RetroFan: Well, in my Case: NO Mod is working with mine gog-version of Stalker SoC. I can't run anything. I tried Autum Aurora 2 and it works so far, but when i start a new game, game is loading but crashing with Xr3D-Error. The same with Complete Mod.
You can and likely will still have crashes with any XRay game. But you can identify and either fix the problem or work around it in many cases with SoC vanilla and possibly ZRP.
First off, don't use items directly from corpses. Patch 1.0006 (currently used by GOG and Steam) introduced a "regression" that crashes the game when you do so, because you don't "own" the item you are using. Move the item you want to use to your own inventory first. An active workaround is forthcoming for ZRP to do this.
More importantly, when a game crashes or freezes you can get an abbreviated error message by pasting the contents of your clipboard (ctrl-V) into a text editor like Notepad, right after the crash. Try to do this even if the game won't start.
You might need additional error information; this can be found in your log file (unless it was a low-level driver crash that prevents the game from saving the log file). The last ten lines are the most useful in debugging the problem.
For very helpful details, including an explanation of most crash errors with causes and fixes or workarounds, see this page:
Crashes Still in the Patched Game (CSitG).
This even applies to mods like
Autumn Aurora. You can use
the AA FAQ to troubleshoot the most common crashes. The typical crashes-when-starting-a-new-game problem has been running in static lighting (DX8) after installing for dynamic lighting (DX9). A secondary crash cause is using ENB in Windows 10, which seems to be incompatible with ENB.
RetroFan: I gave it up and play Stalker SoC Vanilla. The only one Mod which is running fine is Anomaly. But it's stand-alone.
Lost ALpha is running so far good, but when i quit the gamr, screen freezes.
Anomaly is based on a revision of the leaked CoP source code which fixes quite a few problems in the original game engine, but it still inherits a lot of XRay's "quirks".
Lost Alpha might also have an error message on the clipboard or in the log file for the mod. Use the info listed in the CSitG link provided above for locating the log file for the mod.