladder.
• Fixed an issue where changing value for Object Highlighting setting didn't have an immediate effect on objects already rendered.
• Fixed an issue where Pillow anomaly pushed Player too high up while the item selector wheel was open.
• Fixed an issue where Pillow anomaly didn't work with low framerate (e.g. 30 FPS).
• Increased damage from destructible explosive props.
• Fixed a generic issue where an interactable corpse's model was clipping with terrain or shifting its position on being rendered.
• Fixed an issue where artifacts at Duga Cooling Towers were spawning under the terrain.
• Fixed an issue where interaction dots and hints were misplaced when the game was running in 21:9 aspect ratio in Full HD or 2k resolution.
• Fixed an issue where buttons inside the elevator could move slower than the elevator itself in the Through the valley of the shadow of death mission.
• Fixed an issue when the objects in the world could be in an inappropriate state during the second walkthrough.
• Fixed an issue when the cardlock became interactive earlier than it was meant to be after loading a save in Legends of the Zone mission.
Post edited March 19, 2025 by Berzerk2k2
Patch 1.3 - Part 5 (March 19, 2025)
Player Gear and Player State

• Fixed an issue where parts of exosuit shadow were detached from Player shadow.
• Improved sound effects for ammo magazines dropped while reloading.
• NPCs with turned on flashlights are now easier to spot at night due to increased intensity of light and range of lit area.
• Changed description for armor-piercing and expansive ammo.
• Fixed an issue where Dvupalov's magic vodka had the same model as Cossacks Vodka during first person drinking animation.
• Fixed an issue where glass on some weapon scopes was glowing with light green color.
• Fixed an issue where the cartridge was clipping through the stock of M701 Super rifle after trying to use an underbarrel shotgun without ammo.
• Added a new postprocess effect for Player's flashlight.
• Fixed an issue where placeholder text was displayed for Dnipro upgrade fleshdrive.
• Fixed an issue where a jammed shell disappeared from the M860 shotgun when holstering it.
• Fixed an issue where the Player model's shoulder appeared in frame when drawing RPM-74 weapon.
• Polished projectile decals spawn logic.
• Fixed an issue where a weapon could fire in the wrong direction when shooting from it while sprinting.
• Made attachment installing animation play for last attachment installed through inventory menu.
• Polished idle animation for knife weapon.
• Fixed an issue where radiation no longer affected the player in certain cases.
• Optimized memory usage on the Death screen.
• Fixed an issue where the player was unable to sprint after chaotic use of knife, flashlight, and movement input.
• Fixed an issue where the sound of footsteps was missing on the ceramic surface material.
• Fixed an issue with the incorrect finger pose for C-minor chord while playing the guitar.
• Fixed an issue where psi-NPCs were able to kill other generic NPCs via grenade.
• Added new deathscreen pictures.
• Adjusted corpse position while carrying it.
• Fixed appearance of the low-res model of the knife when using Milk consumable on Xbox Series S.
• Added information to description of armor-piercing and expansive ammo, what targets this ammo is more effective against.
• Fixed an issue when bullet holes were appearing from opposite sides of the objects.
• Adjusted shadows on the death screen caused by shooting.
• Fixed an issue in "Subtle Matter" mission when players couldn't perform a stealth kill with a knife.
• Polished aiming animation for Zubr-19 weapon.
• Fixed an issue where M701 Super weapon scope had placeholder material when equipped by NPC.
• Improved bullet trajectory of Merc weapon.
• Fixed the issue where Assault GP37 gained an additional 500 grams in weight after installing the scope mount upgrade.
• Added audio effects while examining artifacts.
• Fixed the issue where the image on the death screen did not match the mutant that killed the player, depending on the size of the mutant.
• Fixed an issue when the breath-hold tooltip did not change after key rebinding.
• Fixed an issue when inventory weight could change after changing the equipped gear.
• Changed the shape of decals left by bullets on upgraded Rhino pistols.
• Fixed absence of some sound effects during the movement of NPCs.

Player Guidance and Game Settings

• Fixed an issue with money abuse during trading.
• Updated the RPG crosshair on the HUD.
• Fixed an issue where the underbarrel fire mode remained displayed on the HUD after removing the underbarrel grenade launcher via the context menu in the inventory.
• Fixed an issue where keyboard navigation didn't work in the Upgrades tab in PDA when switching from another tab.
• Fixed an issue where placeholders were displayed instead of upgrade icons in the Upgrades tab in PDA.
• Fixed an issue where the ammo counter widget would refresh entirely when a grenade was thrown.
• Fixed the name of the caliber conversion 7.62 blueprint in all languages.
• Fixed an issue where the player's land marker couldn't be set if 10 custom markers were already placed.
• Updated tutorials about coupons and player's stash.
• Fixed an issue where dead icons were not displayed on the compass.
• Fixed an issue where the quick slots and vitals panel were under a blur effect in the inventory.
• Fixed an issue where the crosshair was displayed incorrectly when switching to the grenade launcher.
• Fixed an issue where the incorrect audio record timeline lengths were shown in the Notes tab of PDA.
• Resolved the issue where the text for burst fire mode was missing in the Item selector widget.
• Added missing short names for certain ammo types in the Ammo Counter on the HUD.
• Fixed the issue where the compare tooltip was displayed for artifacts in Inventory.
• Resolved an issue where the contextual menu would extend beyond the bounds in the inventory, looting, and trading screens.
• Fixed issues with tooltip positioning and overlap on the map PDA.
• The issue where the weight bar didn't update immediately when equipping an item through the contextual menu in Inventory has been fixed.
• The issue where mouse drag would disable if the cursor went out of the map has been fixed.
• The input hint has been made semi-transparent if the system notification is not first in the queue.
• The artifact slot number in the tooltip in Equipment now updates correctly after upgrading the armor.
• Fixed the issue where the caliber in the Inventory weapon description stayed the same after changing it with the technician.
• Fixed an issue where the HUD would sometimes appear transparent after closing the inventory or finishing a cutscene.
• Fixed an issue where some attachments would detach from the weapon after being placed into the player's barter zone during trading.
• Fixed an issue where closing the pause menu didn't trigger the quest notification.
• Fixed an issue where the audio record timeline would briefly appear unfilled while listening to the record.
• Fixed an issue where the crosshair was displayed during dialog.
• Fixed an issue where the pause button for the audiolog didn't pause the playing.
• Fixed an issue where the quest notifications widget displayed stages from another mission.
• Fixed an issue where the upgrade status would change after switching to another weapon in the Upgrades tab.
• Fixed an issue where selecting an item with a gamepad would reset the selection to the first item in the Loot window.
• Added controller feedback on enabling rumble option in controls settings.
• Adjusted the appearance of highlighted lines in keyboard settings menu.
• Fixed an issue with the sound interruption in Main Menu after tweaking the sound settings.
• Fixed an issue when the Health warning screen wasn't adapting to changes of resolution.
• Localization fixes on Portugal language.
• Localization fixes on German language.
• Fixed the issue when the output device was resetted after restart of the title.
• Fixed an issue where wrong hints were displayed on opening key remapping in the Control Settings menu.
• Fixed inconsistent keyboard navigation in settings menus.
• Moved Chge ammo/grenade type setting from inventory category.
• Fixed an issue with incorrect text displaying for Hint when Player tries to save a game when there are no empty slots.
• Fixed an issue with inability to make some barrel upgrades with a gamepad on the Spsa-14 and Sledgehamer guns.
• Fixed an issue when only 3 items were displayed in each group of weapon attachments even if there were more than 3 attachments in inventory.
• Removed ability to trade with some NPCs inside the Wild Island location.
• Added ability to change selected weapon with a weapon selector wheel in safe zones.
• Fixed an issue It was impossible to interact with dead bodies after loading save, made while another NPC was looting the body.
• Fixed an issue with monster's skin could glow while being lit up by the player's flashlight.
• Added option to change Melee weapon attack button in control settings.
• Fixed an issue where consumables removed from quick slots were automatically re-added after opening and closing Pause Menu.
• Fixed an issue where inventory hints were displayed as inactive after switching input from KBM to Gamepad.
• Fixed an issue where armor with artifacts stored disappeared after moving it into the first inventory slot.
• Fixed an issue where HUD elements could disappear after opening and closing Pause Menu.
• Fixed an issue where control hints for the inventory menu did not fit on the screen in several localizations.
• Fixed an issue with hints for contextual menu action appearing when hovering cursor over an empty inventory slot.
• Fixed an issue where next available consumable was placed in a quick slot after the previous consumable was fully expended.
• Fixed an issue where LMB double click input action stopped working in inventory after receiving damage while in the loot menu.
• Fixed an issue where radiocall could close PDA, Item selector or Inventory UI.
• Fixed the issue where the looting sound was playing each time you pressed R to take all.
• Fixed the issue where the grenade counter changed location when the Item selector was opened.
• Fixed the issue where the marker could be set under the PDA frames.
• Fixed the issue where an incorrect hint for opening the PDA was displayed in the Controls settings.
• Fixed the issue where the player would lose camera input if interrupted while looting.
• Fixed the issue where the stash with the upgrade blueprint was missing from the Malachite Repair Facility location.
• Fixed the issue where the ammo counter continued to be displayed after turning it off in the settings.
• Added the partner logo for Audiokinetic Wwise to the credits.
• Fixed an issue where item tooltips could randomly appear in the inventory without selecting an item.
• Fixed an issue when it was impossible to place player markers on the map via gamepad.
• Fixed an issue with red text on the Hold Breath button.
• Added information about range and radius of defeat in grenades tooltips.

Regions and Locations

Backwater Region

• Minor level art improvements at Shevchenko location
• Fixed an issue with disappearing porch walls of the building at Opachichyi location
• Fixed an issue when NPCs were unable to leave the cargo container at Shevchenko location
• Level art improvements in Lviv location
• Level art improvements in Skadovsk location
• Level art improvements in Icarus location
• Adjusted bloodsuckers' position at Vent location
• Level art improvements at Icarus Camp
• Polished mission flow for encounter with mercenaries and sniper at Plato location
• Level art improvements at Kupovate Collective Farm
• Fixed an issue with the box clipping with the locker at the Repair Quay location
• Level art improvements at Commissary Store location
• Fixed an issue when the poltergeist could follow the player across the map in one of the encounters
• Made Port Crane shelter near Sultansk available before the Three Captains mission
• Level design improvements in Backwater region
• Removed possibility to get to the Clear Sky base before the mainline mission allows it
• Adjusted the Icarus camp appearance after the Signal

Cordon Region

• Polished level art at the Forester's Shack
• Polished level art at the Mindscrew location
• Polished terrain LODs near Tunnel Camp location
• Polished terrain LODs near Mindscrew location
• Level art improvements at Death Cave
• Level design improvements in Rookie Village

Garbage Region

• Level art improvements at Slag Heap location
• Level art improvements at Transformer Box At The Old Wall location
• Minor level art improvements at the Plant location
• Fixed multiple minor issues with levitating and clipping objects at the Plant location
• Fixed an issue with the stash clipping through the ceiling at Central Elevator location
• Fixed an issue with not working radio at the Depot location
• Fixed an issue when Player was unable to loot consumables from the oven at Hlynka location
• Level design improvements in Lab X18 location
• Level art improvements at Mazr location
• Fixed an issue with the tree growing through the box at the Cement Factory location
• Fixed an issue with green highlighted zones over the Toxic Cloud anomalies at night
• Level art improvements in Car Park location
• Fixed an issue with wind and emission particles visible at The Brood location shelter
• Fixed an issue when barbed wire was not applying a bleeding effect to the Player at Skadovsk location
• Fixed an issue when bullets decals were not shown on certain concrete walls
• Level art improvements at Flea Market location

Malachite Region

• Level art improvements at Brain Scorcher technical tunnel
• Level design improvements at Yaniv hub location
• Level design improvements at Malachite hub location
• Level art improvements near X17 Lab location
• Level art improvements near Scorcher Checkpoint
• Level art improvements near Scorcher Technical Tunnel
• Improved behavior of Chimera at the VPC Mirror location
• Polished NPC behavior at the VPC Mirror location

Lesser Zone Region

• Level art improvements at Sphere location
• Level art improvements at Ribs location
• Level art improvements at Zalissya location
• Level art improvements at Clubhouse in Zalissya location
• Fixed an issue when badges were clipping with the wall at the Eastern Checkpoint location
• Fixed an issue with empty PDA at the POL Depot location
• Level art improvements at Barge location
• Level art improvements at Pol Depot

Red Forest Region

• Polished level art at Old Mine location
• Level art improvements at Mirage location
• Level art improvements at Quarry location
• Level design improvements around Red Forest region

Yantar Region

• Fixed an issue where frogs could spawn in the air
• Level design improvements at Bright Cable Tunnel location
• Level art improvements at Choppers Field location
• Level design improvements around Yantar region
• Fixed an issue where Zombie NPCs could spawn inside the walls in Scientists Bunker

Rostok Region

• Minor level art improvements in the open world
• Level art improvements in Rostok Factory location
• Level design improvements for Rostok's Arena building
• Level art improvements at Arena location
• Fixed an issue where the key to unlock Rostok Wild Checkpoint didn't spawn
• Level design improvements around Rostok region

Prypiat Region

• Level art improvements at White House location
• Fixed an issue with a floating chair in Polissya Hotel location
• Polished LODs for crane near Prypiat
• Level art improvements at Enerhetyk Palace of Culture location

Cooling Towers Region

• Level art improvements at Red Fortress location
• Fixed light issues at the South Cooling Tower location
• Level art improvements in Fire Whirl anomaly location
• Fixed an issue where the player could fall under the Red Fortress location

Wild Island Region

• Level design improvements at Quiet's Camp
• Level art improvements at Shelter location
• Level art improvements at Sawmill location
• Fixed position of several wooden shelves at Wild Island so the Player does not get stuck


• Made weather transition to clear weather faster during A Long Overdue Visit mission
• Improved foliage streaming distance when observed from SIRCAA's upper floors
• Polished level art at The Mole location
• Level art improvements at ARL Dungeons location
• Fixed an issue with bullet decals not displayed after shooting under an electric box cover at the Supply Depot location
• Level design improvements around SIRCAA region

Chemical Plant Region

• Level design improvements at Railway Junction location
• Decreased the number of rats spawned during an encounter at Railway Junction location
• Level design improvements in Chemical Plant region
• Level art improvements at Agroprom Factory location

Other Fixes and Improvements

• Fixed an issue with absent weapons in Generators armory
• Polished mission flow for encounters at Burnt Forest region
• Fixed an issue with lighting in multiple darkened locations in the Industrial Zone region
• Fixed an issue with low-quality textures at Abandoned Farmstead location
• Polished VFX in Monolith hospital during An Act of Mercy mission
• Improved appearance of electric dashboards
• Tech art improvements for metal platforms with rails
• Reworked design of some signs with letters.
• Fixed an issue where an artifact could jump to an unreachable area at the POL Depot location
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to get stuck behind furnaces in City Boiler House location near Duga.

Audio, cutscenes, and VO

Cutscenes and Characters

• Changed Dr. Kaymanov's model in cutscene during Dark Times mission.
• Improved visual quality for final cutscenes after Let No One Leave Unsatisfied mission.
• Minor visual improvements for cutscene with Richter at the top of Slag Heap during The Price Goes Up mission.
• Fixed an issue with visible transition from cutscene with Richter to gameplay after completing To The Last Drop Of Blood mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player flashlight was flickering during cutscene with Strelok in Legends Of The Zone mission.
• Fixed an issue with Polish subtitles being not synchronized during Intro cutscene.
• Implemented smoother transition out of cutscene with Korshunov at the end of Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Added haptic feedback for cutscene with Nimble during In Search Of A Guide mission.
• Fixed several visual issues in the cutscene during "Answers Come at a Price" mission.
• Improved lighting on Richter's model in cutscenes.
• Polished Agatha character model.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs in cutscenes could not blink.
• Fixed an issue where col. Korshunov was misaligned with Kaymanov's pod during a cutscene in the The Last Step mission.
• Polished face masks models for human characters.
• Polished headgear models for human characters.
• Polished eyelids textures for blinking characters.
• Fixed an issue where default walking sound was playing when moving after loading save made with exoskeletal armor suit equipped.
• Polished character models of NPCs in Seva suits.

Voiceover and Localization

• Added missing vodka and antirad tutorial to French localization.
• Fixed minor narrative inconsistencies for encounter missions in Garbage region.
• Fixed typo in dialogue with Docent during No Honor Among Thieves mission.
• Fixed typos in subtitles regarding LIA at SIRCAA for ukrainian localization.
• Fixed grammar typo in Stash by the Cafe marker description.
• Fixed localization of context menu button in Inventory for equipping artifact.
• Fixed missing localization for multiple tutorial notes.
• Fixed the issue where the NPC dialogue sound was playing through all channels on 3D Audio Systems (5.1, 7.1).
• Reworked facial animations for NPC Multitool.
• Reworked facial animations for NPC Scar.
• Reworked facial animations for NPC on Rostok - Eugene.
• Reworked facial animations for Icar camp medic.
• Reworked and polished facial animations for multiple NPCs.
• Reworked and polished facial animations for multiple NPCs.
• Rework of Diode NPC facial animations in Ukrainian localisation.
• Rework of Scar NPC facial animations in Ukrainian localisation.
• Rework of Dr. Kaymanov NPC facial animations in Ukrainian localisation.
• Rework of Dr. Dalin NPC facial animations in Ukrainian localisation.

Sound and Music

• Fixed the indoor sound distortion around the SIRCAA.
• Added indoor sound distortion to one of the farm buildings around Zalissya village.
• Adjusted sound reverberation loudness of anomaly detector.
• Fixed an issue when the sounds from outdoor was noticeable at Transport Tunnel, Cordon region.
• Added location Music around SIRCAA location.
• Added nigh time music theme for Slag Heap hub.
• Improved audio environment at Mindscrew location, Cordon region.
• Improved audio environment near Slag Heap hub entrance.
• Fixed an issue where rat swarm sound effect was not obstructed when Player moved behind any obstacle.
• Improved audio obstruction for mutants' sounds.
• Fixed an issue where mutants' sound effects were not obstructed when Player hided behind any obstacle.
• Fixed the behavior of footsteps sound at the Agroprom dungeon location.
• Adjusted sound obstruction in several places around Wild Island.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Gray’s Last Hunt mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for On the Edge mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Shift Change mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Let No One Leave Unsatisfied mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Eternal Shining mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Last Step mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Escape from the Cage mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Subtle Matter mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for An Act of Mercy mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Dark Times mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Happiness for Everyone mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Once More unto the Breach mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Minor Incident mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Dawn of a New Day mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for An Invisible Threat mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Long Overdue Visit mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for Dangerous Visitors mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for A Tough Awakening mission.
• Polished and improved audio environment for There and Back Again mission.
Post edited March 19, 2025 by Berzerk2k2
Patch 1.2.1 (February 14, 2025)
• Fixed one of the crashes on loading save files related to AI logic.
• Fixed one of the crashes on loading save files that were recorded when player had effects applied.
• Fixed a few crashes related to lightning ball anomaly interaction with artifacts.
• Fixed crash mostly occurred when moving away from hubs and during the Emission.
Patch 1.2 - Part 1 (February 13, 2025)
Tech Part


• Fixed a bug with A-Life NPCs unable to properly approach corpses. Now they can pick up the best loot and weapons from them, and switch to more powerful weapons.
• Improved corpse looting behavior for NPCs.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could loot body armor and helmets from corpses.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could not loot the corpses of NPCs from another faction.
• Fixed NPC shooting accuracy
• Reconfigured bullet dispersion accuracy for all distances for all weapons.
• Added randomization of accurate shots in bullet sprays.
• Reduced wall penetration from certain NPC’s weapon bullets.
• Improved Stealth
• Fixed an issue where after a melee attack, the NPC could end up behind the player.
• Adjusted the time of identification of the player character by NPCs.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs at Malachite location could notice players at a long distance and through the objects.
• Improved mutant behavior in combat
• Fixed an issue where AI wouldn't avoid obstacles and get stuck during scripted combat.
• Fixed an issue where jumping mutants could stuck in the air in certain conditions.
• Fixed that Controller ability does not work through grate doors.
• Fixed that mutants were not able to attack in certain positions.
• Fixed an issue where Chimera could jump through objects.
• Fixed issue where Chimera did not use jump attack.
• Fixed an issue where Deer summons could spawn in the player's field of view.
• Fixed an issue where Poltergeist could activate an anomaly and receive damage from it.
• Fixed an issue where mutants with ability to jump were running around the Player on elevated, unreachable surface.
• Fixed an issue where Pseudodog couldn't create summons when retreating.
• Added roar ability for Controller.
• Fixed an issue where A-life NPCs did not heal friendly wounded NPCs.
• Fixed an issue where A-life could spawn corpses near the player.
• Fixed an issue that could cause A-Life NPCs to have access to quest locations.
• Fixed the absence of some characters that could lead to a blocker during walkthrough of the main line.
• Fixed an issue where A-Life militaries could spawn endlessly near Rookie Village.
• Fixed the issue with a stuck guard NPC in the doorway at the Skadovsk location.
• Fixed issue where more rats spawned in the lair than there should have been.
• Fixed an issue where NPC may stuck after loading saves made right after Emission ends.
• Fixed an issue where weapons grabbed by the Burer ability would disappear.
• Fixed an issue with NPC animations when walking upstairs with a gun in hand.
• Improved animations for some mutants.
• Fixed that player takes damage near the NPC that is going through zombification.
• Fixed an issue where NPC may be stuck in the doorway after emission and block player.
• Fixed an issue where shooting at mutant limbs could stretch them.
• Fixed use of NPC rifle stand position when standing with a pistol.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could spawn in front of the player at the Sphere location.
• Fixed NPC's repeatable cover animations.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs would stop in doorways on Rostok.
• Fixed NPC's walking animation during stand in combat.
• Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs did not react to flying bullets.
• Improved open world combat with Pseudogiant near Abandoned Science Campus at Prypiat.
• Fixed an issue where an NPC with a closed helmet could eat, smoke and drink through the helmet.
• Fixed an issue where animations of death from an anomaly could be missing for some mutants.
• Fixed an issue where Lex Legend and his group could not return to the quest location after the end of Emission.
• Fixed a problem that made it difficult for rats to move in narrow places.
• Fixed an issue where Burer could snatch a quest weapon from the player's hands.
• Fixed an issue where NPC could start searching for an enemy after warning players to hide weapons.
• Reduced spawn rate for Bloodsuckers before the completion of the Behind Seven Seals mission.
• Fixed the issue when NPC can block a doorway in the Quiets camp after the combat.

With additional 70+ issues fixed.


• Weird Water arch-artifact anti-radiation effect was reduced
• Fixed issue when a grenade could deal damage to Burer when the shield was active.
• Now NPCs need less shots to kill Pseudodog summon.
• Increased frequency of Jump Attack for Blind Dog mutant.
• Rebalanced pistols and silencer attachments.
• Decreased spawn rate for NPCs in exoskeletons.
• Reconfigured the number of armor NPC are wearing. Increased the chance of spawning low and mid-tier armor, while the chance for top-tier armor to spawn was reduced.
• Increased damage from radiation depending on accumulated rad-points
• The chance of spawning NPCs with high tier weaponry in early stages of the game was reduced.
• Added ability to trade with additional NPCs at Hubs.
• Economy tweaks for A Job for the Barkeep repeatable missions on Veteran difficulty.

And a few more minor balance tweaks were made.

Optimization and crashes

• Fixed FPS drops during boss fight with Faust.
• Fixed an issue with performance drop on closing PDA or Pause Menu.
• Slightly improved performance by disabling navigation mesh rebuild properties for multiple objects.
• Fixed memory leak related to item manipulation.
• Fixed over 100 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes and other errors, including some other minor memory leaks.
• Fixed input lag after enabling VSync with enabled FidelityFX Frame Interpolation.
• Added Framerate lock during the pause menu, main menu and loading screens.

And some other optimization tweaks.

Under the Hood

• Player's flashlight now casts shadows on objects.
• Fixed the issue where relationships with NPCs didn't change.
• Changed names of some ammo types.
• Fixed the issue where the title could unexpectedly freeze during the dialogues.
• Fixed the issue where some quest logic couldn't start after the NPCs death.
• Improved transitions from cutscene to game.
• Fixed a generic issue where mission logic could break if Player gave an item to a NPC via dialogue option.
• Fixed the issue where the dialogue with NPC was closing after exit from the Trade/Upgrade.
• Fixed an issue where the Player was teleported outside the playable area.
• Added custom Aim Assist logic for invisible targets for all supported controllers.
• Fixed an issue where save backups could be missing after losing game saves.
• Fixed NPC's broken animations while smoking.
• Fixed an issue where NPC could teleport outside the playable area of the map.
• Fixed achievement to sneakily clear the lair.
• Fixed the issue where In Game saves become corrupted after deleting local saves and unsuccessful cloud saves sync.
• Polished PDA models look in low light areas.

With over 100 other improvements implemented in both sections: Optimization & Crashes, and Under the Hood.


Main Story Line

• Fixed an issue where Col. Korshunov and/or Cpt. Zotov could not spawn during the Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed a bug that caused the reputation with Sultan bandits or Shevchenko stalkers not to increase after completing the Three Captains mission.
• Fixed an issue that caused Scar NPC to be hostile to the player during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue that prevented players from a stealth walkthrough during the Shock Therapy mission due to being identified by NPCs instantly.
• Fixed an issue where the final dialogue with Gaffer could not start during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where objective [redacted] during the Down Below mission.
• Fixed an issue where Inductor could despawn if Skif goes too far from it during the Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed a bug that made the stage of killing monolithians not-optional during the The Eternal Shining mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player Character was able to jump down the pod chamber after taking the elevator during stage Find Cartridge with no possibility to take the elevator back up during the Legends of the Zone mission.
• Fixed an issue where the dialogue with Dr. Dalin and Col. Korshunov was looped during the Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed an issue where the player could not trade with Wreck during the The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue where the doors to STC Malachite could not open during the A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed multiple issues that could cause NPCs to move during the dialogue with the player.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where objective Bring the Shah's PDA to Varan could be marked as completed after trading with Huron during the King of the Hill mission.
• Changed Chimera's behavior during the Ad astra per aspera mission, now it should retreat after losing a certain amount of HP.
• Fixed an issue where Ocheret ignored the battle between the player and Ocheret's squad.
• Fixed an issue where A-life NPCs could spawn in Claw during the Dead Frequency mission.
• Changed positions of Ward guards near the entrance to X18 lab during the Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where the monolithians were not present outside the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture during the The Road to the Foundation mission.
• Fixed an issue where the stage "Discover the whereabouts of the escaped Wardens" of the Shock Therapy mission remained active after killing Beard.
• Fixed an issue where Player could lure Chimera into a peaceful zone and make it non-hostile during The Road to the Foundation mission.
• Fixed an issue where scientists constantly attack player during Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where Noontiders would not become hostile if a friendly NPC was killed in front of them near the entrance of Noontide base during the Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where phantoms were spawned in the front of the player during the Eye of the Storm mission.
• Fixed an issue with auto completing Three Captains mission right after taking it from Sonya Kalyna.
• Fixed an issue where Players couldn't finish Shift Change mission, if they didn't talk to Jumper at WPS after killing Hog's squad.
• Fixed an issue where Zakhar Babay and Akopyan could end up dead or missing with no ability to finish Deceive the Deceiver mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was still able to ask Beard about missing wardens after killing them in Shock Therapy mission.
• Fixed an issue where Just Like the Good Old Days mission would not progress if the Player exited Shelter base via roof route.
• Fixed an issue where Strider disappeared instantly after completing Dark Times mission near Doctor's hut.
• Fixed an issue where Find a way into Prypiat objective would not finish if the Player reached Prypiat via shortcut during The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue with a missing encounter mission at a checkpoint near Icarus Camp.
• Fixed an issue where Hosha Mohyla could one-shot Player during Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Reduced amount of rats at Offloading Terminal during The Road to the Foundation mission.
• Fixed an issue where Rainy weather persisted through the rest of the game after completing The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue where several stashes, markers, and journal objectives were not completed/removed after completing Budmo! mission.
• Fixed an issue where Pomor could die during The Poppy Field mission.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] after a cutscene during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where Warden guards near the fence had no reaction to Player sneaking right in front of them during Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Prevented issues where corpses with important quest items could get despawned during Bullseye and Shift Change missions.
• Fixed an issue where Strider was dead/missing at Ranger Station during the Extreme Simplicity mission.
• Fixed an issue where psi-effect applied on Player would not disappear after completing A Light in the End of the Tunnel mission.
• Fixed an issue where Talk to Chornozem objective failed from the start and picking up PDA from Chornozem's corpse wouldn't progress Answers Come at a Price mission.
• Fixed an issue where Dark would not help Player to fight the Pseudogiant which blocked progression in Legends of the Zone mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was not able to interact with Shcherba during In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed an issue where a cutscene with Scar at the Sawmill during Back to the Slag Heap mission would not start properly.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] cutscene with Korshunov in Down Below mission.
• Fixed an issue where during the Strelok branch of Down Below mission journal entry in PDA would have Ward branch description instead.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to give Sultan his briefcase after killing ambushing stalkers too fast in The Mysterious Case mission.
• Fixed an issue where mercenary squads would not spawn on the way back from Faust's cell during Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where optional journal objectives to fight off Ward/Spark remain active if one side dies due to emission during Extreme Simplicity mission.
• Fixed the issue of stuck Dr. Kryvenko during the A Long Overdue Visit mission.
• Removed the ability to use guide during the The Boundary mission while assault is going.
• Fixed the issue where Richter is absent or dead during the To the Last Drop of Blood, A Minor Incident, The Boundary missions.
• Fixed the issue where some phrases were missing during the On the Edge mission in the final dialogue.
• Fixed the issue where Dalin could be stuck at one place during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed the issue where Objective “Return to Gaffer” is impossible to complete during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed the issue with infinite reward from Gaffer during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed the issue where NPCs were blocking the doorway during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed the issue when Gaffer could exit the building and start fighting during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed the issue where several Warlock NPCs could be present in the clubhouse during the On the Edge mission.
• Fixed the issue where some Monolithian NPCs weren't attacking the player during the An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed the issue where [redacted] during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed the logic of radio messages from Scar after the [redacted]
• Fixed an issue where infinite psi-effect was applied to Player after completing A Light in the End of the Tunnel mission.
• Fixed an issue where monolith troops didn't spawn after activating substation during the Happiness for Everyone mission.
• Fixed an issue where Sgt. Metlov was missing in a place of Diode during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.
• FIxed an issue where Skipper's mercenaries squad didn't attack Player on returning Emitter to Lodochka during Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where Scherba was missing at Dvupalov's office during emission in In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to progress during Dangerous Liaisons mission if decoder was sold.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to interact with Dvupalov to give suppressor's blueprint during In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player could get softlocked during the Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Fixed an issue where mercenaries squad near Brain Scorcher spawned right in front of Player after accepting a collar collecting mission from Shcherba.
• Fixed an issue where Player was able to get stuck behind two NPCs in Zalissya's shelter during A Race against Death mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to start dialogue with Dvupalov or Scherba to return suppressor during In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] could disappear during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where the objective "Fight off the Monolith assault" was getting stuck during The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue where A Big Score and Deceive the Deceiver missions were able to start twice and have contradicting objectives.
• Fixed an issue where Prof. Lodochka was not interactable at toxic waste storage during the Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where Bandits were starting to fight at Slag Heap if Player escorted Zakhar Babay after emission in Deceive the Deceiver mission.
• Fixed an issue where Take the instruments to Mykolayich objective failed after talking to Gaffer in On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where Ricochet died in Zalissya's house after the second monolith wave during On the Edge mission.
• Fixed an issue where the objective to complete the request without killing the Monolithians failed after hitting monolithians during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue where Monolith soldiers were able to spawn in front of Player during Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed the issue where friendly NPCs could be stuck at one place during the The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed that mercenary NPC were spawned in inaccessible areas during the Legends of the Zone mission.
• Fixed an issue where some zombies were able to get stuck in an idle state during bossfight with Scar.
• Improved AI behaviour of [redacted]
• Improved [redacted]
• Increased Korshunov's armor during bossfight.
• Tweaked [redacted] in Down Below mission.
• Improved [redacted]
• Fixed an issue where [redacted].
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] if the Object Details graphic option is set to low.
• Fixed an issue where the stage "Talk to Korshunov" could stuck when player returns to Korshunov via elevator during the Visions of Truth mission.
• Fixed an issue where hunting could not progress after interacting with Borodulin while he is moving to the hunting spot.
• Fixed an issue where Strider could block the entrance to the warehouse during the Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue where Scar could be missing at Rostok Depot during the Take the Emitter to Scar stage of Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue where the monolithians could not spawn when the player escaped X-5 lab during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted].

Overall, over 300+ quest issues were addressed within the Main Story.

Side Missions and Encounters

• Fixed an issue where the player could use the guide's services for free.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs from car scam encounters turned hostile after the Player ran away and came back to them.
• Fixed an issue when a player was unable to take Just Business mission from Carl Clinch if he was previously healed during the Emission.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could teleport during dialogue after combat in encounter at Wild Territory.
• Improved Rodents' spawn in open-world encounters near Rostok.
• Fixed an issue where relationships with the Scientists' faction were spoiled after completing Black Sheep side mission.
• Added new notes in the open world and hubs.
• Fixed inconsistencies in rewards for repeatable missions.
• Fixed an issue where no travel options were available in dialogue with the guide at Noon base.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies for loudspeaker announcements at Skadovsk.
• Fixed narrative inconsistencies with available encounter missions after the Monolith comeback.
• Fixed an issue where Spark branch specific encounter mission was able to start after completing In Search of Past Glory mission on Ward branch.
• Increased loot value for stash near Bloodsucker village in the Industrial Zone region.
• Fixed an issue where repeatable missions could get stuck in the Journal tab, preventing other repeatable quests from appearing in dialogues with vendors.
• Fixed an issue where Malachite Hub could get locked for Players on Spark Branch after completing Visions of Truth mission.
• Level Design improvements in encounters near Rookie Village.
• Fixed an issue where Player was unable to start a dialog with Zhenya Hulk during The Key to Freedom mission near Fish Farm, if the door to captives room was opened during combat.
• Fixed an issue with missing Kostya Dry's dead body after the player runs away and comes back to his observation point during an encounter near Duga.
• Fixed an issue where Pseudodog couldn't spawn its Phantoms during Arena: Round Two mission.
• Fixed an issue when Player could loot armor and helmets from dead NPCs during The Key to Freedom mission.
• Fixed the issue where players could be stuck inside the building after the fast travel to Malachite with a guide.
• Fixed the issue where guides at Yaniv station were missing after the player already got to Pripyat.
• Fixed receiving several shotgun rounds during the The Freedom Colosseum mission.
• Fixed the issue when the NPC was not going to search for the player character during the fight at Arena.
• Fixed an issue where doors to STC Malachite were closed on reaching it during A Minor Incident mission.
• Fixed an issue where peaceful NPCs remained in STC Malachite during the fight in Visions of the Truth mission (Spark branch).
• Fixed an issue where the voiceover line for Skif's phrase didn't play in dialogues with guide NPCs.
• Fixed an issue where two groups of bandits did not start combat in the encounter between Poisonous Hole and Commissary Store locations.

With additional 130+ “anomalies” being discovered and neutralized.
Patch 1.2 - Part 2 (February 13, 2025)
The Zone

Interactable Objects and Zone Experience

• Level design improvements for interactive doors at Wild Territory, Rostok.
• Level art polish for destructible medical boxes.
• Added missing icon of damaged state for weapon looted from NPCs.
• Fixed an issue where arch-artifacts were able to spawn again, after Player's rank is updated.
• Rebalanced loot for stash near Hydrodynamics Lab.
• Fixed an issue with some artifacts models being overexposed.
• Fixed an issue where Burner anomalies were able to damage a Player in discharged state.
• Fixed an issue where Weird Kettle archartifact applied a permanent PSI effect on the Player instead of temporary.
• Fixed that dead bodies could stay in A-pose for several seconds during Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed that the first destructible wood plank always destroys without effects.
• Fixed the issue where the door to the tunnel of the Red Fortress was closing after using a key during Just Business mission.
• Fixed an issue where fake psi artifacts didn't disappear after save/load.
• Improved strafing jump mechanics for artifacts.
• Fixed an issue where the Vortex anomaly could damage the player at the Yaniv Station territory.

Plus an additional 30+ issues were spotted and dealt with.

Player Gear and Player State

• Fixed an issue where character's hands are misplaced after moving the character by expulsion anomaly during examining artifacts.
• Fixed availability to unlock locked doors with grenades.
• Fixed the consumption of grenades when switching to the weapon immediately after throw.
• Fixed grenade disappearing when throwing it at one's feet.
• Added parkour animation from crouch state.
• Fixed receiving of the damage from razor anomaly when already out of it.
• Added NPC's death animations from anomalies.
• Fixed an issue when auto lean and weapon up moves were triggered by small trees and bushes.
• Fixed an issue when the character was not always performing auto lean moves over obstacles.
• Improved NPC footsteps sync.
• Fixed an issue with changed movement keybindings that blocked player from climbing the ladder.
• Fixed an issue when psy effect was not removed after leaving the psy damage area.
• Fixed an issue where the Player was able to become unkillable during gameplay.
• Fixed an issue where dropped NPC corpses could clip with surrounding objects.
• Fixed availability to skip reload animation.
• Added cancel for reload animation of the weapons with under-barrel launcher attachments.
• Adjusted acceleration of the player after sprinting from a standstill.
• Fixed an issue where phantoms could kill regular NPCs with a grenade.
• Decreased amount of artifact slots available by default for X7 suit.
• Fixed an issue with position of upgrade slots on Bulwark Exosuit being mixed up.
• Fixed inconsistencies in PA-7 Gas Mask upgrade tree.
• Rebalanced available upgrades for PSZ-5D Universal Protection armor suit.

With additional 50+ bugs gotten rid of.

Player Guidance and Game Settings

• Fixed map tooltips not containing region descriptions.
• Fixed map zoom from gamepad.
• Fixed the presence of a dimming effect in the inventory and item selector.
• Fixed an issue where in some cases technicians did not show already installed upgrades.
• Fixed issues with ammo counter visibility on HUD.
• Fixed that the firing mode of the under barrel grenade launcher is not displayed in the inventory.
• Fixed there was no notification on HUD about finding new stashes locations.
• Fixed an issue where, in certain conditions, players could not drag and drop items into loot or stash windows with a gamepad.
• Fixed that caliber on the HUD does not change after upgrading weapon caliber with a technician.
• Fixed a problem where the player could not skip a cutscene with gamepad with proper key if subtitles were off.
• Fixed that "Track" status is present for completed missions in the Completed tab of Journal.
• Fixed incorrect display of the time and equalizer in audiolog.
• Fixed the missing mouse cursor in the attachment selector when shotgun equipped.
• Fixed an issue with not working controls for MSI Claw A1M.
• Integrated Razer Chroma Illumination effects for supported devices.
• Integrated haptic Razer Sensa effects for supported devices.
• Added key binding options for Journal and Notes. Changed default key bindings for leaning left and right.
• Fixed an issue where the new grenade/bolt throw keybinds were not working.
• Fixed missing flashlight button in key bindings.
• Fixed an issue where the Speaker Name UI size didn't change when changing the size of subtitles.
• Fixed that the mission stage about founding shelter does not finish when the player enters shelter during emission.
• Added fire mode change animation when item selector is open.
• Fixed losing input when enemy shoots player while he is in the inventory.
• Increased the duration of the "Point of no return" message.
• Improved UX in the upgrade menu.
• Fixed an issue where the ammo counter for grenades was not displayed.

And other 120+ fixes were made.

Regions and Locations

• Fixed multiple issues where the player could get stuck in X-17 Lab.
• Fixed the issue where players could be Soft locked at the Cooling Tower's location.
• Fixed that it was possible for NPCs to reach a burning tank at Sphere location and die in it.
• Teleport anomalies were added in Old Barge and Fishing Hamlet areas.
• Fixed an issue when a shelter mark appeared on an inaccessible building if emission was started in the Red Forest area.
• Removed several invalid artifact spawners and anomalies
• Fixed issues with the weather system after leaving Pripyat region.
• Beautification/visual improvements to multiple locations and regions.
• Level design, and terrain improvements for multiple locations and regions.
• Adjusted the foliage placement in multiple locations
• Lighting improvements for multiple locations.
• Tweaked collision for multiple objects in multiple locations.
• Fixed that foliage appearing was noticeable after loading save.
• Fixed an issue where the player could leave the playable area between Cordon and Zaton region.
• Fixed an issue when Monolithians were spawned in the safe zone in Zalissya.
• Adjusted positions of anomalies at the Waste Processing Station location.
• Fixed the load on distance of some objectives around the map.
• Updated the stashes inventory around the Cordon region.
• Added artifact spawn in electrofield at Datacenter of SIIRCA.
• Fixed an issue where ducks sound effects were missing.
• Polished glass and stucco materials in the open-world.

Overall, over 450+ improvements were made in this section.

Audio, cutscenes, and VO


• Fixed an issue when both elevator buttons were interactable during entering the cutscene with Korshunov in The Last Step mission.
• Fixed an issue where Agatha's model disappeared when dialogue options were displayed in a cutscene during Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed an issue when no videos were playing at screenwall displays during Dangerous Liaisons mission for PC Microsoft Store players.
• Fixed an issue with missing haptic feedback in multiple cutscenes
• Fixed an issue with disappearing hair with different NPCs in multiple cutscenes

And some other stuff was fixed.

Voiceover and Localization

• Improved facial animations for idle NPCs.
• Updated NPC animations in the multiple dialogs.
• Improved facial animations for several important story NPCs.
• Fixed EN voiceover playing for UA localization during car scam encounter at Buryakivka.
• Fixed voiceover desync issue during dialogue with Richter in The Boundary mission.
• Fixed mismatch in subtitles and VO during first dialogue with Strider in Hot on the Trail mission.
• Minor fix of Serbian localization in dialog phrase.
• Minor fixes to multiple localizations

With over 25+ other issues being addressed.

Sound and Music

• Reworked sound effects of Carousel anomaly.
• Fixed an issue where Clicker Anomaly was inaudible at close distance.
• Changed the sound of receiving damage from some anomalies to better reflect the type of damage received.
• Fixed an issue where Poltergeist sounds would play after loading a save that was made after the player killed him during the There and Back Again mission.
• Reworked sound effects for opening weapon selector menu.
• Fixed an issue where mutants were too loud at long distances.
• Reworked sound effects for opening weapon selector menu.
• Minor audio improvement for weapon sounds occlusion.
• Improved audio environment in 10+ locations and regions.
• Fixed issue when Region/Location music could disappear when Player moved between different Region/Location
• Fixed issue when combat music could end and start immediately during the same fight
• Fixed an issue where Rostok Region Music could disappear after loading a save.
• Created a new night music theme for Zalissya.
• Added missing music to discball visual anomaly.
• Fixed an issue with disappearing ambient sound at The Poppy Field after loading savefile.
• Fixed an issue where lightnings and visual anomalies were missing sound effects.
• Added audio for grenades underwater.
• Fixed an issue when sound of critical damage was not played when the player was dealing critical hits.
• Fixed duplicated footsteps sound when holding the detector.
• Added different sounds for the bolt depending on the surface.
• Improved sound of mutants while the player is affected by psy.
• Added sounds for actions in Upgrades and Journal tabs in PDA.
• Added sound for exiting to the main menu.
• Fixed the sound of walking over the wooden sleepers.

And some other minor improvements.
Patch 1.1.4 (January 27, 2025)
• Fixed crashes and freeze on shaders compilation
• Fixed memory leak occurred at Rostok location
• Fixed performance degradation when shooting/aiming on saves with long playtime
• Implemented fixes, that should solve the problem causing saves to be lost on Xbox
• Fixed a random crash related to UI animations.
Patch 1.1.3 (December 23, 2024)
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] could disappear from the Enerhetyk Palace of Culture during the The Road to the Foundation mission.
• Added temporary solution to avoid crash on shader compilation by skipping shaders warm up.
• Fixed a few ACCESS VIOLATION ERROR crashes.
• Fixed an issue when invert axis options could not be saved after restarting the game.
• Fixed an issue when controls could be lost after shooting, reloading and then examining the artifact.
Patch 1.1.2 (December 20, 2024)
• Fixed some issues with shader compilation being stuck, leading to infinite wait time or crash.
• Fixed some issues with loading saves.
• Fixed a crash, that occurred during exiting the game
• Added the functionality of back-up saves, that will be saved and stored automatically and last for 4 days (For PC only).
• Fixed a crash on save load that some players were experiencing.
• Fixed some of the issues that led to a crash during shader loading for some players.
Patch 1.1 (December 19, 2024)
A-Life fixes

• Fixed the issue with spawning NPCs behind the player's back.
• Players can now encounter roaming NPCs across the Zone more often.
• Greatly extended the distance at which A-Life NPCs are visible to the player.
• Fixed the aggressive optimization issue that prevented A-Life NPCs to exist in Offline (out of player's visualization range).

→ In Offline mode, A-Life will continue to advance towards their goals over time.
→ Players may now have opportunities to encounter A-Life NPCs they've previously met by following in the same direction as the NPCs.

• Improved A-Life NPCs navigation in Offline using GameGraph (global AI navigation map):

→ Fixed multiple issues where NPCs would fail to follow or find a path to their designated goals.
→ Fixed several issues with NPC being stuck in Online-Offline transition state,

• Enhanced A-Life NPCs' motivation to expand territory and actively attack enemies and mutants.
• Fixed issues that could result in fewer A-life NPCs encountered than intended.
• Further contextual actions improvement to ensure seamless transitions between Offline and Online states for NPCs engaged in these actions.
• The groups exploring the Zone are now more diverse regarding possible factions and group sizes.
• Fixed issue that while roaming over the Zone, Human NPCs didn't satisfy their communication needs and talks.

And some other development related improvements.

AI improvements

• Reduced the number of summons and increased time between spawns of Pseudodog phantoms.
• Fixed an issue when zombies would have their arms and legs twisted while knocked down.
• Fixed an issue when large mutants would hide behind small cover, such as trees.
• Fixed an issue when mutant limbs stretch sometimes when firing automatic weapons.
• Fixed an issue when bloody visual effects played a few times after Rat's death from grenade.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs quickly detected the player when he was crouching.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs would enter doors without opening them.
• Fixed the issue when the controller could take the main story NPCs under control.
• Fixed an issue when Chimera would try to enter a narrow passage that it couldn't enter instead of hiding in ambush.
• Fixed an issue when NPC was teleporting to the restricted areas such as safe zones and hubs.
• Fixed an issue where mutants that were in cover did not change their cover when receiving damage.
• Fixed visual effects of Burer's telepathic ability.
• Minor combat behavior fixes for NPCs shooting from covers.
• Fixed Burer’s throwing objects animation.
• Fixed some issues with NPC staying idle and refusing to start mission-related dialogs.
• Fixed an issue when mutants kept attacking zombies in knockdown.
• Fixed an issue when NPCs are stuck in aiming animation.
• Fixed an issue when death animation was replayed for an NPC who was resurrected as a zombie.
• Fixed an issue when a neutral NPC stays neutral after a player hits them by melee attack.
• Fixed an issue with some NPCs' broken arms while shooting.
• Generic improvement of combat experience and NPC pathfinding in big fights with lots of corpses.
• Fixed an issue when Player was able to kill the chimera with the help of carousel anomaly.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs would clip through objects and walls when shooting from covers.
• Minor improvements for peaceful behavior of NPCs.
• Fixed issue where NPCs wouldn't stop combat on emission start.
• Fixed an issue when some mutants couldn't jump off an obstacle.
• Fixed issue when NPCs were stuck after the end of emission.
• Fixed bandits' behaviour after emission ends during the mission Bullseye.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could teleport if the NPC couldn't build a route.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could stop talking to each other after loading a save.
• Fixed an issue when mutant dead bodies fly to a long distance from the places where they were killed by the shotgun.

And over 50 more minor “anomalies” were fixed.

Balance adjustments

• Increasing rewards for several missions.
• Fixed issue when artifacts with Physical Protection effect give maximum possible effect.
• Changed "Goldfish" artifact value to 14000 coupons.
• Fixed issue when player is able to have infinite coupons via selling and returning back any stackable consumable.
• Fixed infinite money exploit with splitting a stack of weapons from selling windows.
• Fixed issue when A-Life NPC's can be spawned dead with full clips of ammo.
• Increased Snork's abilities cooldown time by 30%.
• Gauss rifle damage was increased.
• Increased difficulty for the fight with {redacted].
• Recalculated rewards for the Harpy's missions.
• Fixed instant player death after getting almost full radiation bar.
• Fixed that Poltergeist and Burer do not deal damage with thrown objects in some cases.
• Removed the POS 8x scope from the assortment of several merchants.
• Tweaked damage from PSY fields.

With over 10 more minor fixes delivered.

Crash Fixes, Performance, and Optimization

• Investigated, and applied further improvements to dead zones and curves for gamepad movement, aiming and camera controls for a more smooth and controllable experience using sticks on controller.
• Performance improvements in largely populated areas of the map.
• Fixed performance drops on NVIDIA RTX 3000 series video cards with enabled FSR frame generation.
• Fixed issue with game freezing on exiting a tunnel during A Light in the End of the Tunnel mission.
• Fixed issue with not working Razer Kishi Ultra controller, which connected via Bluetooth or cable connection.
• Fixed issue where MSI Force Pro Wireless Controller didn't work via Bluetooth or dongle connection.
• Fixed issue when Xbox X/S controller didn't work via Bluetooth connection.
• Controller input improvements.
• Fixed issue with visual artifacts in In-Game UI with DLSS enabled.
• Fixed issue when building disappears in player's camera at Factory location.
• Fixed issue with a building near Yantar popping into Player's view while approaching it.
• Fixed fps drops that could be created by large amounts of water particles.
• Fixed fps drops during interaction with corpses in shallow water.
• Fixed multiple EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes.
• Fixed multiple Fatal Errors, Low Level Fatal Errors, and Assertion Failures.

Overall, over 200 crashes were investigated, and further fixes were implemented.


• Multiple improvements to facial animations and voiceover for both languages in several cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue with missing frames in several cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue with missing NPCs in several cutscenes.
• Fixed issue when main characters and NPCs can have idle behavior or detached parts of the body/equipment in several cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue with missing subtitles in several cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue with missing Haptic feedback in several cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue with the final cutscene not playing in The Eternal Shining mission.
• Fixed the issue where the cutscene at the end of the Back to the Slag Heap mission did not start.
• Fixed an issue with invisible [redacted] during the cutscene of In Search of a Guide mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player could die during the cutscene during the The Last Step mission.

Overall, over 80 cutscenes issues were addressed.

Interactable Objects

• Fixed an issue when the [redacted] was closed after loading save during Wishful Thinking mission.
• Fixed physics for ammo boxes and broken lamps.
• Fixed some issues where NPCs could get stuck in a doorway at different locations.
• Fixed issue where ladder descends, sound could loop and Players would clip through the ladder after climbing from it.
• Fixed sound on interacting with the dead body.
• Fixed issue where NPC touching the door during movement or combat caused the door shaking.
• Fixed that interaction hints for loot and pick-up bodies appeared at different distances from the body.
• Fixed the interaction prompt for healing being active when the player did not have medkit.
• Fixed the issue when some consumables could have been non-interactable.

And up to 20 other related issues were fixed.

Main Line Missions and Story Progression

• Fixed over 15 bugs related to the On the Edge mission, including issues when [redacted] dying after entering the Zalissya clubhouse, bugs that prevented the [redacted] from healing, allowed [redacted] and mutants to get inside the [redacted], and others.
• Fixed multiple issues with A Minor Incident mission, including an issue where journal stage [redacted] about the scientists was cancelled instead of completed after dialog with [redacted] if Player already had a mutant's collar, and bug with misleading marker in "Acquire the collar from the mutant" objective.
• Fixed multiple issues in the Visions of Truth mission, where [redacted] might not spawn if loading a previous old save, “anomaly” where [redacted] could become hostile to the Skif, bug where the Player couldn't start the dialogue with the [redacted], and other things.
• Fixed an issue when the player was unable to start dialogue with [redacted] after beating [redacted] squad during The Last Wish mission.
• Fixed an issue when Player could get a softlock by wounding [redacted] and making him hostile during The Last Wish mission.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] was leaving his place at the balcony while the player fought with [redacted] during The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue with [redacted] being stuck during [redacted] in The Assault on the Duga mission.
• Fixed an issue when the player was unable to help the soldier, surrounded by [redacted] during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue with [redacted] being dead at Quiet's camp during Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue when a player was unable to progress through the Subtile Matter mission if he looted mission items before the mission started.
• Fixed an issue with an absent [redacted] during An Act of Mercy mission.
• Fixed an issue with the [redacted] would remain closed during the mission Wishful Thinking.
• Fixed an issue when Player could get stuck in Ventilation under ARL building during Wishful Thinking mission, if headed there before talking to [redacted].
• Fixed an issue with [redacted] not giving the mission dialog after killing blind dogs in the Dogfight mission.
• Fixed the blocker where it was impossible to start the dialogue with [redacted] after turning off [redacted] during Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue with A Sign of Hope side mission being not available after completing Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] was missing from his mission location during or after emission if A Sign of Hope mission was completed.
• Fixed an issue with endless [redacted] spawn in Chemical Plant during Escape from the Cage mission.
• Fixed an issue where Player was not able to complete Explore Echo Station journal stage for Dead Frequency mission if [redacted] was found before getting intel from team Bravo.
• Fixed the stealth path to [redacted] during the King of the Hill mission.
• Fixed the issue where after [redacted], controls and horizontal camera movements are disabled after loading a save.
• Fixed the issue with the unskippable black screen after the ending cutscene in There and Back Again mission.
• Fixed the issue with absence of intro cutscene in There and Back Again mission.
• Fixed the blocking issue where the objective Talk to Warlock about Hamster could not be completed if the player killed [redacted] before speaking [redacted] during the On the Fire mission.
• Fixed an issue with the active Bandit Mayhem mission after Player returns cargo to [redacted].
• Fixed an issue when the body of [redacted] disappears when he is killed during summoning action.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] would become hostile after attacking [redacted] during Shift Change mission.
• Fixed an issue where users were able to access unintended areas at the Red Fortress location.
• Added armors with psi defence for the "Get Psi Armor" objective during Ad astra per aspera mission.
• Fixed issue with [redacted] standing idle at the pumping stations in Swamps region during Ad astra per aspera mission.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] were present in the Infirmary during the Happiness for Everyone mission.
• Fixed a softlock issue where Answers Come at a Price mission doesn't progress after [redacted] were killed after emission.
• Fixed the bug with [redacted] missing after [redacted].
• Fixed an issue where the Dark Times mission could not be completed after talking to [redacted] during the Emission.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] could spawn in the closed garage during the The Boundary mission.
• Fixed an issue that could cause [redacted] to disappear during a [redacted].
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] would not die after destroying the last monitor during a boss fight.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] could be missing at marker location if Emission starts while player approaches Answers Come at a Price mission location.

Overall, over 250 bugs and blockers were fixed in the Main Missions section.

Side Missions and Open World Encounters

• Fixed an issue when player could kill spectators during Arena fights on Rostok.
• Fixed an issue when enemies could leave the Arena during the emission mid The Freedom Colosseum mission.
• Improved balance for Arena fights on Rostok.
• Fixed an issue when the guide in Enerhetyk Palace of Culture Hub could be used after point of no return during Down Below mission.
• Fixed issue when [redacted] missions were uncompletable after the [redacted].
• Adjusted when [redacted] appears after Vadyk Firecracker starts playing the melody.
• Fixed situations when A-life NPCs killed Seryoga Root, Senya Noose and Haryk Jacket.
• Fixed NPC blocking the passage in some areas of 100 Rads Bar.
• Fixed Ward technician reputation.
• Fixed an issue when encounters with [redacted] at Agroprom Underground didn't start after completing In Search of Past Glory by Spark.
• Fixed an issue when the [redacted] gun remains as a mission item after killing the NPC that gives the mission to find it.
• Fixed the issue when NPCs from the Rookie Village are missing after the The Legends of the Zone mission.
• Fixed an issue when users can remain locked inside [redacted] when they shoot a [redacted] before the door closes.
• Disabled spawn of [redacted] before activation of [redacted] at SIRCAA.
• Fixed issue where encounter with begging Stalker wouldn't start after [redacted].
• Fixed some issues in dialogue with NPCs at the Chemical Plant.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] was teleported away from Player after getting reward from him at 100 rads Bar.
• Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze during the dialog in the mission A Matter of Honor.
• Fixed an issue where the player was not able to find encounter with [redacted] after the end of the All that is left mission.
• Fixed an issue where [redacted] could be missing at the The Sound of Music mission location after talking to them during the Emission.
• Fixed an issue where the player was not able to progress the missions from [redacted] after the end of the On the Edge Mission.

With over 100 more bugs fixed.

Open World Direction, Exploration, and Zone Experience

• Fixed that Lightning Ball sometimes gets stuck during movement in Opachychi village.
• Fixed that sometimes artifacts did not appear in arch anomalies.
• Improved dead bodies physics.
• Fixed when player's equipment was damaged while player was crouching in Razor.
• Fixed corpses disappearing issue.
• Fixed stretched texture on some trees in the open world.
• Fixed an issue with Toxic Cloud anomaly idle VFX.
• Fixed an issue with rat swarms spawning above the cave in Mist archanomaly.
• Fixed an issue when characters became wet in dry spaces after loading the last save.
• Fixed an issue with sharp weather changes present at 4:30 morning time and 23:59 night time.
• Fixed that Wandering lights anomaly doesn't always spawn its artifact.
• Fixed issue with Bulba arch-anomaly sometimes not appearing.
• Fixed issue with non-lootable corpses spawning at the border between Cordon and Lesser Zone regions.
• Fixed that player was unable to reach the artifact near "Abandoned Hamlet" on Swamps.
• Increase distance for combat barks.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck in a doorway during the emission in Zalissya hub.
• Fixed an issue where NPCs could spawn and get stuck on isolated surfaces (cars, boxes etc.).
• Improved bullet penetration visual effects.
• Improved cloth simulation for corpses of NPCs.
• Fixed issue with blood decals.
• Fixed an issue where far distance areas of the environment appeared too bright at night.
• Fixed an issue where Zombies' waking-up animation was restarted every time Player looked away.
• Fixed an issue where sometimes an emission started during a cutscene would not end.
• Fixed an issue where diggers around the Slag Heap did not stop being aggressive to Player after the end of combat.

And some other improvements.

Player Gear and Player State adjustments

• Fixed issue that helmets don't have Psi and Rad protection.
• Fixed issue with armors "SSP-100 Discovery" and "SSP-99 Ecologist" have no PSI protection.
• Fixed issue when players can not install Lead Container upgrade on PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit.
• Smoke was made less intense at shots from a weapon with silencer.
• Fixed broken arm during magazine attachment to machine gun.
• Fixed bullet visibility in magazine during reload.
• Added splashing sound for bolts hitting the water surface.
• Fixed an issue where empty shells were ejected instead of bullets when unloading after ammo type was changed.
• Improved interruption for animation sequences with weapon reload and consumable items usage.
• Fixed issue with bolt impact sound missing during long distance throws.
• Minor fixes for rifle scopes appearance.
• Fixed issue with items not being consumed when used via quick slot hotkeys.
• Fixed issue where main weapon upgrades were applied to installed underbarrel modules.
• Minor fixes for animations of jammed weapons.
• Fixed an issue when the player was able to equip the detector with the primary weapon simultaneously.
• The cause of death is now correctly displayed on the Death Screen.
• Fixed issue where Player would clip into the wall or other object while performing a melee stealth kill close to it.
• Fixed issue with VFX particles for psy phantoms missing, when shooting close to their models.
• Fixed an issue that could cause losing controls after playing guitar.
• Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited carrying capacity, upgrading unequipped armor.
• Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited stamina after starting dialog while crouched.

And over 50 other issues were addressed.

Player Guidance, Game Setting and Menus

• Updated in-game tutorials to improve first time user experience.
• Fixed an issue where the player would approach a mission location and new weapons would randomly spawn and equip in hand.
• Fixed an issue where the player is unable to swap compared weapons' positions while trading.
• Enabled upgrades for X7 suit.
• Added possibility to revert detachment of pre-installed modules in Upgrade menu.
• Added unique markers for mutants with electro collars.
• Reworked UI of system notifications for received items.
• Updated descriptions of multiple armor upgrades.
• Fixed issues where mission markers on NPC disappeared forever after NPC became hostile towards Player.
• Removed ability to trade with NPCs at Noontide base.
• Reworked a few UI elements in the Upgrades menu of the PDA.
• Reworked design for a few icons in the PDA menu.
• Fixed an issue where the upgrade tree UI changed its direction inconsistently after switching between different weapons.
• Fixed missing animation for ammo type change from gamepad.
• Fixed threat indication appearance after closing the main menu.
• Fixed missing mouse scroll sound in PDA.
• Fixed that output device option resets after restarting the client.
• Fixed issue when after loading a specific save file, a black screen appears.
• Removed redundant pop-up window on resetting settings to default.
• Upscaling quality settings in options were translated.
• Stashes marker color changed to violet.
• Fixed technicians not being able to install certain armor upgrades.
• Fixed that SSP-100 Discovery armor cannot be upgraded by any technician.
• Fixed an issue where consumables could not be applied via quick slots.
• Fixed issue where crosshair doesn't appear after reload if R button was pressed again.
• Fixed scrolling issue inside a note in PDA.
• Fixed an issue where the user would move slowly and was unable to sprint after loading a save file that was created when the user was leaning.
• Fixed issue with "HDR White Point" option.

And almost 100 other “anomalies” were fixed in this section.


• Fixed the issue when "The four Winds" achievement cannot be received.
• Fixed issue when "Bingo" achievement cannot be received.
• Fixed issue when players were unable to unlock achievements in the EGS store.


• Fixed the issue when the player was unable to load existing saves after the title and steam process was terminated unexpectedly.
• Fixed issue with missing save files after PC\Xbox hard reboot.

Other improvements

• Over 15 localization and voiceover updates.
• Over 40 audio adjustments and volume tweaks of various types.
• Over 20 improvements to some character and NPCs visuals appearance.

And over 500 fixes for

• Foliage.
• Texture flickering.
• Bugs in navigation meshes.
• Collisions.
• Errors in object positioning and contextual actions.
• VFX-related fixes.
• Non-destructible objects.
• And more.
Patch 1.0.3 (December 03, 2024)
Crashes and memory leaks

• Multiple LowLevelFatalError crash fixes.

Controls adjustments

According to your feedback, we adjusted following parameters/values to decrease input lag on keyboard+mouse input:

• Mouse Smoothing is disabled by default.
• Mouse Acceleration is disabled by default.

Additionally, default values of mouse sensitivity were updated to allow a predictable default experience for our players with new values of two parameters mentioned bellow:

• Camera sensitivity: 25%.
• Aim sensitivity: 15%.

Main and Side missions

• Fixed issue with [redacted] that were able to chase player outside [redacted] during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where the NPCs [redacted] would die after trying to enter a building during the mission On the Edge.
• Fixed issue with [redacted] which could despawn before player loots a collar from it during In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed issue with player potentially locking oneself during Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Fixed issue with [redacted] becoming hostile upon noticing a player [redacted] during King of the Hill mission.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] despawns in front of the player after the dialog in the bunker during A Heavy Burden mission.
• Fixed issue with NPC's despawning when player successfully finishes Legends of the Zone mission.


• Fixed an issue with mutant bodies stretching after a shot from an automatic weapon.
• Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to block the doors during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.


• Fixed issue with [redacted] not selling certain ammo types.


• Fixed issues with missing player saves after a hard reboot of the PC/Xbox.
Patch 1.0.542 (November 30, 2024)
• Fixed an issue when the second wave [redacted] would not spawn during the “On the Edge” mission, blocking further progression.
• Fixed the issue when [redacted] could be found dead during the “A Minor Incident” mission, blocking further progression.
• The fixed issue was a player could get stuck after installing the fuse in the Wild Island area if they got the [redacted] first during the “Just Like the Good Old Days” mission, blocking further progression.
• The fixed issue was when a player could not successfully complete the “All That is Left” mission while exploring the Chemical Plant region.
• Fixed issue when quest enemies could spawn in unreachable areas for a player during the “Down Below” mission, blocking further progression.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] could be missing during the “Visions of Truth” mission.
• A few more EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors are fixed.
Patch 1.0.523 (November 29, 2024)
AI fixes

• Fixed groups of NPCs getting stuck and dying near Shelter during active Emission.
• Fixed issue when Burer could drop any mission items out of the player's hands.
• Added missing sound effects for Burer’s 'Telekinesis' ability.
• Fixed issues with NPCs occasionally getting stuck and not reaching the mission location. This might have caused inability to interact with NPC or progress to the next mission stage due to idle behavior of mission NPC.
• Fixed issues with performance drops/potential out-of-memory crashes in hubs and locations crowded with NPCs during long play sessions.
• Fixed issue when NPCs would move to A-pose or start flying after death.
• Fixed issue when NPCs could not track whether a target in cover was covered from shots, which caused them to shoot into cover.

And other, more than 20 different issues with AI.

Optimization fixes

• Fixed issue with invisible NPC/Mutants appearing in FOV while the Player is scoping.
• Fixed fire visual effects that were not rendering at certain camera angles.

Also, we fixed approximately 100 different crashes, including potential memory leaks and EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION issues.

Audio & Sound fixes

• Fixed issue when combat music was still playing while combat was finished.

And 7 other minor audio & sound bugs.

Balance adjustments

• Weapons and armor repair cost is decreased.
• Significantly increased cost of artifacts (more revenue from selling).
• Money reward for most missions is increased from 2 to 3 times.
• Rookie difficulty armor and weapons buffs.
• Damage from mutants is moderately decreased on Rookie difficulty (more mutant health balance changes in Combat Balance section).
• Damage to player's weapon is decreased by 23 percent on Rookie difficulty.
• Armor durability is increased by 12.5 percent.
• Added silencer attachment for PTM to specific stash on Lesser Zone.
• Fixed sell prices for Exoskeletons, they are now more expensive to sell.
• Fixed sell price of upgraded weapons.
• Rebalanced Hercules consumable: player speed debuff removed; increased the effect parameters (now more weight could be carried by player after consuming).

Some additional minor bugfixes.

Combat Balance

• Reduced some mission items' weight (including weight of scanners)
• Slightly rebalanced Bloodsucker’s damage.
• Decreased Bloodsucker’s strike protection rank (more damage from guns).
• Reduced Boodsucker’s HP regeneration outside the combat.
• Controller HP is moderately reduced.
• Burer HP is moderately reduced.
• Boar HP is moderately reduced.
• Flesh HP is moderately reduced.
• Damage to Boar from headshots changed to 100% of body damage.
• Damage to Boar from shots to the limbs is increased.
• Damage to Flesh from shots to the limbs is increased.
• Significantly increased weapon melee distance.
• Slightly increased knife melee distance.

Gamepad Input

• Increased gamepad dead zones


• Fixed eyes and teeth on NPC models.
• Some minor fixes of NPC models and animations.


• Added missing footage to TV displays in the final cutscene.
• Fixed issue with deer animation in the opening cutscene.

And 20 other different bugs in the cutscenes.

Game Settings & Menus

• Adjusted unreadable text at the bottom of the Shader Compilation screen.
• Fixed issue with the 'Nvidia Reflex Low Latency' option not being saved on subsequent boots of the game.

And 10 more minor issues.

Interactable Objects

• Fixed physics issues with destructible and movable objects, including those floating in the air.
• Fixed interaction prompt with glass doors in SIRCAA’s inner yard, which caused a walkthrough blocker.
• Fixed missing inner doors in the X-11 laboratory elevator.

And more minor bugs.

Main and Side Missions

Resolved numerous mission blockers and bugs encountered under specific conditions. Key fixes include:

• Fixed missing interaction with dead Blind dogs in the Nightingale’s Hunt mission.

• Fixed uncompletable objectives in the Seek, and You Shall Find mission.
• Fixed multiple issues in the There and Back Again mission, including one where the artifact couldn’t be found.
• Resolved dialog loop with Zotov during the A Needle in a Haystack mission.
• Fixed progression blockers in the Answers Come at a Price mission, including issues with bandits after an emission and missing the Heavy Key item.
• Corrected mission markers for NPC locations in Hot on the Trail mission.
• Fixed door-related issues in the In Search of a Guide mission and The Side Hustle mission.
• Fixed issue when cutscene does not start during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed issue when Lodochka is missing in Quite's Camp during the Just Like the Good Old Days mission.
• Fixed an issue during Just Like the Good Old Days when Lodochka acts aggressively after bringing him the Emitter.
• It is now possible to turn off electricity in the flooded area during the To the Last Drop of Blood mission.
• Fixed multiple issues in the On the Edge mission, including idle NPCs, stuck doors, and the Monolith attack progression.
• Fixed progression blockers in the A Minor Incident mission, including issues with Bayun's collar and locked doors.
• Addressed performance drops and confusing objectives in the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed issues in the Visions of Truth mission, including stuck NPCs and blocked progression after dialogs.
• Resolved stuck cutscenes and blocked progression in the Dangerous Visitors, Gray’s Last Hunt, and The Eternal Shining missions.
• Corrected spawn behaviors for NPCs and enemies in The Boundary and Escape from the Cage missions.
• Tweaked missions like Down Below, Budmo!, and A Big Score to resolve stuck NPCs, misaligned markers, and missing dialog options.

And approximately 120 other issues within the main line, side missions, and encounters.

Open World Experience

• Fixed stretched or missing limbs on humanoid corpses.
• Fixed missing fast travel routes, including to the Concrete Plant for Toadstool.
• Resolved issues with loudspeakers, fast travel, and NPC interactions in various locations, such as the Scientists' Bunker, and Chemical Plant.
• Adjusted hostile NPC behavior during the Arena missions, including bandits’ tactics and increased ammo for the Tyrant fight.
• Corrected mission progression in the Black Sheep and The Key to Freedom missions.

And approximately 50 other issues were fixed.

Player Guidance, Gear, and Weapons

• Fixed a bug that allows to sell items to the trader for more money that they actually cost.
• Fixed input blocking issues with the PDA, inventory, and attachments when interacting with artifacts.
• Corrected flashlight behavior after saving/loading.
• Resolved issues with grenade type selection, compass marker overlaps, and missing mission markers.
• Fixed inconsistencies with weapon and armor upgrade effects, including pricing and upgrade reversals.
• Improved HUD behavior and prolonged the duration of "Point of No Return" hints during Down Below mission.
• Fixed a bug where player could sell mission items using gamepad.

And approximately 50 minor “anomalies”.

Voiceover and Facial Animations

• Restored missing facial animations for Sava in the Hot on the Trail mission and Mugwort in The Eternal Shining mission.
• Fixed missing voice lines during the Let No One Leave Unsatisfied mission.
• Corrected radio call effects so NPC voices properly reflect distance during communication.

And a couple more things are fixed.


• Fixed flickering textures in various locations, including the Sphere, Military Base and Chemical Plant.
• Resolved movement issues, including getting stuck in certain locations during missions like Once More Unto the Breach and A Tough Awakening.
• Corrected artifact spawn points in some areas.
• Fixed NPC behavior during encounters.
• Adjusted voice volume during storm weather for improved audio balance.

And approximately 50 more bugs.