In the main game folder, find the file called fsgame.ltx
Edit it so the line
$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
Instead says
$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
save and close the file.
In the main game folder, find or create a folder called gamedata
in the gamedata folder, find or create a folder called configs
In the configs folder, find or create a folder called misc
In the misc folder, find or create a file called effectors.ltx
Edit the effectors.ltx file so its contents are:
;No Headbob by PiIsARational, discovered by Paddywak
;; Actor Effector Section
run_amplitude = 0; 0.0075
walk_amplitude = 0; 0.005
limp_amplitude = 0; 0.011
cam_inert 0
run_speed = 10.0
walk_speed = 7.0
limp_speed = 6.0
duality_h = 0.01
duality_v = 0.01
blur = 0.01
gray = 0.5
noise_intensity = 0.01
noise_grain = 1
noise_fps = 30
color_base = 0.65,0.15,0.1
color_gray = 0.333,0.333,0.333
color_add = 0,0,0
time = 0.3
time_attack = 0.05 ; fade in
time_release = 0.25 ; fade out
; camera effects
ce_time = 0.65
ce_amplitude = 12.0
ce_period_number = 1.0 ;2.0
ce_power = 3.0 ;0.7
duality_h = 0.01
duality_v = 0.01
blur = 0.01
gray = 0.5
noise_intensity = 0.01
noise_grain = 1
noise_fps = 30
color_base = 0.65,0.15,0.1
color_gray = 0.333,0.333,0.333
color_add = 0,0,0
time = 0.3
time_attack = 0.05 ; fade in
time_release = 0.25 ; fade out
; camera effects
ce_time = 0.65
ce_amplitude = 12.0
ce_period_number = 1.0 ;2.0
ce_power = 3.0 ;0.7
effect_sect_name= effector_explode_hit
duality_h = 0.01
duality_v = 0.01
blur = 0.01
gray = 0.5
noise_intensity = 0.01
noise_grain = 1
noise_fps = 30
color_base = 0.00,0.00,0.00
color_gray = 0.33,0.33,0.33
color_add = 0,0,0
time = 3.3
time_attack = 0.4 ; fade in
time_release = 0.5 ; fade out
camera_move_epsilon = 0.03
disp_min = 0.00
speed_min = 0.000
zoom_aim_disp_k = 0.0
zoom_aim_speed_k = 0.00
delta_time = 2000
Save and close the file, launch the game. No more head-bobbing.
Post edited August 23, 2023 by FatherlyNick