Astaldo711: Well, I got the GOG version of Shadow of Chernobyl and then Complete and it works fine. Call of Pripyat, however, is another problem. For some reason, it keeps wanting to install to its own folder. I've found no option of directing it where to install. COP is installed in the default Gog Games folder. I'm going to try and moving the added folders over. If that doesn't work, I guess I only have vanilla COP.
Haven't tried Clear Sky Complete yet.
Hey, a little update from me. Finally finished COP vanilla, and then decided to try downloading and installing the Complete Mod. Pretty much went without a hitch on my Win10 machine. Firstly, I dlld the Call_of_Pripyat_Complete_v1.0.2_Setup.exe version, which auto-installs it right into the correct folder just by clicking on the exe. I noticed the manual install version must be...well, .installed *manually* by the user; which of course makes sense; but may cause problems for some folks?. Also, as suggested in the instructions, I made sure to right-click on the exe installer and select "Run as Administrator" when installing the Complete Mod. It also mentions that if you have just recently installed the COP vanilla game, you should first, start the game, let it run, and then exit the game *before* you install the mod. As I had already played through it vanilla style, this didn't really apply to me, but for someone who just installed the game, be sure to start it up at least once first. Here's the page I downloaded the version I installed with no problems for reference:
COP Complete Mod I have to say, I am glad I played through the Vanilla version first, but I am already thrilled with the improved graphic/visual enhancements right off the bat. It'll be nice to be able to grab some of the stashes that were bugged or unreachable (sometimes partly) as well. Hope you get it up and running...